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Psychology Week 1

Definition of Psychology The scientific study of behavior and mental process
Behavior (def) Anything we do i.e. talking, sleeping,blinking, reading, etc.
Mental process (def) Private, internal experiences i.e. dreaming, thinking, blinking, reading
Critical Thinking (def) objective evaluation, comparison, analyzing, and synthesizing information
We only use 10% of our brain (True or False) False
Most brain activity stops during sleep (True or False) False
Police departments often use psychics to help solve crime (True or False) False
Punishment is the most effective way to permanently change behavior (True or False) False
Eyewitness testimony is often unreliable (True or False) True
Polygraph tests can accurately and relably reveal whether a person is lying (True or False) False
People who threaten suicide seldom follow through with it (True or False) False
People with schizophrenia have two or more distinct personalities (True or False) False
Similarity is one of the best predictors of long term relationships (True or False) True
As the number of bystanders increases, the chance of getting help decreases (True or False) True
Pseudopsychologies (def) Give the appearance of science, but are false
List the pseudopsychologies Psychics, Mediums, Palmistry, Psychometry, Psychokinesis, Astrology
What is a psychic? A person sensitive to nonphysical or supernatural stuff
What is a Medium? A channel of communication between earth and spirits
What is palmistry? Reading a future or character by palm lines
What is psychometry? Determining facts about an object by handling it
What is psychokinesis? Moving objects with your mind
What is astrology? Stars and planets supposedly determine personality and state of affairs
What are the 4 basic processes to psychology? Description, Explanation, Prediction, and Change
Description is? "What" occured...naming and classifying behavior by observing
Explanation is? "Why" a behavior/mental process occured
Nature-Nurture controversy Are we controlled by genetics or environment and learning
Interactions (def) Multiple factors influence one another and the outcome
Prediction is? Identifying the condtions under which a future behavior or mental process is likely to occur
Change is? applying psychological knowledge to prevent unwanted outcomes or bring about desired goals
What is the difference between psychiatry and psychology? Psychiatrists are M.D.s and can prescribe medications; Psychologists are PhD, PsyD, or EdDs.
Neuroscience/Biopsychology (def) How physical/chemical process affect structure/function of Brain and N.S.
Clinical Psychology (def) Evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of mental/behavioral disorders
Cognitive Psychology (def) "Higher" mental process i.e. thought, memory, creativity
Counseling psychology (def) Work w/less disturbed people, more career and vocational oriented
Developmental psychology (def) Studies course of growth/development
Educational/School Psychology (def) Promotes intellectual, social, and emotional development of children
Experimental Psychology (def) Examines learning, conditioning, motivation, emotion, sensation, and perception
Forensic Psychology (def) Legal stuff i.e. jury selection, profiling, etc.
Gender/Cultural Psychology (def) How men and women of different cultures are similar or different
Health Psychology (def) How biological, psychological, and social factors affect health
Industrial/Organizational Psychology (def) Applies principles to workplace (HR)
Social Psychology (def) Investigates social forces and behavior i.e aggression, prejudice, love, conformity
Top 3 psychology degrees are in which specialties? Clinical (53%), Counseling (11%) and "Other" (17.9%)
Who is the "father of psychology"? Wilhelm Wundt
What book did the "father of psychology" write? Principles of Physiological Psychology
Introspection (def) Study of how we form sensations, image, and feelings
What is structuralism? Trying to identify the structures of the mind, became a model for studying mental process.
Who created structuralism? Edward Titchener (stole Wundts idea from Germany)
What is functionalism? Studying how the mind functions to adapt humans and nonhumans to their environment. Influenced by Darwin
Created by: mrsbcni
Popular Psychology sets




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