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Personality Chpt 8

dendrites nerve cell projections
axons pass the message on
hypothalamus under the thalamus, bottom center of the brain, connected to everything
hippocampus important for processing memories
cortex 6 layers with different functions
frontal cortex lies in the front, 2 frontal lobes crucial from human cognition moral reasoning and emotions
transcranial magnetic stimulation TMS electrical response in the brain using rapidly changing magnetic fields
electroencephalography (eeg) oldest technique, place electrodes to pick up electrical signals
magnetoencephalography (meg) uses delicate sensors to detect magnetic signals of brain
computed tomography (ct) images of brain structures
positron emission topography (pet) map of brain activity from radioactive shot
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) monitors magnetic pulses by oxygen in the blood
ascending reticular activating system (aras) eysenek gave it central role,regulates balance between exhibition and inhibition
amygdala small structure near the base of brain behind the hypothalmus
neocortex outer layer of the brain, left front right front, speech, planning, and interpreting
somatic maker hypothesis emotions enable people to make decisions that maximize good outcomes
corpus callosum connects two halfs of the brain and go front to back
anterior cingulate appears to be especially important for the experience of normal emotion
psychosurgery surgery done with the specific purpose of altering personality
neurons nerve cells
neurotransmitters communication between neurons
synapse what neurotransmitters travel across
hormones biological substances that affect the body in locations different than they were produced
central nervous system the brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system the neuronal networks that extend throughout the body
endorphins natural painkilling system
dopamine turns motivation into action, reward system
serotonin inhibition of behavioral impulses
adrenal cortex adrenal gland that sits on the kidneys
epinephrine throughout the body
norepinephrine in the brain
oxytocin promotes sociable behavior, relaxation
testosterone & estrogen sex hormone
cortisol response to stress
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