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Cardio exam1

Cardiovascular examination 1

impaired fasting glucose fasting blood glucose of ≥ 110 mg/dL
obesity BMI of ≥ 30kg, or waist girth of >100 cm
high serum HDL cholesterol > 60 mg/dL
palpation of pulses 30 secs with regular rhythm, 1-2 mins with irreg
apical pulse/PMI 5th interspace midclavicular vertical line
brachial pulse best in infants
radial pulse most common monitoring site
(N) adult HR 70 bpm; range 60-80 bpm
(N) newborn HR 120 bpm; range 70-170 bpm
tachycardia >100 bpm
bradycardia <60 bpm
irregular pulse variations in force and frequenc; may be due to arrhythmias, myocarditis
weak, thready pulse stroke volume, cardiogenic shock
bounding, full pulse shortened ventricular systole and decreased peripheral p°; aortic insufficiency
aortic valve 2nd (R) ICS, sternal border
pulmonic valve 2nd (L) ICS, sternal border
tricuspid valve 4th (L) ICS, sternal border
bicuspid valve 5th (L) ICS, midclavicular area
S1 sound "lub" (N) closure mitral &tricuspid valves; beginning of systole; dec in 1st degree heart block
S2 sound "dub" (N) closure aortic & pulmonic valves; end of systole; dec in aortic stenosis
S3 sound assoc with ventricular filling; occurs soon after S2
S3 sound congestive (LV) heart failure in older individuals
S4 sound assoc with ventricular filling and atrial contraction; occurs just before S1
S4 CAD, MI, aortic stenosis, or chronic HPN
systolic murmur bet S1 & S2. may be normal or may indicate valvular dse (mitral valve prolapse)
diastolic murmur bet S2 and S1. Usu indicates valvular dse
thrill ab(N) tremor accompanying a vascular or cardiac murmur; felt on palpation
bruit adventitious sound or murmur (blowing sound) of arterial or venous origin
bruit common in carotid or femoral arteries; indicative of atherosclerosis
Created by: bluepunkstar
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