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CT/MR Chest

What is the upper boundary of the chest cavity called? thoracic inlet or aperture
What is the name of the lower boundary of the chest cavity? thoracic outlet or aperture
What structures are considered part of the bony thorax? 12 thoracic vertebrae; sternum;12 pairs of ribs
What is the function of the bony thorax? protect the organs of the thorax; aids in respiration
What is the superior portion of the sternum? manubrium
What is the largest portion of the sternum? the body
Where does the body of the sternum lie? between T5-T9
What ribs articulate with the body of the sternum? 3rd-7th
What is the location of the sternal angle? T4-T5
What is the location of the xiphoid tip? T9
The manubrium and the body of the sternum come together to form this bony prominence? sternal angle
What bony structure(s) form the lateral walls of the thoracic cavity? ribs
Which ribs directly attach to the sternum? 1-7
What is the name of the ribs that directly attach to the ribs? true ribs
What is the name of the ribs that attach to the sternum via the costal cartilage? false ribs
What is the name of the ribs that do not attach to the sternum? floating ribs;
How many false ribs are there? 5
What is the name of the spaces between the ribs? costal spaces
What is the name of the spaces between the ribs? intercostal spaces
What is the proper name for the collar bone? clavicle
What is the name of the largest bone of the upper extermity? humerus
What bones are part of the shoulder girdle? clavicle, humerus, scapulae
What bone is the posterior bone of the shoulder girdle? scapulae
What is the proper name of the shoulder blade? scapulae
What is the organ of respiration? lungs
What structure secretes lubrication fluid? pleura
What is the function of pleural fluid? lubrication for the the layers of pleura
What structure lines the wall of the thoracic cavity? parietal pleura
What structure is a passage for bronchi, blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves to enter and leave the lungs? hilum
What structure closes covers the fissures and lobes of the lungs? visceral pleura
How many lobes are in the RT lung? 3; superior, middle, inferior
How many lobes are in the LT lung? 2; superior and inferior
What is the name for the top of the lung? apex
What is the name for the medial angle of the lungs? cardiophrenic angle
What is the name for the lateral angle of the lungs? costophrenic angle
What structures are part of the mediastinum? thymus, trachea, esophagus, lymph nodes, heart and great vessels, and nerves
What is the location of the esophagus in the thoracic cavity? posterior to the trachea and anterior to the cervical vertebrae
What is the triangular shaped gland of lymph tissue that is found posterior to the manubrium? thymus gland
What hormone does the thymus gland produce? thymosin
What is the most superior airway structure in the chest? trachea
Describe the location of the trachea. posterior to the great vessels and anterior to the esophagus
What the name of the location where the trachea terminates? carina
What is the first branch of the bronchi Rt or LT main bronchi
Which of the first branch of bronchi is wider and mor vertical in postion? RT
After the main bronchi brnaches, what is the second branch of the bronchi? secondary or lobar branches; correspond to the lobes of the lung
How many lobar branches are there? 5
What is the smallest division of the bronchial tree? bronchioloes
What are the functional units of respiration? alveoli
What happens at the alveoli level? exchange of carbon dioxide and oxyen
What is an appropriate slice thickness for a CT chest? 5-10 mm
Where are the patients arms located in CT Chest imaging? above the head
When is contrast used for CT Chest imaging? masses, abscesses, trauma, mets, or when evaluating vessels
What is the best imaging modality for imaging of the lungs? CT
When is MR used for imaging of the chest cavity? breast, great vessels, heart or thoracic spine
What is a pulmonary embolus? a clot within the pulmonary artery
What is a pneumothorax? presence of air or gas within the pleural cavity
Created by: jacook3
Popular Radiology sets




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