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PHM1000 De More1

PHM1000 Pharmacy Technician Chp 1, Pharmacy & Health Care De More

Shen Nung 1st practictioners or "trial and error" drug testing of herbs (365) used in health treatment.
Aesculapius Greek god of medicine
Hippocrates Approached the study of medicine with an approach grounded in scientific reasoning and patient observation.
King Mithridates of Pontos Practiced and early form of immunization by slowly injesting various poisons to build tolerance to to them.
Papyrus Ebers 1100 page scroll that dates back to 1500 BC. Includes 800 prescriptions using 700 drugs.
Imhotep First physician known by name. 3000 BC.
Dioscorides Wrote the De Materia Medica, five books describing over 500 plants & their healing properties.
Galen Believe in Theory of Four Humours. Man needed each to be in balance to be in good health. Advocated bleeding to balance the humours. (Blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm)
Charaka Wrote the Charaka Samhita, first bokk of Indian medicine; described 500 herbal drugs.
Paracelus Credited with firmly establishing the use of chemistry to create medicinal drugs. Also created laudenaum.
William Withering Published study on the use of the foxglove plant and the drug it contained (digitalis) for treatment of heart disease.
Frederich Serturner German pharmacist who firts extracted morphine from opium
Ether First general anesthetic used. First publicized use in Boston, 1846.
Louis Pasteur Experiments showed microorganisms cause food spoilage, which proved influential on the acceptance of germ theory. Germ theory - theory that microorganisms cause disease.
Cocaine First local anesthetic; used by Carl Kolle rin 1884.
ASA Aspirin, acetylsalacylic acid. In 1899 developed for widespread use (instead of salycilic acid of the willow tree, which was difficult to cultivate/use/distribute)
Banting and Best Instrumental in demonstrating the effective use of pork insulin in patients with diabetes (Type 1/Juvenile/Insulin dependant). Extracted from pigs and used in dogs to control blood sugar levels.
Alexander Fleming Discovered a fungus which produces a chemical that kills bacteria. Named the chemical penicillin, the first antibiotic. Credited as a factor in reducing the amount of disease related deaths in World War II compared to the US Civil War and World War I
Watson and Crick First identified the structure of DNA, the basic component within a cell that contains genetic code.
Jonas Salk Developed a refined injectable polio vaccine, 1955.
Birth Control Pill Introduced in 1960
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS; First documented case in 1981
azidothymidine AZT; First drug approved by FDA for AIDS treatment.
Human Genome Project 1988; Goal is to map the entire DNA sequence in the human genome.
77.9 As of 2007, the average human life span in the United States
64% Percentage increase in the US life span
1,500% Percentage increase in health care costs from 1970 to 2000
Jesuits Powder Quinine; used to treat malaria.
antibiotic substance which harms or kills microorganisms like bacteria and fungi
antitoxin substance that acts against a toxin in the body
data information entered into and stored in a computer system
hormones chemicals produced by the body that regulate body functions and processes
human genome complete set of genetic material contained in a human cell
materia medica pharmacology; drugs in use
panacea a cure-all
pharmaceutical of or about drugs; also, drug product
pharmacognosy study of physical, chimical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources
pharmacology study of drug properties, uses, application and effects
pharmacopeia an authoritative listing of drugs and issues related to their use
synthetic combining simpler chemicals into more complex ones, creating a new chemical not found in nature
Computer Systems can be used for patient profiles, billing, inventory, counseling/education, security, pricing, Dr. profiles, product selction, allergy/medication reviews; tailored to needs of pharmacy.
Created by: MrsAFlaherty
Popular Pharmacology sets




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