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Psych Test #3

Descriptives non-experimental methods; can only state what is happening
Dendrites receives info from other neurons
Soma processes info given by dendrites
Motor Neurons movement; sends signals from NS to rest of body
Neural Pathway more you use the pathway, the stronger/easier it becomes when used (neurons communicate w/ each other towards outcome
Chemical Signal sends signals using neurotransmitters; talks to neurons by releasing chemicals
Electrical Signal electrical impulse; message travels along Axon to AT (neural activation) occurs in one neuron
Types of Neurons Motor Sensory Interneurons
Neurons cell specific to NS; sends & receives information
Two Divisions of NS Central NS Peripheral NS
Neurogenesis neural creations; new neurons grow & develop when new things are experienced
Neuroplasticity flexibility of neurons or ability to adapt
Neuroscience science of NS (brain, spine, nerves) electrical and chemical signals
Correlation association of 2 variables; strongly related or no/low relation (NOT CAUSAL, PREDICTION)
Negative Correlation (-), 2 variables move in opposite direction; NO CONTROL/INFLUENCE
Positive Correlation (+), 2 variables move in same direction; cannot say one thing causes another
Myelin Sheath protects axon; speeds up transmission
Axon transmits message
2 Functions of Neurons chemical and electrical
Interneurons connectors/creates links among neurons; brain & spine
Axon Terminal end of neuron; allow for connectors w/ other neurons
Somatic NS (PNS) voluntary movements
Automatic NS involuntary movements
Transduction sensory neurons take info and converts to electrical and chemical signals
Central NS brain-interpret, connect, make decisions (heavy lifter) spine-basic decisions, reflex (automatic beh.)
Sensory Neuron eyes, ears, nose, mouth, skin; pick up physical stimuli/info
Correlation Designs what is happening between 2 variables
Created by: madifox05
Popular Psychology sets



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