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Historic test #3

Pneumatology study of the person of the Holy Spirit
Monatus God's history divided into three parts based on each person of the trinity
Attributes of the Holy Spirit Personal, God
3 waves of the Holy Spirit pentecostalism, charismatic movement, signs&wonders
Who has the Holy Spirit? Everyone who believes
Two groups who received the holy spirit on pentecost 120 who already followed and 3,000 new converts
What is special about the 120 in the upper room? No one will ever fit into this group again.
Baptism in the Spirit establishes position and relationship of believer in the spirit
filled with the Holy Spirit Christ-controlled life
When do you receive the spirit? The moment you believe
Other ministries of the H.S. indwelling, sealing, teaching, assuring, praying, guiding
Pentecostalism post-conversion. baptism is normal, all Christians must have and seek it
reformed God withheld visible manifestations until Peter&John arrived
Why does God give gifts of the spirit? To equip us in our ministry
How to be filled with the spirit Know God's word, yield the will, repeated action, mutually edifying actions
soteriology doctrine of salvation; meaning of Christ's death, election, calling, justification, sanctification, glorification, and faith.
The trinity in salvation the Father elects, the Son forgives, the Spirit guarantees
general calling the gospel message proclaimed to all
special calling no one fails to receive who is called
calvinism sovereignty of God, no one deserves God's salvation, for-chosen
arminianism human responsibility, everyone has the ability to believe or not believe, prevenient grace, foresaw
justification given to us freely by God
sanctification process of growth in personal holiness
four aspects of sanctification pre-temporal, positional, progressive, ultimate
Roman Catholic justification confused with sanctification
Wesleyan separate acts of God received by faith
reformed justification is distinct yet inseparable from sanctification
justification freedom from penalty of sin
sanctification freedom from power of sin
glorification freedom from presence of sin
indicative what God has done for us
imperative what God expects of us in response
once lost in Adam
now saved in Christ
already Christ's resurrection
not yet Christ's return
ecclesiology study of universal and local church
ekklesia never referred to a building, but a gathering of citizens
purpose of church discipline purify church and wayward believers
catholic universal
Catalyst for Martin Luther's movement Romans 1:17 - by faith alone
Wartburg castle He completed the translation of the NT
95 theses went against sacrament of selling indulgences
descriptive how it was done in the 1st century
prescriptive how God requires us to do it
only principle freedom to adapt
with pattern follow practice in NT
apostles office later elders and overseers to teach and pray
"the seven" later deacons and deaconesses to serve
ordinance of baptism outward symbol of inward faith
sacrament means of salvation
ordinance practice that demonstrates someone's faith
eschatology doctrine of the "last things"
covenant theology symbolic interpretation, Israel
dispensational theology semi-literal interpretation, NT church
"last days" time between Christ's first and second coming
intermediate state time between death and the age to when we receive glorified bodies
day of the Lord a point in time when God manifests himself in judgement or salvation
Ending point of history new heaven or new earth
parousia second coming
3 views of millennium premillennialism, postmillennialism, millennialism
views of the rapture postribulational, pretribulational
annihilationalism the wicked will not suffer eternal torment, but cease to exist
meaning of salvation for catholics not just relationship to Christ, but his church. Achieved through sacraments
Christian perfection complete sanctification through a second work of grace
NT metaphor for the church body of Christ
marks of authentic church unity, holy, universal, apostolicity
visible church those who profess faith in christ
invisible church God's elect who are regenerate
Episcopalian bishops, priests, and deacons
Bishop of Rome origin of ecclesiastical teaching with Peter
presbyterian elders meet in session, presbytery, general assembly, synod
congregational autonomy for each local church congregation
anabaptists opposed infant baptism
transubstantiation communion elements actually become Christ's blood and body
consubstantiation no change of substance but they are still the body and blood of Christ
dispensationalism literal hermeneutic with a dichotomy between God's dealings with Israel and the church
orthodox doctrine of hell eternal conscious torment
universalism everyone eventually will be saved
objection to hell seems excessive
best reply sin was committed against the most glorious God, violated infinite obligations
Created by: zoedinius
Popular Miscellaneous sets




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