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Every Psychology

As many psychology questions as I could mash together

Sigmund Freud nationality Austrian
Carl Jung nationality Swiss
Alfred Adler nationality Austrian
Ivan Pavlov nationality Russian
John Watson nationality American
B. F. Skinner nationality American
Jean Piaget nationality Swiss
Erik Erikson nationality German born, American
Abraham Maslow nationality American
Stanley Milgram nationality American
Free-Association (Psychologist) Sigmund Freud
Analytic Psychology Movement (Psychologist) Carl Jung
Collective Unconscious (Psychologist) Carl Jung
Inferiority Complex (Psychologist) Alfred Adler
Neuroses (Adlers Meaning) Unable to achieve self-realization
Separation of psyche (Psychologist) Sigmund Freud
Neuroses (inability to achieve self-realization) (Psychologist) Alfred Adler
Individual psychology theory (Psychologist) Alfred Adler
Conditioned reflex (Psychologist) Ivan Pavlov
1904 Nobel (Psychologist) Ivan Pavlov
Experiment with a bell and reward (Psychologist) Ivan Pavlov
Behaviorism (Psychologist) John Watson
Taught Pigeons table tennis (Psychologist) B.F. Skinner
4 stages of development (Psychologist) Jean Piaget
Studied children development (Psychologist) Jean Piaget
Psychohistories (Psychologist) Erik Erikson
All social institutions reflect psycosocial development (Psychologist) Erik Erikson
8 Stage Developmental Process (Psychologist) Erik Erikson
Hierarchy of Needs (Psychologist) Abraham Maslow
Highest need is self-actualization (Psychologist) Abraham Maslow
6 degrees of separation (Psychologist) Stanley Milgram
Obedience to authority (Psychologist) Stanley Milgram
"lost letter" (Psychologist) Stanley Milgram
"lost letter" (Experiment) social group prejudice experiment
Obedience to authority (Experiments) Yale shock experiments where subjects had to administer shocks to strangers
Yale shock experiments where subjects had to administer shocks to strangers (Psychologist) Stanley Milgram
Author of The language and thought of a child Jean Piaget
Author of the origins of intelligence in children Jean Piaget
Author of Walden II B.F. Skinner
Author of Behavior: an intro to comparative psychology John Watson
Behavior explained in terms of conditioning (Psychologist) John Watson
Author of the neurotic constitution Alfred Adler
Interpretation of Dreams (Psychologist) Sigmund Freud
The psychopathology of daily life (Psychologist) Sigmund Freud
Split with Freud over his ideas of neurosis (Psychologists) Jung and Adler
Freuds idea of Neurosis (Definition) Psychological problems caused by sexual frustration
Analytic Psychology (Psychologist) Carl Jung
A socially shared idea of the mind (Term) Collective Unconscious
Personality Types - Myers Briggs (Psychologist) Carl Jung
Little Albert Experiment (Psychologist) John Watson
Father of behaviorism (Psychologist) John Watson
Coined "identity crisis" (Psychologist) Erik Erikson
Founded psychoanalysis (Psychologist) Sigmund Freud
Archetypes (Psychologist) Carl Jung
American who argued that all human actions could be understood in terms of physical stimuli and learned responses--no need to study or believe in mental states or motivation (Psychologist) B.F Skinner
Stanford Prison Experiment (Psychologist) Phillip Zimbardo
Experiment about perceived power between prison officers and prisoners Stanford Prison Experiment
Experiment about behavior of Nazi soldiers/underlings Obedience to Authority
Introverts and Extroverts idea (Psychologist) Carl Jung
Individuals modify their behavior in response to being observed Hawthorne Effect
people preform differently around others social facilitation
Created by: quizbowlultimate
Popular Psychology sets



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