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NPTE: Research

Properties of Research Design

Define Validity Refers to extent test, instrument, or procedure accurately measures what is supposed to be measured
Define Intertester Reliability Deals with two or more different testers, has to do with consistency of measuring device or procedure
Define Intrarater Reliability Occurs when the same tester tries to replicate measurements, obtain similar results
Define Independent Variable Variable being manipulated by the researcher within the study
Define Dependent Variable Variable being measured to determine the outcome
Define Sensitivity Measures the validity based on probability someone will test positive for condition that they have (SnOUT)-A Negative result rules out dx; low Likelihood Ratios
Define Specificity Measures validity of probability someone will test negative for condition they do not have (SpIN); A positive result rules in dx
A rejection of the null hypothesis means... a significant difference between groups was observed.
Failure to reject the null hypothesis means... no significant difference between groups was found
Define T-test Statistical test used to determine if there is a difference btw 2 groups; only used if there is one dependent & one independent variable in study
Define Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) A statistical test used to determine if there is a difference btw 3 or more groups; can analyze 2 or more independent variable and any interaction btw them
Chi Square Test Tells researcher if observed pattern,trait, or distribution is different than what would have been expected by chance alone; often used in genetics or pop stats
Things included in an Informed Consent Info about what is going to take place, Any risk to ind & measures taken to reduce risks, possible benefits, ethical disclosure
Define Standard Deviation Measures the variability of the study; larger deviation=greater variability of scores/data
P values are often set at... .05 or .01
Define Statistical Significance The probability or level of confidence as to whether or not the results of experiment happened by chance
Construct Validity refers to the extent to which operationalizations of a construct (e.g. practical tests developed from a theory) do actually measure what the theory says they do
Content Validity a non-statistical type of validity that involves “the systematic examination of the test content to determine whether it covers a representative sample of the behavior domain to be measured”
Face Validity an estimate of whether a test appears to measure a certain criterion; relates to whether a test appears to be a good measure or not
Criterion Validity involves the correlation between the test and a criterion variable (or variables) taken as representative of the construct.
Concurrent Validity refers to the degree to which the operationalization correlates with other measures of the same construct that are measured at the same time.
Predictive Validity refers to the degree to which the operationalization can predict (or correlate with) other measures of the same construct that are measured at some time in the future.
Created by: zimrizzle
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