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Clinical Decisions

PP4 Clinical Decision Making

What is the definition of clinical reasoning? An ability to integrate and apply knowledge, to weigh evidence, critically think about arguments and reflect at the process to arrive at a decision (or diagnosis)
What are the steps that make up the clinical reasoning cycle? Consider the patient Collect Cues / information Proces Info Identify problems Establish goals Take Action Evaluate outcomes Reflect and process new learning
Outline the clinical reasoning algorythm adapted for pharmacists Presenting complaint/problem Basic background hisotyr Consider 3 or more solutions 4. targeted information gathering (expand on WHAMMA) Refine your solution Management Plan
What is the 'hidden part' crucial to the clinical reasoning process? Is the information you have collected important or irrelevant. Need to weigh the evidence in trms of does it make one or more of the hypotheses more likely. And out of the information collected, which data is most critical.
How is clinical reasoning applied in a hospital setting? Filling scripts Order meds for patients on a ward Med Rec Deciding appropriate action plan Clinical review of prescribed medications making medication related recommendations
What are the risks of clinical decision making? Cognitive errors - jumping to conclusions Not recognising that not all situatins can be standardised (the treatment guides are exactly that - guides) Metacognition (reflection) can reduce cognitive errors. Follow up with patients and reflect.
What is key for pharmacists when interrogating a colleague about a clinical/medication related issue? Use suitable language, don't assume they are wrong, ask how they arrived at that decision.
Created by: LDM
Popular Pharmacology sets




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