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face-skin disorders

what is an ulcer? an open lesion on the skin or mucous membrane of the body, accompanied by the pus and loss of skin depth.
what is milaria rubra? prickly heat: acute inflammatory disorder of the sweat glands, characterized by the eruption of small red vesicle and accompanied by burning itching skin. It is caused by exposure to excessive heat.
what is hyperhidrosis? excessive sweating cause by heat or general body weakness. Medical treatment is required.
what is steatoma? sebaceous cyst or fatty tumor.
What is Rosacea? chronic congestion appearing primarily on the cheeks and nose, characterized by redness, dilation of the blood vessels and the formation of papules and pustules.
what is seborrhea? skin condition caused by an abnormal increase of secretion from the sebaceous glands.
what is milia? small whitish, pear like masses in the epidermis due to the retention of the sebum; also called white heads
what are comedones? black head; worm like mass of hardened sebum in a hair follicle.
what is a scar (cicatrix)? light-colored, slightly raised mark on the skin formed after an injury or lesion of the skin that has healed.
what is a scale? any thin plate of epidermal flakes dry or oily. ex. abnormal or excessive dandruff.
what is a keloid? a thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue.
what is a fissure? a crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis. Ex. chapped hand or lips.
what is Exoriation? a skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scraping.
what is crust? dead cells that form over a wound or blemish while it is healing; an accumulation of sebum and pus, sometimes mixed with epidermal material. ex. scab
what is wheal? an itchy, swollen lesion that lasts only a few hours; caused by a blow, the bite of an insect, urticaria (skin allergy), or by the sting of a nettle. ex. hives and mosquito bites
what is urticaria? a skin allergy
what is a vesicle? a small blister or sac containing clear fluid, lying within or just beneath the epidermis poison ivy and poison oak for example produce vesicles.
what is a tumor? a swelling; an abnormal cell mass resulting from excessive multiplication of cells varying in size, shape and color. Nodule also referred to as tumors but are smaller.
what is a tubercle? an abnormal, rounded, solid, lump above, within, or under the skin; larger than a papule.
what is a pustule? an inflamed pimple containing pus.
what is a papule? a pimple; a small circumscribed elevation on the skin that contains no fluid but may develop pus.
What is a macule? a spot or discoloration on the skin such as a freckle, macules are neither raised nor sunken.
what is a cyst? a closed, abnormally developed sac, containing fluid, semi-fluid or morbid matter, above or below the skin.
What is a lesion? injury or damage that changes the structure or tissues or organs.
what is bulla(e)? large blister containing a watery fluid; similar to a vesicle but larger.
what is bromhidrosis? foul smelling perspiration, usually noticeable in the armpits or on the feet.
what is basal cell carcinoma? most common and least severe type of skin cancer; often characterized by light or pearly nodules.
what is asteatosis? a condition of dry scaly skin due to a deficiency or absence of sebum, caused by old age and by exposure to cold.
what is anhidrosis? deficiency in perspiration, often a result of fever or certain skin diseases.
what is albinism? congenital leukoderma or absence of melanin pigment of the body, including to skin, hair, and eyes.
what is acne? skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands from retained secretions.
what is a stain? abnormal brown or wine colored skin discoloration with a circular and irregular shape.
what is a tan? change in pigmentation of skin caused by exposure to the sun or ultra violet rays.
what is vitiligo? milky-white spots (leukoderma) of the skin; acquired condition.
what is a hypertrophy? abnormal growth of skin.
what is keratoma? acquired superficial thickened patch of epidermis commonly known as callus caused by pressure or friction on the hands or feet.
what is a mole? small, brownish spot of blemish on the skin ranging in color from pale, tan, to brown or blueish black.
what is a skintag? a small brown or fleshed colored out growth of the skin.
what is a verruca? technical term for wart; hypertrophy of the papillae and epidermis.
what is Malignant Melanoma? most serious form of skin cancer' characterized by black or brown patches on the skin that may appear uneven in texture, jagged, or raised.
what is squamous cell carcinoma? type of skin cancer more serious that basal cell carcinoma; often characterized by scaly red papules of nodules.
what is retinoic acid? retin-a; prescription for acne.
what is nevus? small or large malformation of the skin due to abnormal pigmentation or dilated capillaries; common name birthmark.
what is leukoderma? skin discoloration by light abnormal patches; caused by a burn or congenital disease that destroys the pigment producing cells. it is classified as vitiligo and albinism.
what is lentigines? technical term for freckles. small yellow to brown colored spots on skin exposed to sunlight and air.
what is chloasma? condition characterized by increase pigmentation on the skin in spots that are not elevated also called moth patches or liver spots
what is psoriasis? skin disease characterized by red patches covered, with white silver scales usually found on the scalp, elbows, knees, chest, and lower back, rarely on face
what is herpes simplex? fever blister or cold sore; recurring viral infection.
what is eczema? inflammatory painful itching disease of the skin, acute or chronic in nature, presenting many forms of dry or moist lesions.
what is dermatitis? inflammatory condition of the skin. the lesions come in various forms, such a vesicles or papules.
Created by: 759130252
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