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My Italian vocabs

countdown "il conto alla rovescia"
"(exp.) to be fixated on something" "avere un chiodo fisso in testa"
"the geek" "la secchiona"
"fervent (inbrünstig)" fervido
"a dirty word" "una parolaccia"
"central heating" "il riscaldamento centrale"
"marble floor" "il pavimento di marmo"
"(exp.) to French kiss" "baciare con la lingua"
Mexico Messico
"to immigrate" immigrare
mask "la maschera"
percentage "la percentuale"
"the highsociety" "l'alta societá""a plane trip"
"to agree" convenire
"its not at all nice" "non è mica bello"
uncomfortable scomodo
"thats not fair!" "non vale!"
"to regret" rimpiangere
"a flight connection" "un collegamento aereo"
"muoving sea" "mare mosso"
"a cabin of the second class" "una cabina di seconda classe"
"the italian state railways" "le ferrovie dello stato"
"as follows" "come appresso"
exhausted esaurito
"to fall ill" ammalarsi
"the couchette (compartment on a train)" "la cuccetta"
"clear; cloudless" sereno
"to clear; cheer up" rasserenare
"a wordplay" "un gioco di parole"
"a clichè" "un luogo comune"
"a series of shows" "una serie di spettacoli"
"the subject" "il soggetto"
"certainly (s..)" senz'altro
"to doubt" dubitare
westwind "vento dell'ovest"
"to strike by lightening" fulminare
"to thunder" tuonare
"a dog cold" "un freddo cane"
"the farmers" "i contadini"
"to ski" sciare
"high mountain" "alta montagna"
"the summer thunderstorm" "il temporale estivo"
shortly "fra poco"
"to feel sick" "avere la nausea"
"the slap" "lo schiaffo"
"the temper; courage" l'animo
"the disgust" "lo schifo"
"the drops (med.)" "le gocce"
"the pflaster" "il cerotto"
"the pill" "la pastiglia"
"the matchstick" "il fiammifero"
"the clinic / treatment room" l'ambulatorio
"the raincoat" l'impermeabile
"the downpour (tempo)" l'acquazzone
"a ashtray" "un portacenere"
"to strike" scioperare
"the scheduled flight" "il volo di linea"
"supposing that" "ammesso che"
"the toiletpaper" "la carta igienica"
"to sweat" sudare
"the sweat" "il sudore"
"the sanitary towel (binde)" "l'assorbente igienico"
"the tampons" "gli assorbenti interni"
"the pediatrician (childs doctor)" "il pediatra"
"the hotel owner" l'albergatore
"to stay overnight" pernottare
"a room with breakfast" "una camera con prima colazione"
upstairs "al piano di sopra"
"to go upstairs" "andare di sopra"
"the priest" "il parroco"
"the nun" "la suora"
"near; behind" appresso
"to damage; harm" danneggiare
"the stage" "il palcoscenico"
"the nailpolish" "lo smalto"
"how boring!" "che noia!"
"sich aufspielen als..." "darsi arie da..."
"to have a crush on (someone)" "avere una cotta per"
"to confide in" "confidarsi con"
"to get a divorce from" "divorziare da"
"to flirt" flirtare
"to influence" influenzare
"to fall in love with" "innamorarsi di"
"to break up" lasciarsi
"to betray someone someone (in love)" "tradire qualcuno"
"to get into trouble" "ficcarsi nei guai"
"to separate (before getting a divorce)" separarsi
"to get scared" spaventarsi
"to see someone to be going out with/ dating someone "
"to be close to someone" "stare vicino a"
unforgettable indimenticabile
successful riuscito
tormented tormentato
"touched/ moved" commosso
fleeting passeggero
confused confuso
depressed depresso
"exciting moving "
excited emozionato
amazing incredibile
"nostalgic homesick "
painful doloroso
sentimental sentimentale
"fed up with; sick of" "stufo di"
fearful timoroso
"the contraceptive" "il contraccettivo"
"the soulmate" "l'anima gemella"
"the engagement " "il fidanzamento"
"the marriage" "il matrimonio"
"the risk" "il rischio"
"the discovery" "la scoperta"
"the resentment" "il risentimento"
"touching/ moving" commovente
"to care about (someone something) "
lasting duraturo
"to miss (someone something) to be homesick for"
"the condom" "il preservativo"
"the sex" "il sesso"
although benchè
"on the other hand" "d'altra parte"
"seeing that..." "visto che..."
"to 'pick up' someone" rimorchiare
"as since "
nevertheless "nonostante cio"
therefore perciò
"dead tired" "stanco morto"
"It's wonderful that..." "È magnifico che..."
"to stand (someone) up" "dare buca a fare il bidone a"
"I am proud that..." "Sono orgoglioso che"
"No way!" "Non esiste!"
"In your dreams!" "Te lo sogni!"
"What are you saying?" "Che stai dicendo?"
Seriously? "Sul serio?"
"to court" "fare la corte a"
finally infine
"to have a different opinion about something" "pensarla diversamente"
"to trust (someone)" "fidarsi di"
"the loan" "il prestito"
"the human guinea-pig" "la cavia umana"
"the firm business"
"the environment" l'ambiente
"to dismiss sack
"to be unemployed" "essere disoccupato"
"the condom (g..)" "il goldone"
"(exp.) love at first sight" "colpo di fulmine"
"to be fashionable" "essere di moda"
"(exp.) to show off to act like someone big"
"birth rate" "il tasso di natalità"
"to abolish" abolire
"to be out of fashion" "essere fuori moda"
"on purpose" "su scopo"
"(exp.) to be out of one's mind" "fuori la testa"
"the work week" "la settimana lavorativa"
"with liveliness" "con brio"
"to influence" "influire su"
"the song" "la canzone"
"temporary work" "il lavoro provvisorio"
"the translator" "il / la traducttore"
"to break balls" "rompere le palle"
"to drown" annegare
"(exp.) to drink" "alzare il gomito"
"to shag" scopare
"(pejorative) a slut hussy"
"to live in the suburbs" "vivere in periferia"
"to bring up/educate children" "educare i figli"
"vote of no confidence" "il voto di sfiducia"
"vote of confidence" "il voto di fiducia"
"to go to the polls" "andare alle urne"
"(exp.) to daydream" "essere nelle nuvole"
"(exp.) the lazy bum" "il/la fannullone"
"Christening Baptism"
"general elections" "le elezioni generali"
"to be used to" "essere abituato a"
"the role" "il ruolo"
"the fall of the Berlin Wall" "la caduta del muro di Berlino"
"a sexy hot chick"
"(exp.) to end miserably" "finire in merda"
abortion l'aborto
"aging maturation"
"patriarchal society" "la società patriarcale"
"(exp.) to give the finger" "mostrare il dito medio"
"to finance fund"
"a two-story house" "una casa di due piani"
Created by: apprendista
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