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Wellness Test # 2

Testing on chapters 4 - 7

5 Components of Fitness Cardiovascular/CardioRespiratory Endurance, Flexibility, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Body Composition
What is Cardoirespiratory Endurance? maximum oxygen uptake (V02 Mas; ml/kg/min)
The greater your CR endurance is.. the greater your V02 Mas will be!
What influences your CardioResp. Endurance? Activity level, age, genetics
Tests that you perform to check CR Endurance.. Step Test, 1 mile run, treadmill
Define Aerobic Exercise Contiuous exercise with large muscle groups
Benefits of Aerobic Exercise CV system is healthier, lowers Resperations BP resting HR and cholesterol, benefits immune system, improves mood and cognitive function such as sleep!, improve body comp., decreases risk of chronic diseases (osteoporosis, dabetes, etc.)
FITT means: Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type --- this applies to Aerobic Exercise only!!!
Frequency of Exercise: 5-7 times per week
Intensity of Exercise: moderate 60-80% of Target Heart Rate
Time: 20-60 minutes (depending on current activity level)
Type of Exercise: Aerobic Exercise
Characteristics of Aerobic Exercise 1. Rhythmic in Nature 2. Continuous 3. Large Muscle Groups are worked
Rate of Perceived Exertion based on a scale 1-10, 10 at highest intensity.
10,000 steps per day is equal to __ miles and ___ calories burned. 5 miles, 2000 cals
Karvonen Formula 220 - AGE (- RHR) = MHR, MHR x % intensity (+ RHR) = Target HR!!!
Benefits of Weight Training build muscle, lose weight, gain weight, tone, flexibility, balance, bone strength
weight training cautions Risk for Injury, sometimes people do not practice a complete exercise program, equipment usually needed
Name the two types of muscles slow twitch and fast twitch
How is muscle type determined denetically determined
Slow twitch: highly aerobic capacity, no power: muscular endurance
Fast twitch: Powerful, generate force more quickly but fatigue easier: muscular strength
Reminder about muscle fibers!! You can train to recruit more of a specific muscle fiber to do what you want to do!
Agonist muscle is: flexed muscle
Antagonist muscle is: relaxed muscle. If you flex your bicep, the bicep is the agonist and the tricep is the antagonist.
How to inprove muscular fitness: muscle fiber recruitment, temporary muscular weakness (chose wts based off your 1 rep max., hypertrophy (^ muscle fibers), atrophy (decrease muscle fibers (shrink)), gender: men more likely to increase size or hypertrophy or muscle.
isotonic (dynamic) exercise most popular resistance training; same tension
two type of movement with isotonic exercise: concentric movement (the flex); eccentric movement (the extend)
isometric (static exercise) same length; plank, wall-sit, picking up the couch and holding
isokinetic same speed
Sequence of resistance training larger muscles first
form prevent injury
muscle balance important to know that posture changes and can cause injury
breathing exhale on exertion
FITT principal: 2-3 days a week (for resistance traiing only)!!
recommendations to improve health and fitness: 1-2 sets/ 8-12 reps/ 1 min rests in between
recommendations to improve muscular strength: 1-3 sets/ 5-8 reps/ greater rest period 80-90% of RM
recommendations to improve muscular endurance: 1-3 sets/ 20 reps
Fitness seen in men: 30% greater strength, higher blood volume, and higher hgm level..... vigorous exercise will decrease testosterone level
Fitness seen in women: 20% lower 02 uptake due to physiological size of heart which is smaller in women. More body Fat Less tolerance to heat than men do
Fitness seen in men and women: Bone density increases, decreased RHR, decreased body fat, and increased muscle gain
Femal Athlete Triad osteoporosis (reduced bone mass); amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycle at least 1 year); disordered eating habits
Exercise Addict All free time consumed by exercise, the more the better, withdrawal symptoms
Cold conditions hypothermia, dehydration, frostbite
Hot conditions heat exhaustion, heat cramps (spasms in the leg from heat), heat stroke
What to do with a heat cramp? Apply direct pressure, stretch, and increase electrolytes
What is heat exhaustion? increased pulse, clammy skin, dehydration, electrolytes needed
What is heat stroke? decreased sweat, increased core body temp
How to prevent heat cramps, exhaustion, or strokes? avoid peak hours, hydrate, wear light colored clothing
Drugs that affect Performance Steroids: artificial testosterone, increase muscle strength Amphetamines: stimulate CNS, increase HR and increase energy! Diuretics: helps with weight loss Caffeine
Reasons for injury overuse, improper form, improper footwear, weakness/inflexibility
PRICE means: Protect from injury, Rest 24-72 hours, ice 30 mints (on) 15 mins (off), Compress, and Elevate
Lower Back Pain? What do you do? Stretch, lift with your legs, manage weiht, balance your workout between the abs and back.
What is flexibility? the ability of a joint to move freely through its full range of motion.
What influences it? It tends to decrease with age, diuse, injury, excessive body fat, and muscle imbalances
Benefits of Flexibility decrease pain, enhance movements, decrease risk for injury, recover from injury, enhance athletic performance, preventing age-declining inflexibility, decreases muscle soreness, it FEELS GOOD!
What affects flexibility? Joint Structure, inactivity, muscle temperature, age, genetics, gender, obesity, injury or scar tissue, neural factors, soft tissues
Types of Flexibility Static and Dynamic
Static Stretching ROM acheived through slow controlled stretching; most recommended and used
Dynamic Stretching ROM is acheived thru moving limb to its limits in a ballistic fashion.; assoc with ^ muscle soreness and stretch reflex; not recommended in personal fitness programs
Active stretching your own muscle forces the stretch
Passive stretching someone else (or something else) helps to assist with a stretch
FITT principal: for stretching F: 2-3 days a weeks I: slightly beyond the normal range of motion to the point of tension T: 10 - 30 seconds static hold at least 3-4 times each. 8-12 different stretches to inclue all major joint of the body
Guidelines to stretching! Warm-up first, stretch to prepare for activity, cool down stretch is most beneficial, stop at the point of discomfort, DO NOT bounce, strive for muscular balance.
Progressive Overload improvement in joint ROM by elastic and plastic elongation
Specificity Specific to each joint
Reversibility ROM will decrease overtime with non use
Balance Work to improve felxibility differences on the body
PNF Partner Assisted Stretching Proprioseptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) uses the nervous and muscular systems to facilitate stretching! Uses inverse stretch relax to relax target muscle.
How to do the PNF stretch: 10-30 sec static stretch, contract muscle for 6 sec to product fatigue, then relax to let a partner stretch you for 10-30 sec
Created by: Sarahmarie001
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