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MiddleEastVocab Game

Mandate A country placed under the control of another power by international agreement.
partition To divide a region into smaller parts.
Palestine An Arab region that was a land that Jews have lived 2,000 years ago.Is also called the Holy Land.
Holocaust The killing of millions of Jews in Europe by Hitler and the Nazis during World War 2.
Law of Return A law enactted in 1950 in Israel granting Jews anywhere permission to return to Israeland become a citizen.
fundamentalism Belief that religios rules should be strictly observed.
Zionism A movement that encouraged Jews to return to Palestine there homeland which thet called Zion.
palestinian People who lived in Palestine a stateless nation.
Israeli A person who is a inhabidant or is a native of Israel.
Persian Gulf War A 1991 war between the Us and Iraq becuase iraq invaded Kuwaait.
Invasion of Afgahnistan October 2001,the United States began bombing Taliban centers in Afgahnistan in response to the attack September 11,2001 of the World Trade Center.
Operation Iraqi Freedom The Us with the help of Britan Australia and other countrys invaded Iraq because they beileved Saddam Hussien the ruler of Iraq hid dangerous weapons.
Iran Iraq Wars War between Iran and Iraq that lasted 8 years that started when Saddam Hussien invaded Iran in 1980
West Bank An area on the west bank of the Jordan river, where Palestinians live.
Gaza Strip A small area of land on the western coast of Israel where Palestineans live.
refugee A person who lives there country because of persucution,war or disaster.
Arab An ethnic group of people who live on or once lived on he Arabian Peninsula.
Taliban A group of fundamentalist Muslims who took control of Afghanistan gov.
PLO The palestinian Liberation Organization formed in 1964 by palestinians who refused to reconized Israels right to exist.
Stateless nation A ggroup of people who have strong nationalistic feelings but do not have a country of there own.
Anti Semitism predujude toward or hatred of Jews.
Created by: zbunny
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