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psychology: paper 1:

psychology: paper 1: attachment: Bowlby's theory of maternal deprivation (1951):

1. who proposed the theory of maternal deprivation? Bowlby (1951)
2. when did Bowlby propose the theory of maternal deprivation? 1951
3. explain maternal deprivation? presence of mother/ mother figure is essential for normal psychological development
4. what is the critical period? 2-2.5 years where if they are deprived of the mothers emotional care for an extended period of time then psychological damage will arise which is inevitable and irreversible
5. what is the difference between separation and deprivation? separation is not being in the presence of something or someone but deprivation means to lose something or someone
6. explain the effects of maternal deprivation on development intellectual development affected eg suffering from mental retardation (abnormally low IQ)
7. explain the effects of maternal deprivation on emotional development affectionless psychopathy (inability to experience guilt or strong emotion for others) associated with criminality
8. what was the name of Bowlby's (1944) study? 44 thieves study
9. when did Bowlby conduct his 44 thieves study? 1944
10. what was Bowlby's aim of his 44 thieves study (1944)? to investigate the link between affectionless psychopathy and maternal deprivation
11. what was the procedure of Bowlby's 44 thieves study (1944)? 44 criminal teenager thieves accused of stealing interviewed for signs of affectionless psychopathy and family to see if there were prolonged separations from mothers, a control group (non criminal) but emotionally disturbed young people
12. what were the findings of Bowlby's 44 thieves study (1944) 14/44 thieves described as affectionless psycopaths where 12 has prolonged separations and the control had 2/44 long separations
13. what did Bowlby conclude? separation/ deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy
14. how is there research support? Bifulco found that women who experienced separation from mothers were 25% more likely to experience depression or anxiety compared to a control of 15% no separation
15. how is there real world application? impact on post-war childrearing where Robertson (1952) studied Laura during 8 days filming a frequently distressed child, now children are allowed more contact with their children in hospitals
16. how does the theory fail to distinguish between deprivation and privation? Rutter (1976) says that privation is failure to form any attachments at all in the first place rather than deprivation which is having one taken away which could lead to the severe long term damage instead
17. how are individual differences ignored? not all children are affected in the same way as Bowlby studied 60 children under 4 witih TB who were visited once a week finding that 63% more maladjusted than 'normal' kids with no significant differences in intellectual differences
Created by: chachink
Popular Psychology sets




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