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sharedtalk 201-250

chat vocab; from my chatting experience

fare una fatica to make an effort
digerire digest
Sto allenando per essere pronto per la prova costume. I'm getting in shape to look good in a bathing suit.
difetto defect
domandarsi se [2] to wonder if/whether
domandarsi di to wonder about
Fottítene! [2] Screw/Fuck it all! [very vulgar]
condivídere to share
sparaguare beat, defeat; route
oltrepassare surpass
impaurire to scare / frighten
impaurirsi to be scared
inteRRompere / interroto to interrupt / interrupted
cerco solo di V I'm only trying to V
caraTTere [3] characteristic, character, trait
morso bite
scorciatoia short cut
il condizionatore the A/C machine
capivo I manage
scioltezza [3] ability; suppleness, ease
tesi [f.inv.] thesis
sobrio/a sober
costa pur un occhio della testa it costs an arm and a leg
stazza tonnage
idem ditto
deprimente depressing
scioperare, fare sciopero [2] to strike, to go on strike [2]
sciopero strike [the noun]
doppio senso double meaning
che mi sfugge that eludes me, that I am missing
Macchè! [2] Not at all! Certainly not!
invidioso/a envious
soglia doorstep, threshold
otturazione dental filling
lince lynx
mi rIferisco a I am referring to
Mascalzone! Rascal!
menomare [2] to maim, to disable
daNNeGGiare to damage
ignoto/a [as noun] unknown [2] [noun]
ignoto/a [as adj] unknown [adj]
sono circondato da... I am surrounded by...
...che non ha(nno) niente a che fare con... ...that have nothing to do with...
è sia A sia B it's both A and B
difatti [2] in fact, as a matter of fact
disquizione [f] detailed analysis
ovvero,... / ossia... [2] that is, to be precise [2]
ovvio/a obvious
oziare to laze around
[as conj] ovvero / oppure [2] or, or else [2]
Created by: abq
Popular Italian sets




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