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Cardiovascular 22

Test review for the Cardiovascular System

Angina A severe, often constricting pain affecting the chest region, caused by lack of oxygen to the heart cells
Arrhythmia Irregular rhythm of the heart
Coagulation To solidify or change from a fluid state to a solid state *blood clot formation
Congestive Heart Failure Accumulation of blood in the ciculatory system caused by the inability of the heart to pump efficiently
Coronary Artery Disease A common term used for several diseases the affect the heart
Diuretic An agent that increases urine output and dieresis
Enzyme A protien that speeds up a reaction by reducing to amount of energy required to initiate a reaction; *biological catalyst
Hyperlipidemia High concentration of lipids in the circulatory system
Hypertension High Blood Pressure
Hypotension Low Blood Pressure
Myocardial Infarction Death of a heart muscle
Stroke Impaired cerebral blood flow causes thrombosis, hemorrhage, or embolism
Thromin An enzyme that is formed in coagulating blood from prothrombin; reacts with fibrinogen which is essential in the formation of blood clots
Thrombolytic Medications used to break up a thrombus or a blood clot
Endocardium Smooth accordion pleat-like surface that allows the heart walls to collapse
Myocardium Heart muscle that contracts
Epicardium Outter layer of the heart; inner layer of the pericardium
Systole Myocardium squeezes blood from the heart chamber into the pulmonary artery or aorta
Diastole Blood is allowed to refill the chambers (relaxation)
Arteriosclerosis Disease od the arterial vessels resulting from thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity in the arterial walls
Atherosclerosis Form of arteriosclerosis resulting from cholesterol-lipid calcium deposits in the walls of arteries
Prehypertensive State Blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg to 140/90 mm Hg
Transient Ischemic Attacks Short duration of a reduction of oxygen to the brain and are caused by atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease
Bile Acid Squestrants Increase the loss of cholesterol, especially LDL
HMG-COA Reductase Inhibitors Raise HDL and lower LDL
Antarrhythmics Induce regular heartbeats
Cardiac Glycosides Increase forcefulness of the pumping of the heart
Thiazide / Thiazide like agents Increase urinary excretion
Loop Diuretics Cause large amounts of urine to be excreted
Potassium-Sparing Eliminate urine by interruptin the sodium reabsorption
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibit hydrogen secretion by the renal tubule, causing loss of potassium and sodium
Osmotic Diuretics Eliminate water weight by increasing the osmolarity of the glomerular filtrate
Calcium Channel Blockers Decrease calcium intake by the heart and blood vessels
Angiotensin-Converting Enzymes Agents Cause a decrease of pressure in the arteries
Angiotensin II Receptor Agents Inhibit effects of angiotensin II receptors in vascular muscles
Beta-Blocking Agents Block various enzymes, such as epinephrine, that cause high blood pressure
Nitrates Dilate the arteries to permit an increase of blood flow through the heart muscle
Anticoagulants Converts blood-clotting fibrin into another substance
Thrombolytics Dissolve blood clots
Popular Pharmacology sets




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