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CCUACT Sanskrit Ter

Sanskrit Terms for ACT TT from ACT Manual

Sanchaya increase or accumulation
Prakopa aggravation or provoked state
Prasara overflow
Sthana samsraya relocation
Vyakti manifestation
Bheda diversification
Prashama decrease or alleviation
Jangala vata climates
Sadharana Pitta climates
Anupa Kapha climates
Antar marga inner disease pathway
Bahya marga outer disease pathway
Madhyama marga central disease pathway
Pancha Nidana five ways to knowing a disease
vikriti pariksha examination of disease
sama "with ama"
nirama "without"
amajvara "ama fever"
dhatu tissue
darshana observation
sparshana touch
prashnana questioning
Nadi Parkisha pulse diagnosis
gati movement
sarpagati snake-like movement (vata pulse)
mandukagati "movement of a frog" (pitta pulse)
hamsagati "movement of a swan" (kapha pulse)
Prakruti doshic constitution
Kaya chikitsa Internal Medicine
Shalakya tantra Head and neck disease
Shalya Surgery
Agada tantra Toxicology
Kaumara bhritya Pediatrics
Rasayana Rejuvenation
Vajikarana Fertility
Bhutavidya Psychology (Ayuredic)
Samkhya "the system of enumeration"
Tattva 24 cosmic principles
Prakruti or Pradhana primordial matter "first power of action"
Mahat "divine mind" cosmic intelligence
Buddhi individual mind or mahat
Ahankara I-fabrication
Tanmatra primal measure
Shabda Tanmatra Tanmatra of Sound
Sparsha Tanmatra Tanmatra of Touch
Rupa Tanmatra Tanmatra of Sight
Rasa Tanmatra Tanmatra of Taste
Gandha Tanmatra Tanmatra of Smell
Pancha Jnanendriyani Five Sense Organs
Pancha Karmendriyani Five organs of Action
Pancha Mahabhutani Five great elements
Purusha pure consciousness "indwelling being"
gunas "that which binds"
sattva clarity, purity, harmony
rajas change, passion, turbulence
tamas resistance, darkness, inertia
kama love
artha prosperity
dharma purpose
moksha freedom
mahabhutas five master elements
vata air, wind
prana life force
pitta to heal, cook or transform, fire
kapha "that which holds things together"
ruksha dry
laghu light
shita cold
khara rough
sukshma subtle
sara mobile or agitated
sasneha a little oil
tikshna sharp or penetrating
ushna hot
visrama unpleasant in odor
drava liquid
snigdha wet
quru heavy
sthira static, steady, or stuck
manda dull or slow
slakshna sticky
mridu soft
sthula gross
sandra dense
drava flowing
slakshna smooth
picchila cloudy
kathina hard
vishada clear
vayus winds
udana upward moving - ascending
samana balancing force
apana downward moving force - descending
vyana "diffusive" or pervasive force
sadhaka "to accomplish or realize
rasa plasma
rakta blood
mamsa muscle
meda fat
asthi bone
majja marrow and nerve
shukra reproductive tissue
prinana pleasure
jivana living
lepana binding
dharana support
purana contentment
garbhautpadana reproduction
shukra "seed" "luminous" planet Venus
sthayi stable
asthayi unstable
sveda sweat
mutra urine
purisha feces
tikshna agni high agni
manda agni low agni
vishama agni variable
sama agni balanced
jatharagni "agni in belly"
bhutagnis "five elemental fires"
dhatu agnis "the seven tissue fires"
srotas network of channels
pranavaha srotas channels that carry prana
annavaha srotas channels that carry food
ambhuvaha srotas channels that carry water
rasavaha srotas channels that carry plasma
raktavaha srotas channels that carry blood
Mansavaha srotas channels that supply the muscles
medavaha srotas channels that supply fat or adipose tissue
asthivaha srotas channels that supply the bones or skeletal system
majjavah srotas channels that supply the marrow and nerve tissue
shukravaha srotas channels that supply the reproductive tissue
svedavaha srotas channels that carry sweat
purishavaha srotas channels that carry feces
mutravaha srotas channels that carry urine
artavavaha srotas channels that carry menstrual fluid
stanyavaha srotas channels that carry breast milk
manovaha srotas channels that carry thought
sthula sharira physical or gross body
sukshma sharira subtle or astral body
bhakti yoga yoga of devotion
karana sharira subtler or causal
drishti seeing
shruti hearing
jnana yoga yoga of knowledge
annamaya kosha food sheath
pranamaya kosha breath sheath
manomaya kosha emotional sheath
vijnanamaya kosha intelligence sheath
anandamaya kosha bliss sheath
anna substance
prana energy
manas emotion
vijnana intelligence
ananda bliss
chit consciousness
sat being
satchitananda (being-consciousness-bliss)
paramatman higher or transcendent self
rashi purush "composite self"
purusha pure consciousness
maya magic or illusion
antahkarana "the inner organ"
anutva atomic
chala unstable or constantiy changing
sukshma most subtle form of matter
buddhimaya kosha aspect of mind that evaluates and makes decisions
ahankara I-former
prajnaparadha "a failure o wisdom"
ashtanga eight limbs
yama codes of behavior
ahimsa "nonviolence"
satya present-moment awareness
brahmacharya celibacy or control of sexual energy
brahman "unity consciousness"
achara "pathway"
astery honesty, state of self referral
aparigraha generosity
niyama internal dialogue of enlightened beings
saucha purity
santosha contentment
tapas discipline or austerity
svadhyana dedicated to the study of spiritual literature
ishware pranidhana surrendering to the divine
asana various yogic postures, seats
pranayama conscious breathing techniques
pratyahara control of the senses "sensory fasting"
dharana mastery of attention and intention
dhyana witnessing awareness
samadhi established in pure, unbounded awareness
chakras energy centers that serve a junction point between the body and consciousness
svadhisthana "self-abode" second chakra
manipura "the city of gems" third chakra
anahata "unstuck sound" fourth chakra
vishuddha "very pure" fifth chakra
ajna "command" sixth chakra
sahasra padma "thousand-petaled lotus" seventh chakra
nadis channels of the subtle body
srotas channels in the physical body
pingala solar nadi, red
chikitsa yoga therapy
pranamaya kosha pranic body
mudhura sweet
amla sour
lavana salty
katu pungent
tikta bitter
kashya astringent
virya foods intrinsic energy
vipaka post digestive effect of a taste
prabhava special action
satmya becoming of like nature
svedana oleation treatments
pancha bhuta vidya science of plants and berbs
tamas darkness
sattva clarity
rajas agitation
prakruti individual constitution
vikriti current state of health
trikatu "three spices"
pippali long pepper
avipattikar chuma various herbs and salts that counter acidity
brimhana tonification
rasayana rejuvenation
langhana "to lighten"
brimhana "to make heavy"
santarpana "gladdening"
asantarpana "discontenting"
sharmana palliation "calming or pacifying
shodhana purification
pancha karma "the five cleansing actions"
vamana therapeutic vomiting
virechana therapeutic purgation
basti medicated enemas
nasya nasal medications
rakta moksha therapeutic release of toxic bllod
shehana "oleation therapy"
pradhana karma primary practices
niruha basti cleansing enemas
nasya "what relates to the nose"
vikriti-Parujsga ascertainment of disease
Prakriti-pariksh ascertainment of constitution
ananda bliss
pratyaksha direct perception
anumana inference
aptopadesha instruction
pramana right knowledge
viparyaya false knowledge
vikalpa imagination
smriti memory
nidra sleep
Created by: chopracenter
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