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Visual Path & Percep

Lec 3: Perception Lec 4: Visual System Readings: Sacks & McCloskey

Perception the means by which info acquired from the environment via the sense organs is transformed into experiences
stages in perception distal stimulus > proximal stimulus > percept
distal stimulus the thing at a distance from you in the world you are trying to perceive
proximal stimulus the pattern that the distal stimulus projects on to our sensory organs
percept our mental representation
lack of correspondence when the percept does not correspond to the distal stimulus
paradoxical correspondance when the proximal stimulus does not correspond to the distal stimulus, but the percept does
perceptual constancy our perception of an objects features remains constant even when viewpoint (and proximal stimulus) changes
size constancy perception of size doesn't change with distance
color constancy perception of color doesn't change with light
shape constancy perception of shape doesn't change with angle
Direct perception (stimulus theory) environment provided all necessary cues our brains are pre-wired to pick up cues stimulus information is almost always unambiguous
constructivism perception uses data from the world and our prior knowledge and expectations sensory information is often ambiguous (must rely on knowledge/expectations)
bottom-up processing processing that is driven by the external stimulus, rather than internal knowledge
direct perception claims that perception is purely ...bottom-up
top-down processing processing that is driven by knowledge & expectations
constructivism claims that perception is both a bottom-up and top-down process
depth perception the distal stimulus is 3D but the proximal stimulus on the retina is 2D yet the perceptual experience is 3D
depth perception is an example of ...paradoxical correspondance
examples of monocular depth cues are linear perspective, shape, relative size, interposition, shadows, accommodation
monocular depth cues can see depth cues with only 1 eye
examples of binocular depth cues are retinal disparity
interposition if something is close to you it will obstruct our view of what is behind it
binocular depth clues can see depth cues with both eyes
ganglion cell layer is comprised of ... ganglion cells
bipolar cell layer is comprised of ... amacrine cells, bipolar cells, horizontal cells
photoreceptor layer is comprised of photoreceptors (rods and cones)
rods and cones are photoreceptors
rods detect brightness
cones detect colors
what kind of reaction takes place inside photoreceptors when exposed to light photo-chemical reaction
cones are concentrated in the ... fovea
color vision problems are because what photoreceptor isn't working properly cones
electrical potential is the potential to do work
threshold potential must get above a threshold level for neuron to fire
firing generating an action potential
all-or-none action potential always has the same strength. either you get all of if (if above threshold) or none of it
propagation once past threshold, active process (ion pumping) propagates action potential down axon
refractory period short period after firing before neuron can fire again. used to restore the neuron back to resting state & "recode" ions
neural transmission when one neuron fires it can cause neighboring cells to fire or prevent them from doing so so signal can move from one cell to another
neurons communicate by sending neurotransmitters across synapses which is triggered by an action potential when it reaches an axon's end
neural transmission is electrochemical
neural transmission involves an electrical action potential within cells and a chemical neurotransmitter between cells
when neurotransmitter is released into synapses it binds to receptors on target neuron
excitatory neurotransmitters increases the potential & brings it closer to firing
inhibitory neurotransmitters decreases the potential & keeps it from firing
summation if combined effects at all synapses take potential across axon above threshold, then neuron will fire an action potential
on-center, off-surround cells turns on when light is in the center, and turns off when light is surrounding the center
off-center, on-surround turns off when light is in the center & turns on when light is in the surrounding area
center-surround organization are antagonistic & tend to cancel each other out
functions of center-surround organization point detection, edge detection, light-on-dark or dark-on-light
lateral geniculate composed of magnocellular & parvocellular cell layers
magnocellular cells have a transient response (lasting only a short period of time) and large receptive field, and track movement/location
parvocellular cells have a sustained response (maintained at length without interruption or weakening), small receptive field and track patterns/color/form
functions of a simple cell responds to a bar of light, specific orientation, specific retinal position
functions of a complex cell edges, movement, responds to bars of light that are moving
hypercomplex cells responds to very specific shapes, corners, gaps
edge detection edges in images correspond to edges of real-life objects, offer depth cues, allow parts of 3D objects to be identified
dorsal "where" pathway goes from the occipital lobe to parietal lobe
ventral "what” pathway goes from occipital lobe to temporal lobe
positron emission tomography mental activity leads to neural activity which causes blood flow, which leads to more radioactive tracer and more positrons emitted
a spatial (where) task should activate occipital and parietal regions
an object (what) task should activate occipital and temporal regions
there is not a grandmother cell a neuron that has a very specific receptive cell that only fires when you are hearing/seeing/thinking of your grandma
the sacks reading described Dr. P who could not recognize faces & would often mistake inanimate objects as being people, could not see the whole picture only details, difficulties with lefties & visual field deficits, could not make a cognitive judgement but could produce cognitive hypotheses
McCloskey reading focused on A.H. a women with impairment in localizing objects from vision severe/drastic impairment when asked to reach for objects in her visual field reached for objects with ballistic movement impairment in up/down & left/right localization
ballistic movement without changing direction in mid movement
the ability to identify objects even when mislocalizing them adds to evidence that location & identity are processed separately in the visual system
errors in a reflection across a vertical/horizontal axis suggests that visual location representations have multiple components & some may be correct while others are incorrect
transient subsystem specialized for processing rapidly changing visual stimuli
sustained subsystem specialized for processing steady, long-duration, stationary stimuli
visual allochiria an object present in 1 visual half-field is perceived at the corresponding point in the opposite half-field
visual allochiria is a rare symptom associated with parietal or Pareto-occipital pathology
if an illusory image is palinoptic then it is persisting after stimulus was no longer in view
in visual disorientation a person can recognize objects even when can't localize the objects
visual disorientation doesn't have a reflection across a vertical/horizontal axis
visual allochiria & disorientation can occur with acquired brain damage
if visual representations are inaccurate in capturing properties people will see a different visual scene than the real scene
Created by: kzegelien2005
Popular Psychology sets




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