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DBT-DT Examples

Examples of Distress Tolerance Skills

Getting still, closing your eyes and going to the beach Imagery
Becoming aware of being in the presence of a higher power Prayer
When I breath in I do a quick body scan and when I breath out I send the stress down my body through my legs into the ground. Relaxation
I crochet, and stay focused on my hand. When my mind wanders, I bring it back to crocheting. One thing in the Moment
I have learned that every difficulty I face, helps me to have more compassion for others. Meaning
Deciding to spend 2 hours, unplugging/ turning off the phone and curling up with a good book miniVacation
I keep thinking "I can handle this!" self Encouragement
I can use this to make me a better person. (and turn my mind away from the source of this hardship) Meaning
Calming down and unwinding Relaxation
Taking a super slow walk across the room and back, feeling every part of my body move, each part of my foot hit the ground, feeling my weight shift. Focusing ONLY on walking mindfully Onemindfully
Reminding myself of previous successes self Encouragement
When in public and distressed, going to the bathroom and saying the Serenity Prayer over and over asking for wisdom, courage and acceptance Prayer
In detail recalling my favorite place Imagery
Taking the afternoon off from worrying miniVacation
Go fishing Activities
Write a note of appreciation to someone Contributions
Reading a true crime story and being grateful to be alive Comparisons
When feeling ashamed, watch a movie that is a love story or a comedy other Emotions
I imagine loading my problems into a rocket,seeing the rocket fire up and launch into the heavens - then when the thought comes back, I remember that I launched it earlier Pushing Away
I like to do word searches Thoughts
I go work out intense Sensations
do volunteer work contributions
give something to someone else contributions
make something nice for someone else contributions
do a surprising and thoughtful thing contributions
Pay for the meal of a stranger contributions
play solitaire Activities
participate in sports Activities
go out to a meal Activities
have decaf coffee or tea Activities
go fishing Activities
chop wood Activities
do gardening Activities
play pinball Activities
invite a neighbor to play cards contributions
have a fund raiser and give dontations to an animal shelter contributions
Hold ice in your hand intense Sensations
squeeze a rubber ball very hard intense Sensations
take a hot shower intense Sensations
take a cold shower intense Sensations
listen to loud music intense Sensations
snap a rubber band on your wrist intense Sensations
suck on a lemon intense Sensations
eat a piece of very sour candy intense Sensations
Use the alphabet to identify things in our suroundings, starting with something that begins with an A Thoughts
Build an imaginary wall between yourself and the situation Pushing away
blocking it out of your mind Pushing away
Yelling "STOP!" inside when the thought comes up again Pushing away
Refuse to think about the painful aspects of the situation Pushing away
Put the pain on a shelf Pushing away
Box the pain up and put it away for a while Pushing away
Imagining a vacuum cleaner coming up and sucking up the situation and putting it away Pushing away
Count to 10 Thoughts
count colors Thoughts
work puzzles Thoughts
watch TV Thoughts
read Thoughts
count backwards from 150 by 4's Thoughts
spell words backwards Thoughts
memorize a poem or something inspirational Thoughts
memorize bird songs Thoughts
learn something new Thoughts
Watch disaster movies Comparison
watch soap operas Comparison
visit an ER waiting room Comparison
visit a hospital waiting room Comparison
compare yourself to people coping the same as you or less well than you and think "there but the grace of God go I" Comparison
Don't Look for Peace. Forgive yourself for not being at peace. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, it will turn into peace. Anything you accept fully takes you into peace. Radical Acceptance
"At fifteen life had taught me undeniably that surrender, in its place, was as honorable as resistance, especially if one had no choice." Maya Angelou Willingness
When you surrender to what is and so become fully present, the past ceases to have any power. One thing in the moment
Pain that is not accepted Suffering
What changes suffering to pain Radical Acceptance
Reliving a happy memory Thoughts
When the pipes leak, When the bones creak,When the knees go bad,I simply remember my favourite things,And then I don't feel so bad. Turning the Mind
When the joints ache, When the hips break,When the eyes grow dim,Then I remember the great life I've had,And then I don't feel so bad. Turning the Mind
Remembering my grandparent's house where I felt loved and safe and walking through the house room by room, remembering the look, and smell in order to be able to go to sleep. Imagery
"Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: where we focus our attention." Greg Anderson Turning the Mind
And if you eat, then smell. The aromas are not impediments to your day. Steak on the grill, coffee beans freshly ground, cookies in the oven. And taste. Taste every ounce of flavor. Taste every ounce of friendship. Taste every ounce of Life. One thing in the moment
On a crystal clear, breezy 70 degree day, roll down the windows and feel the wind against your skin. Feel the warmth of the sun. If you run, then allow those first few breaths on a cool Autumn day to freeze your lungs and do not just be alarmed, be alive. Onemindfully
"Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant." --- Anthony Robbins Turning the Mind
There are people who learn, who are open to what happens to them, who listen, who hear the lessons. . . . The question to ask is not whether you are a success or failure, but whether you are a learner or a nonlearner. -Carole Hyatt and Linda Gottlieb Willingness
"Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." ---Victor Frankl Turning the Mind
"I held a moment in my hand, brilliant as a star, fragile as a flower, a tiny sliver of one hour. I dripped it carelessly, Ah! I didn't know, I held opportunity." ---- Hazel Mindfulness
Grindinig and brewing a cup of coffee to enjoy the smell self soothing
Putting on a favorite piece of clothings and being mindful of how it feels on your skin self soothing
Getting still with a good view to watch the sun set self soothing
Lighting a candle that smells nice and noticing the smell self soothing
Going someplace away from traffic and listening to the frogs chirp self soothing
"To learn to get along without, to realize that what the world is going to demand of us may be a good deal more important than what we feel entitled to demand of it - this is a very hard lesson." --- Bruce Catton Willingness
"Forgiveness means giving up all hope of a better past." ---Landrum Bolling Radical Acceptance
"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." ---Louis L'Amour Radical Acceptance
Created by: llongino
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