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Ch. 15

Management FINAL

What did the Microsoft diary study find? found that 25% of time is spent on emails through reading and responding to them
What percentage of emails that reach the inbox are spam? 15%
What are the different percentages of nonverbal communication? 60% of all communication is body language 30% is tone and intonation understand that there are cultural differences in nonverbal communication
Positive Types of Nonverbal Communication Smiling, nodding, and eye contact! these help build good interpersonal relations
Negative Types of Nonverbal Communication frowning, no eye contact, eye rolling, head shaking
Types of Influence Consultation, Rational Persuasion, Inspirational Appeals, Ingratiating, Coalition, Pressure, Upward Appeals, Exchange
Soft / Personal / Informal Types of Influence Consultation, Rational Persuasion, Inspirational Appeal, and Ingratiating the top 4 rely on a person's individual power
Consultation asking a person what they think since people like going along with their own idea
Rational Persuasion using logic and data
Inspirational Appeals get people excited for what they're about to do
Ingratiating Tactics being kind + complementary to make them feel good before you ask a favor; aka buttering them up or brown nosing
Hard / Organizational / Formal Types of Influence Coalition, Pressure, Upward Appeals, Exchange bottom 4 rely on the power of an organization or formal
Coalition appeals to the power of the group ex: we would like for you to do this
Pressure threats or demands made to get something done
Upward Appeals appealing to a higher authority for support
Exchange do what I am asking and I will give you something
Outcomes of Influences Resistance, Compliance, and Acceptance For best results, use personal power rather than organizational power and use multiple influence tacts in combination
Resistance no change in behavior or attitude --> don't do what you want and they don't care
Compliance change behavior, but no their attitude --> do it, but won't be happy about it
Acceptance change behavior and attitude --> do it and feel good about it
Cultural Differences in Types of Influence United States = rational persuasion, exchange, ingratiation China = rational persuasion, ingratiation, coalition, exchange, and gifts the different types used depends on country culture
Perception Process Attention --> Organization --> Interpretation --> Retention problems = perceptual filters that are personality / psychology / experience-based differences that influence people to ignore or pay attention to particular stimuli
Attention Component process of noticing or becoming aware of particular stimuli
Organization Component process of incorporating new information from the stimuli you notice into your existing knowledge
Interpretation Component attaching meaning to new knowledge
Retention Component remembering interpreted information
Perception Problems Selective Perception and Closure
Selective Perception tendency to notice + accept objects / information consistent w/ values, beliefs, and expectations while ignoring inconsistent information
Closure tendency to fill in gaps of missing information with assumption
Communication Process Sender --> Encoding --> Transmitting --> Decoding --> Feedback
Sender Component of Communication Process thinks of a message he/she wants to convey to another person
Encoding Component of Communication Process putting a message into a written, verbal, or symbolic form that can be recognized and understood by the receiver
Transmitting Component of Communication Process transmits the message via communication channels like phone, face-to-face, facetime, email, letters
Decoding Component of Communication Process receiver translates the verbal or symbolic form of the message into an understood message
Feedback Component of Communication Process return message to the sender that indicates the received understanding of the message
Active Listening actively giving nonjudgmental feedback that shows you've accurately heard what he/she said - engage in immediacy behaviors - clarify responses if needed - paraphrase or summarize in between
Clarifying Examples " I am confused by what you mean..." " Can you explain by what you meant..."
Paraphrasing Examples " If I understand you correctly..." " In other words..."
Summarize Examples " To recap..." " Let me summarize..."
Created by: Zetiris
Popular Management sets




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