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BDO 121

Human and career development

key concepts within the nature of human development Transition Maturation Ageing Growth Maturity Readiness
TRANSITIONS Every stage in the total life span, an individual must reach a certain level of maturity in order to fulfill various life roles at different stages
MATURATION 1.Refers to the changes as result of genetic attributes 2. These changes are inborn, preplanned and occur at certain stages 3. These changes are preplanned however they can be hindered by certain environmental factors
AGEING 1. refers to the chronological increase of years as well as biological/ physical changes 2. The chronological increase of years refers to the increase in an individuals age whenever it is their birthday
AGEING (BIOLOGICAL/ PHYSICAL) Biological / physical changes occur physically as we age e.g developing wrinkles
GROWTH refers to the increase of an individuals physical size and also can refers to the improvement of mental and psychosocial competencies.
MATURITY Refers to the integration of physical, cognitive, social and psychological tasks at a level where a person can function as a fully functioning person and also the state of being fully developed
MATURITY (P2) Maturity implies getting to a level where we can be fully function at a certain phase Under Maturity we have learned and processed everything that we need at that stage and are now functioning optimally
READINESS Refers to the point in development where the individual has matured sufficiently to benefit from learning or experiences You will find that when you are not ready for a certain experience you will not make the most of it
CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 1. hierarchical evolution of life stages 2. Differentiation from general to particular 3. Increased complexity 4. Predictability
HIERARCHICAL EVOLUTION OF LIFE STAGES - Refers to the fact that we grow or develop in age in a fixed direction - We start from birth and end at old age -We can not reverse the process
DIFFERENTIATION FROM GENERAL TO PARTICULAR -Implies that we move from a very concrete understanding of the world, to a more abstract understanding - As we grow and develop, we adapt diverse ways of thinking and we are able to recognize the inherent relationship between things
INCREASED COMPLEXITY -Implies that life becomes more complex as we get older
PREDICTABILITY -Suggests that we follow a recognisable similar pattern of development and in a lot of ways human development is predictable
DOMAINS OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT -Physical/ Biological Domain -Cognitive domain -Psychosocial domain -Career- related domain
PHYSICAL/ BIOLOGICAL DOMAIN -refers to your physical processes -Includes maturation,biological processes, growth, ageing, learning, personality
COGNITIVE DOMAIN -Refers to mental abilities and capacities to obtain, process, interpret, retrieve and use useful information - Develops in stages
PSYCHOSOCIAL DOMAIN -Refers to psychological and social behaviours - Looks at how well we maintain relationships
CAREER- RELATED DOMAIN -Refers to career choice competencies - Looks at how well an individual is proceeding in their career for the stage or age they are currently at
The Piagets stages of cognitive development 1. Stage 1: Sensory(birth to 2 years) 2.Stage 2: Pre- operational (2- 7 years) 3. Concrete- operational (7-11 yrs ) 4. Formal- operational (11 yrs onwards and throughout adulthood )
STAGE 1: SENSORY( BIRTH -2 YRS) -At this stage knowledge is gained by touching/looking -There is a distinction between self and the environment -Little ability to understand symbols - Cognition begins with imitation, thought and memory
STAGE 2: PRE- OPERATIONAL (2-7 YRS) -Learning is done through actions -Increased ability to remember and anticipate -Internalize concrete world through language and visual images - Egocentric thinking
STAGE 3: CONCRETE OPERATIONAL (7-11 YRS) -Makes progress in concrete thinking -Achieves insight into the views of others -Systematic and diverse problem solving -Can handle problems more logically and in various ways , considering more aspects
STAGE 4: FORMAL OPERATIONAL(11 YRS -ONWARDS AND THROUGHT ADULTHOOD) - Makes use of abstract thought in addition to concrete thought -Logical thinking (inductive and deductive) -Systematic and diverse problem-solving
HEREDITARY/ GENETICS -Inborn/ genetic influence -Dominant influence on physical domains of behaviour which includes rate of physical growth/ageing,brain, glands etc -Our genetics in some part our human development
ENVIRONMENT AND LEARNING -Environment: psychosocial factors influence the way we develop - All non- genetic factors before and after birth 3.includes culture, education,gender, political forces within the country etc these influence the way we develop as humans
MICRO- SYSTEM - An individual is in his or her living environment - Refers to Home, neighbourhood, school and immediate family
MESO- SYSTEM -Is an indication of the interaction between the elements of the micro system. -Influences the various domains and includes things like the school we attend, our neighbourhood and immediate family
EXO- SYSTEM -Made up of aspects outside the individuals immediate contact but still has an influence on our daily lives - Aspects such as values, our workplace and our extended family
MACRO - SYSTEM - The most powerful influence in human development because it has the ability to regulate how individuals must live their lives -It includes values , laws and customs
NORMATIVE AGE-GRADED INFLUENCES Usual biological and social changes that take place at certain ages e.g going to school, puberty, menopause etc
NORMATIVE HISTORY- GRADED INFLUENCES Historical events and traumas that change the development of a group of human beings e.g war, natural disasters etc
NON- NORMATIVE INFLUENCES Events that happens to certain people only in different ways e.g first love, divorce etc
CRITICAL PERIODS IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (VARIOUS VIEWS) Critical Period Contemporary psychology Optimal periods psychosocial evolution
CRITICAL PERIOD A certain point in time when particular factors like environmental factors have positive or negative effects
CONTEMPORARY PERIOD Sensitive periods (greater susceptibility to possible influences)
OPTIMAL PERIODS Maturation and learning, people are sufficiently ready/ mature to benefit from certain experiences
Psychosocial Evolution Patterns of behaviour transferred across families through social learning
CRITICAL PERIODS IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT(FIRST FIVE OR SIX YEARS ) Theorists like FREUD, BOWLBY, AINSWORTH -Believed there is a development of critical identity during these years such as thinking patterns, changing from concreteness to understanding, learning as well as identifying and modelling of parents and family
1. ORAL (0-2 YRS) Infant achieves gratification through oral activities such as feeding, thumb sucking and babbling
2. ANAL (2-3YRS) The child learns to respond to some demands of society such as bowel and bladder control
3. PHALLIC (3-7 YRS) The child learns to realise the differences between males and females and becomes aware of sexuality
4. LATENCY (7-11 YRS) The child continues his or her development but sexual urges are relatively quiet
5. GENITAL (11- Adult) The growing adolescent shakes off old dependencies and learns to deal maturely with the opposite sex
ERIKSSONS LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT STAGES (p1) Stage 1: 1st year of life-Oral sensory (Trust vs Mistrust) Stage 2: Musclar/Anal( Autonomy vs Shame )2-3 yrs Stage 3: Locomotive/ genital (Initiative vs Guilt) 4-5 yrs Stage 4: through puberty (Industry vs Inferiority) 6-11 yrs
ERIKSSONS LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENT STAGES(p2) Stage 5: Puberty/ Adolescence (Identity vs Ego-confusion) 12-18 Stage 6: Late Adolescence to Early Adulthood (Intimacy vs Isolation) Stage 7: Adulthood(Generativity vs Stagnation) Stage 8: Ageing/ Maturity(Ego integrity vs Despair )
Stage 1: 1st year of life-Oral sensory (Trust vs Mistrust) -The child must learn to trust -In other words, the child must learn to trust other people -This is a result of satisfactory maternal care - If the child does not learn to trust, it leads to mistrust - Mistrust is a manifestation of rejection
Stage 2: Musclar/Anal( Autonomy vs Shame )2-3 yrs - There is maturation of physical functions -Being able to use the toilet by yourself creates a feeling of self-esteem and pride(leads to the feelings of autonomy) -If we have problems , it creates feelings of inadequacy and self doubt (leads to shame)
Stage 3: Locomotive/ genital (Initiative vs Guilt) 4-5 yrs - Children learn initiative by sharing responsibilities and exploring their environments -If they fail to develop initiative and constantly criticized and not given responsibility, they will develop guilt
Stage 4: through puberty (Industry vs Inferiority) 6-11 yrs -School attending children will learn qualities like accomplishment and perseverance -If they are constantly criticized and are given negative assessments by other people, they will learn to feel inferior and suffer from inferiority complex
Stage 5: Puberty/ Adolescence (Identity vs Ego-confusion) 12-18 Teenagers test their identity by belonging to groups.We establish our identity by mixing with people who are similar to us and share the same values .Ego- confusion implies that we become confused about our roles
Stage 6: Late Adolescence to Early Adulthood (Intimacy vs Isolation) -Intimate relationships are relationships where we are accepted and not judged -If we fail to establish intimate relationships we will lack intimacy in our lives which leads to us feeling isolated from other people
Stage 7: Adulthood(Generativity vs Stagnation) -Generativity can be expressed in many ways as long as you are active and involved in your relationships with others -Lack of self-fulfillment leads to decline in growth and leads to feels of stagnation
Stage 8: Ageing/ Maturity(Ego integrity vs Despair ) ego-integrity refers to all conflicts resolved leads to a healthy ego, spiritual sense of order and meaning. Unresolved conflicts lead to despair, implies a person has a feeling of life is too short,tendency of disapproving(self reproach)
INTIMATE BEHAVIOUR STYLES 1. Insecure Attachment Behaviour 2. Secure Attachment Behaviour
Insecure Attachment Behaviour 1.Ambivalent attachment type(mixed feelings Accept/ Reject) 2.Avoidant Attachment Type(Fear& rejection, avoids commitment ) 3. Disorganised/ disoriented attachment type(confused/ contradictory, secure with one/insecure with another
Secure Attachment Behaviour 1.Positive and unthreatened relationships with others
CAREER DEVELOPMENT STAGES 1 Career Maturity 2. Career Efficacy
Career Maturity -Progressive maturation and growth in physical, cognitive and psychosocial domains which enable people to cope with development tasks
Career Efficacy -People's beliefs in abilities and sense of self-control, and the expectations of being successful in jobs and to be competent in specific tasks
4 CAREER STAGES 1. Early life- Occupational choice and preparation(0-22 yrs) 2. Young adulthood( Entry as establishment )(22-44 yrs) 3. Middle Adulthood( Consolidation maintenance and change 45-60 yrs) 4. Old age -Disengagement (60 yrs -)
Early life- Occupational choice and preparation(0-22 yrs) -Career orientation - Career information and planning -Consistency of career preferences -Certainty - Wisdom
CAREER ORIENTATION Active involvement and commitment in the process of a career choice, in other words you must actively look for a career
CAREER INFORMATION AND PLANNING Exploring and gathering of information for the career that you are interested in
CONSISTENCY OF CAREER PREFERENCES Implies that your choice of career should be constant overtime
CERTAINTY Your concepts and attitudes about your work and career should be certain, you should be sure of your choice
WISDOM Your choice of career should be realistic and it should be based on your ability as well as your interests
Young adulthood( Entry as establishment )(22-44 yrs) - Building a work life -Crises of questions' -Crises of urgency -Attaining stability -Mellowing
Building a work life Here we entered the workplace and we try to build a career
Crises of questions' Entails wondering if you have made the right decision, wondering if you are in the right career and wondering if you should change occupations
Crises of urgency Implies a feeling that you are running out of time and that if you want to change careers you have to do it right now or else there won't be time to do it later
Attaining stability Here we make peace with decision that we have made and we work towards establishing our career for the next five or six years
Mellowing From the age of 50 onwards we start to mellow out in our careers which means we dont push as hard as we used to, we try relax a bit and reap the rewards of the hard work that we put in from the early stages
The developmental tasks in this stage Defining a dream, finding a mentor, developing a career and establishing intimacy
Middle Adulthood( Consolidation maintenance and change 45-60 yrs) - Find stability and mellowing, there are physical adjustments we need to get used - Main aim is maintaining our career standards, our marriages and our family relationships as well developing leisure activities
Old age - Disengagement (60 yrs -) -Main developmental tasks here are to uphold your personal identity and dignity - Main concerns during this stage are physical health, finances, having social support and not being lonely -This is where we have the time to pursue our leisure activitys
Created by: Britt MALIKs
Popular Psychology sets




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