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Literary Terms. (:

Alliteration The repetition of the same letter sound, usually a consonant, in words close to each other in a text
Allusion a brief reference to another work, person, event, or place, often from myth or religion
Analogy a general term used for comparisons between two otherwise dissimilar things –  includes both metaphors and similes
Character a person, or personified entity, in a story
Characterization how the writer develops the attributes of a character within a work
Conflict the problem or struggle facing the main characters and driving the plot of a story
Context the information or situation surrounding a word, passage or event that help to clarify its meaning
Dynamic characterized by change or development
Epiphany A sudden moment of understanding or clarity that causes one to change.
Figurative a non-literal use of words and images
Flashback Returning to an earlier time in a story for the purpose of filling in details necessary to understand the present.
Foreshadowing Hints or clues of what is to come later in a story
Foil a character serving to contrast and highlight certain qualities in another character
Hyperbole exaggeration or overstatement used for sensational effect, or to emphasize a point
Imagery The use of sensory details to create a certain picture in the reader’s mind.
Irony When what is said, or happens, is just what would not be expected
Juxtaposition to place close together to emphasize the similar or contrasting qualities
Lyric expressing a writer's emotions
Metaphor a figure of speech in which a comparison is made by analogy, without using like or as
Narrative tells a story; a written account of connected events
Narrator the person, character or entity who tells the story
Paradox A statement that may be true although it seems to be contradictory.
Personification giving human or life-like characteristics to non-human entities
Plot The structure of the action of a story.
Point of View the perspective from which the story is told
Propaganda Media used to influence people's opinions and actions
Rhyme identical or very similar sounds at the endings of words
Satire The literary art of ridiculing human flaws, foolishness or immorality in order to expose or correct it.
Setting The time, place and atmosphere of a piece
Simile a figure of speech, using the word like or as, to make a direct comparison of two things
Speaker the narrator of a poem
Stanza a division of lines in poetry, comparable to the paragraph in prose
Static characterized by lack of change or movement
Symbolism when one thing stands for or represents another thing or idea
Theme a topic, major idea or focusing question that carries throughout a literary work
Thesis a theory or statement of opinion
Tone the attitude a writer or speaker takes towards a subject or character
Theme a topic, major idea or focusing question that carries throughout a literary work
Thesis a theory or statement of opinion
Tone the attitude a writer or speaker takes towards a subject or character
Created by: savannababyxo
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