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6th Grade Geography

The meridian that measures zero degrees longitude and separates the Eastern and Western Hemisphere. Prime Meridian
The symbol on a map that shows the four cardinal and four intermediate directions. Compass Rose
The tool on a map that helps us to measure distance on a map. The Scale
The tool on a map that shows us what each symbol means. The Key or Legend
A book of maps. An Atlas
The meridian that measures 180 degrees and separates the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The International Date Line
The line of latitude that separates the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres Equator
The map that shows us how to get from one place to another using roads and highways. A Road Map
The map that shows towns, cities and country borders. (think political boundaries) A Political Map
The map that shows what the land looks like. (Think-its physical appearance) A Physical Map
The map that shows information about an area such as: rainfall, vegetation, population or products. A Special Purpose Map
The map that shows what the land looks like from the side view. A Profile map
How has geography shaped history? defined where settlements began and ended, influenced invasions and trade routes
Where does the word "geography" originate from? Latin (derived from the Greek) geographia meaning earth description.
Who was the first known person to use the term "geography"? Erathosthenes
What is cartography? The science or practice of drawing maps
Fill in the blank: All good maps have what three tools on them: _______, ________, _______. A scale, a Key and a Compass Rose.
Name the four Cardinal Directions north, south, east, and west
Name the four Intermediate Directions northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest
Who is the first civilization known to have drawn maps? Babylonians (Mesopotamians)
Why did ancient civilizations need maps and the study of geography? trade and governing of land/resources
What are the two main areas of geography? physical and human
What are the five themes of geography? Movement, Region (Human interaction with)Environment, Location and Place
What are the two types of location Absolute and relative
Absolute location uses what tools on a map? Lines of latitude and longitude
What is the degree measure of the equator? 0 degrees latitude
What is relative location? when a location is given as a comparison to something else
What is the difference between a globe and a map? A globe is a more accurate 3D view of the earth whereas a map is a flat 2D view that is distorted.
What is the Mercator Projection map? A view of the land that maintains the angles and shape of land masses but the proportions are wrong.
What is the Gall- Peters Projection map? A view of the land that is in better proportion but the land masses are stretched and distorted.
Why can maps control our perception of the world? Maps are often locally created and they reflect the biases in a culture.
What is a region? an area defined by certain similar characteristics such as physical, natural, human or cultural aspects
What are the three types of regions? formal, functional and perceptual
What is a formal region? a region with clear boundaries such as a state or country
What is a functional region? a region with a central place and the area it affects (Lakes Region)
What is a perceptual region? a region defined by common stereotypes (national sports team)
What does the geography theme of Place describe in an area? what the area is like to live in-physical features, human made features and landscape.
What does the geography theme of movement describe? how people, goods, information and ideas are moved in and out of a place
How do we describe goods coming in and leaving a place? imported and exported
How are ideas moved in and out of a place? through TV, radio, internet, books, telephone and people
What is globalization? movement between all people around the earth; sharing of ideas/culture creating an interdependence
What is push-pull theory? theory of migration that says people move because certain things in their lives "push" them to leave and certain things in a new place "pull" them.
What is the push factor? A social, political, economic or environmental force that drives people from a location.
What is the pull factor? A social, political, economic or environmental attraction to a new area that draws people from a previous location.
What is the Land Bridge Theory? theory of migration that explains how people crossed the Bearing Strait from Asia to N. America when it was a land bridge (Beringia) during the last Ice Age.
What are some ways that humans interact with the land? humans use the land (farming for example), humans adapt to the land (they change to meet their surroundings and they modify the land to fit their needs (build bridges/dams, etc.)
Created by: mdavis
Popular Geography sets



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