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Theories Test 1

Study for the midterm in SE 306

They judge their success on their students achievements Expert teachers
When studies are only based on observations, the results are expressed as descriptions
A statistical description indicating the direction and strength of a relationship correlation
A positive ________ between two factors indicates that the factors tend to increase or decrease together. correlation
Random assignments are most critical to what type of research. experimental
When the result of a research project is unlikely to have occured by chance it is reported as significant
Many educaators believe that the mark of an expert teacher is the ability to be reflective
The type of research that attempts to record what happens in classrooms without attempting to manipulate any variables is called _________ research. descriptive
The type of research that attempts to establish cause and effect relationships is a(n) ___________ study. experimental
Each person is given an equal opportunity to be in a treatment or control group by means of _______ sampling. random
Broad frameworks that attempt to explain relationships between sets of variables are called theories
Piaget's basic blocks of thinking and memory are schemes
Piaget called the the process of searching for a balence between cognitive schemas and environmental information equilibrium
The concept illustrated by a child that thinks that he gets more juce in his small cup that the half full larger cup is an example of a child who has not developed conservation
Hall mark of Piagets stage of formal operations? hypotheticla-deductive thinking
External support for helping children solve problems during problem solving Scaffolding
The area between the learner's current development level and the level of the learner cuould achieve with some support from a capable peer or adult. Zone of Proximal Development
According to Piaget, when environmental events cause changes in existing schemas, ______occurs. accommodation
"Out of sight, out of mind" describes the behavior of children who have not acquired object permenence
According to Ericson, the main conflict for adolescents involves the search for Identity
People who have a positive self-concept are said to have high self esteem
Whether of not a student cheats on a test or research paper in school depends of the particular situation
Teachers who observe children with frequent severe bruises and other signs of physical and behavioral trama should be alerted to the possibility of child abuse
The inability to do something specific disability
A disadvantage in certain situations handicap
the theory that defines intellignece as encompassing at least 8 separate kinds of intelligence was proposed by Howard Gardner
When students with exceptional qualities participate in typical subject matter lessons in regular classrooms it is called: inclusion
When students with exceptional qualities participate in a mix of selected subject matter classes and special education classes mainstreaming
A disorder that affects an individual's ability to focus on tasks or to be patient Attention Deficit Disorder
Classrooms in which teachers of students with disabilities and teachers of other students are involved in cooperative teaching is called a(n) ___ classroom. inclusive
The largest categories of students with disabilities consists of students with learning disabilities
Students who continually move about and do not sit still for any length of time are described as hyperactive
Last part of brain to develop frontal lobes
Genetically programmed,naturally occuring changes over time. maturation
Intensive study of one person or one situation case study
Autonomy Independance
His stage theory was based on the formation of personal identity Ericson
Established the social-cultural theory of learning Vygotsky
Mental efficiency, non-verbal abilities grounded in brain development Fluid Intellignece
Ability to apply culturally approved problem solving methods Crystallized Intelligence
His theory was that people create knowledge from direct experiences. Piaget
Created by: Albie
Popular Psychology sets




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