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Psychology Chapter 1

Stack #47836

Psychologists who extend the principes of scientific phychology to practical problems on the world. Applied psychologists
Observable actions such as talking, moving about, gestures, and so on; can also refer to the activities of cells and to thoughts and feelings. Behavior
A school of psychology proposing that the only proper subject matter of psychology is observable behavior rather than immediate conscious experience. Behaviorism
The shift away from strict behaviorism, begun in the 1950s, characterized by renewed interest in fundamental problems of consciousness and internal mental processes. Cognitive revolution
The shared values, customs, and beliefs of a group or community. Culture
The idea that it’s useful to select information from several sources rather than to rely entirely on a single perspective or school of thought. Eclectic approach
The idea that knowledge comes directly from experience. (the mind-is-a-black-slate theory) Empiricism
A movement proposing that we’re born with mental processes and “software” that guide our thinking and behavior. These innate mechanisms were acquired through natural selection in our ancestral past and help us to solve specific adaptive problems. Evolutionary psychology
An early school of psychology who believe that the proper way to understand mind and behavior is to first analyze their function and purpose. Functionalism
A movement proposing that certain organizing principles of perception are innate and cannot be altered by experience. Gestalt psychology
An approach to personality that focuses on people’s unique capacity for choice, responsibility, and growth. Humanistic psychology
The contents and processes of subjective experience: sensations, thoughts, and emotions. Mind
The idea that some knowledge is innate, or present at birth. Nativism
Medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems. Psychiatrists
Freud’s method of treatment that attempts to bring hidden impulses and memories, which are locked in the unconscious, to the surface of awareness, thereby freeing the patient from disordered thoughts and behaviors. Psychoanalysis
The scientific study of behavior and mind. Psychology
Psychologists who try to discover the basic principles of behavior and mind. Research psychologists
An early school of psychology; the method in which people tried to understand the mind by breaking it down into basic parts, much as a chemist might try to understand a chemical compound. Structuralism
An early technique used to study the mind; systematic introspection required people to look inward and describe their own experiences. Systematic introspection
The essential characteristic of the scientific method. Observation
The three types of psychologists. Clinical, Applied, and Research
--- psychologists diagnose and treat psychological problems, or gives advice on how to relate better to others. Clinical
Nature (innate predisposition) works via nurture (experience) and vice versa - one can't happen without the other. (blank)
Established the first psychological labratory. Wilhelm Wundt
Great functionalist William James
Founder of behaviorism John Watson
First female president of the American Psychological Association Mary Whiton Calkins
The first woman to get a Ph.D. in psychology. Margaret Floy Washburn
Created by: melodious88
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