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ch.44 Anticoagulants

Antiplatelets and Thrombolytics

the 3 drugs that restore circulation anticoagulants, anti-platelets(antithrombotics)and thrombolytics
These prevent platelet aggregation or clumping together of platelets for form a clot? Antiplatlets
These are called Clot busters and attack and dissolve blood clots that have already formed? Thrombolytics
These prevent the formation of clots that inhibit circulation. Anticoagulants
This is the formation of a clot in an artery or venous vessel? Thrombosis
Arterial clots are made of? both white and red cells with white clots( platlets) starting the process, followed by fibrin formation and the trapping of re blood cells in the fibrin mesh.
vein blood clots are from what? platelet aggregation w/fibrin that attaches to red blood cells.
Ischemia decrease in oxygenated blood to a body part,deficient blood flow
Venous problems include? DVT deep vein thrombosis
Arterial problems include? MI myocardial Infraction(coranary thrombosis), artificial heart valves, CVA's(stroke)
how are anticogulants administered? ORALLY OR PARENTERALLY(subQ, IV)
Heparin is a natural substance that is made where? The Liver
primary used of Heparin? to prevent venous thrombosis which can lead to PE or stroke(also DVT, PE)
Heparin action? heparin-->binds w/antithrombin III-->which inactivates Thrombin--->and this inhibitsfibrinogen from converting to fibrin---> and thus not clot is formed
What is Heparins purpose? anticoagulant,it prolongs bleeding time
Why is Heparin given subQ instead of orally? because it it absorbed poorly through the GI muscosa and most of it is destroyed by Liver enzyme herarinase.
What are the 2 lab tests used to test for <clotting factors to monitor for heparin therapy? PTT-partial thromboplastin time and aPTT-activated thromboplastin time
Protamine Sulfate is? the anticoagulant antagonist to stop hemorrhaging during heparin therapy.(it reverses heparins action)
Lovenox(Enoxaparin Sodium) is what? LMWH-low mecular weight heparin that has less side effects and requires less aPTT test soit can be given in home settings, Heparin can only be given in hospital
LMWH(anticoagulant) 1/2 life is what? 2-4 times longer than heparin so less bleeding will occur
Patients taking LMWH'should not take what? aspirin because it will increase bleeding(instead take acetaminephen)!
LMWH's should not be given to what patients? people w/stroke, peptic ulcers, blood problems
Warfarin(coumadin)is? a oral anticogulant, inhibits hepatic systhensis of vitamin K thus affecting clotting factors
what are the 2 test used to monitor the clotting time of oral anticoagulants? PT-prothrombin time, and INR-international normalized ratio(used more often than PT)
what is the set point for INR(Warfarin) 1.3-2(2-3) values can be higher if patient has mechanical heart valve(2.5-4.5)
What are the signs of Warfarin accumulation or overdose? Petechiae(sm red splotches or dots on skin from hemmoragh), ecchymosis(blue skin because of <oxygen, hematemesis(bloody vomit)
what is the antidote(antigonists) for warfarin(coumadin) overdose or excess bleeding? vitamin K(phytonadione), may take 24-48hrs to be effective
Herbs not to be taken with anticoagulants? garlic, ginko, valerian(<warafarin effects)
Hematuria bleeding in urine
Epistaxis bleeding of nose
Petechiae,Purpura bleeding of the skin
Antiplatelets prevent thrombosis in the arteries by suppressing platelet aggregation.prophylatic use(disease prevention)
platelet aggregation can be decreased by taking what? Aspirin-low doses, it inhibits cyclooxygenase and enzyme needed by platelets to synthesis thromboxane.
this antiplatelet is used after MI(heart attacks) or strokes to prevent a second one and to prevent TIA? Plavix(Clopidogrel)
TIA-trancient ishemic attack Cerebrovascular insufficiency from partial occlusion of cerebral artery by an clot or plaque
This antiplatelet prolongs bleeding time, is affected by ginko and garlic, is excreted in urine and feces? Plavix(Clopidogrel)
this is a occlusion of an artery or vein caused by a thrombus or embolus thromboembolism
Deficient blood flow? Ischemia
Necrosis death(tissue,skin, limb)
This drug disintegrates a thrombus or clot if administered at least 4 hours after an decreases necrosis resulting from blocked artery Thrombolytics
AMI acute myocardial infarction-acute heart decreases necrosis resulting from blocked artery
Activase(tPA-alteplase) a thrombolytic that promotes conversion of plasminogen to plasmin which is a enzyme that digests fibrin matrix of clots. can cause Hemorrhaging
This plasminogeninactivator is an antidote for thrombolytics, treat excessive bleeding? Amicar(aminocaproic)
Created by: VRoberts
Popular Pharmacology sets




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