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RADT 465 Procedures

ARRT registry review covering radiographic procedures content area

Refers to the body's physical position (recumbent, erect, prone) Radiographic position Page 92
Describes the path of the CR (enters posteriorly, exits anteriorly) Radiographic projection Page 92
Location of stomach in hypersthenic patient. stomach is transverse in the abdomen Page 93
Location of stomach in Asthenic patient. Stomach very low and long like a fish hook Page 93
Location of stomach in hyposthenic patient. Stomach is long like a fish hook (slightly higher than asthenic) Page 93
Location of stomach in Sthenic patient. stomach is transverse in the abdomen but more medial than hypersthenic Page 95
At what level in the cervical spine is the thyroid cartilage? C5 Page 96
At what level in the thoracic spine is the suprasternal (jugular) notch? T2-T3 Page 96
At what level in the thoracic spine is the sternal angle? T4-T5 Page 96
At what level in the spine are the kidneys located? T12-L3 Page 96
At what level in the spine is the umbilicus located? L3-L4 Page 96
At what level in the spine is the iliac crest located? L4 Page 96
At what level in the spine is the ASIS located? S1-S2 Page 96
Turning of the body or arm so that the palm faces forward, with the thumb away from the midline of the body. Supination Page 97
Bending motion of an articulation decreasing the angle between associated bones. (bending head forward) Flexion Page 97
Movement of a part away from the body's MSP Abduction Page 97
A turning outward or lateral motion of an articulation sometimes with external tension or stress applied. (turns the sole outward, away from the midline) Eversion Page 97
A turning inward or medial motion of an articulation sometimes with external tension or stress applied. (turns the sole inward, toward the midline) Inversion Page 97
Five functions of the skeletal system. Support, reservoir for minerals, muscle attachment/movement, protection, and hematopoiesis. Page 106
Immovable joints are known as? Synarthrotic joints AKA fibrous articulations Page 106
Name an example of a Synarthrotic joint. Sutures of the cranium Page 106
Partially movable joints are known as? Amphiarthrotic joints AKA cartilaginous joints Page 106
Name an example of an Amphiarthrotic joint. Intervertebral joints or symphysis pubis Page 106
Freely movable joints are known as? Diarthrotic joints AKA synovial joints Page 106
Name 7 types of synovial joints. Gliding (plane), Pivot (trochoid), Hinge (ginglymus), Ball-and-socket (spheroid), Condyloid (ellipsoid), Saddle (sellar), Bicondylar (biaxial) Page 107
Name the proximal row of the carpal bones (lateral to medial) Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform Page 111
Name the distal row of the carpal bones (lateral to medial) Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate Page 111
Which carpal bone is the largest? Capitate Page 111
The head of the ulna is at the distal/proximal end? Distal Page 112
The head of the radius is at the distal/proximal end? Proximal Page 112
Which bone is the most commonly fractured bone of the arm? Radius Page 113
Name the 7 Tarsal bones. Calcaneus, Talus, Navicular, Cuboid, First/Medial Cuneiform, Second/Intermediate Cuneiform, Third/Lateral Cuneiform. Page 119
What is the largest Tarsal bone? Calcaneus Page 119
For an external rotation AP shoulder, what anatomy is shown best in this view? Shows the greater tubercle in profile Page 125
For an internal rotation AP shoulder, what anatomy is shown best in this view? Shows the lesser tubercle in profile Page 125
Would you increase or decrease technique for the following pathologies: Arthritis, Ewing Sarcoma, Rickets, Thalassemia. Decrease Page 152
Would you increase or decrease technique for the following pathologies: Chronic Gout, Multiple Myeloma, Paget disease. Increase Page 152
What kind of fracture is an undisplaced fracture? Simple fracture Page 152
Type of fracture where the ends of the bone are out of alignment? Displaced fracture Page 152
A fracture where the end of the bone has penetrated through the skin? Compound (open) fracture Page 152
Which fracture is a greenstick fracture with one cortex buckled/compacted and the other is intact? Torus/buckle fracture Page 152
A fracture of the proximal third of the ulnar shaft with anterior dislocation of the radial head. Monteggia fracture Page 152
Transverse fracture of distal third of the radius with posterior angulation and associated avulsion fracture of the ulnar styloid process. Colles fracture Page 152
Fracture of the distal tibia and fibula with dislocation of the ankle joint. Pott fracture Page 152
How many bones are in the vertebral column? 33 bones. Page 154
What is the name of C1 and C2 vertebrae? C1 is the Atlas C2 is the Axis Page 156
What is the spot where the coronal suture meets the sagittal suture? Bregma Page 170
How many cranium bones are there? 8 (2 parietal, 2 temporal, frontal, occipital, ethmoid, and sphenoid) Page 170
How many facial bones are there? 14 (2 nasal, 2 lacrimal, 2 palatine, 2 inferior nasal conchae, 2 maxillae, 2 zygomatic, vomer, and mandible)
What bone is the Sella turcica in? Sphenoid bone. It houses the pituitary gland Page 175
What is the only movable facial bone and is the largest facial bone? Mandible Page 177
Which bone is the EAM in? Temporal bones Page 176
Where is the central ray directed for a PA skull? Perpendicular to the Nasion Page 178
Where is the central ray directed for a lateral skull? 2 inches superior to the EAM Page 178
Which line is perpendicular to the IR with the modified waters view? LML (OML is 55 degrees from the IR) Page 182
What is the angle for the AP axial Towne method? OML perpendicular to IR with 30 degrees caudad. CR enters 1 inch superior to glabella. Page 183
Where should the petrous ridges be seen on a PA axial Caldwell view? Lower 1/3 of orbits Page 185
To demonstrate air/fluid levels, the CR must always be directed parallel/perpendicular to the floor. Parallel Page 188
What are the 3 divisions of the Pharynx? Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Laryngopharynx Page 190
The right lung has how many lobes? 3 Lobes Page 191
What are the GI tract tissue layers (inner to outer)? Mucosa, submucosa, muscular, serosa Page 201
When should a Hysterosalpingogram be scheduled? Approximately 10 days after the start of menstruation. Page 223
What technique removes unnecessary structures such as bone from superimposition on contrast-filled blood vessels? Subtraction Page 231
Which arteries supply blood to the brain? Internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries Page 230
What is the order of layers covering the brain? (innermost to outermost layer) Pia mater, arachnoid mater, Dura mater
Created by: CarolAR
Popular Radiology sets




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