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Defense Mech - Freud

Psych 100 Midterm

Techniques used by a weak Ego to ward off the instinctual demands of the ID and the Super Ego. A distortion of reality. Defense Mechanism
i) The Ego pushes all objectionable thoughts, desires, and conflicts into the Unconscious and behaves as if they do not exist. ii) The manipulation of an external event. iii) “Out of sight out of mind” Repression
i) Refuse to accept reality; the truth ii) Manipulation of an external event Denial
i) Fallacious reasoning in an effort to make something irrational seem rational. ii) “It will never happen to me” iii) Protects self-esteem by distorting reality. Rationalization
Attribute your own unacceptable motives/feelings on to another person to rid yourself of guilt. Projection
i) Adopt an extreme attitude that is opposite of true feelings. ii) I.e. Homophobia Reaction Formation
i) Shift of emotion away from the source to a less threatening source. ii) Taking you feelings out on a less threatening source. iii) I.e. Lashing out at your children or spouse. Displacement
i) Channel instinctual demands into a socially acceptable behavior. (Typically one that is de-sexualized) ii) I.e. Lifting weights when you are angry. Sublimation
i) Adopt juvenile behaviors to deal with stress; ways that worked when you were a child. ii) I.e. Temper tantrum Regression
i) Withdraw completely because of a humiliating experience or stress. ii) I.e. Locking yourself away in your room iii) I.e. “The Silent Treatment” Isolation
i) Fail at something and then throw all of that energy into something entirely new. ii) I.e. Fail at drawing, give up and join a sport. Substitution
i) Take on the role of the one who made you suffer. ii) I.e. People who are kidnapped or taken hostage. iii) “Stockholm Syndrome” Identification
i) Having strong emotions, but keep them on an intellectual level because you are unable to express them. ii) I.e. Spock or Data from Star Trek Intellectualization
Created by: mpires
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