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Psychobio Exam 2

Exam 2 Psychobio

System neuroscience process in different domains (nervous/ sensory, etc)
Cornea transparent layer in front of the eye (front layer)
Iris group of muscles that control the size of the pupil
Lens a convex structure reflects light to be focused on the retina, the light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of the eyeball (behind the pupil)
Photoreceptors cells that line the retina responsible for visual transduction where light (photons) are turned into action potentials
Fovea point of central focus (focal point)
Retina back of the eye/ packed full of the cells called photorecptors --> greater concentration of rods in the periphery/ cones in fovea
Rods sensitive of low levels of light/ unable to relay color info --> work better in dim light
Cones less sensitive than rods, sensitive than rods, sensitive to three wavelengths of light visual acuity (being able to see things in fine detail)
Wavelength EXAMPLE wavelength= color --> brightness= amplitude
Transduction transformation of physical signal into an electric (neurochemical) chemical signal --> chemical that will react w/ light, open ion channels, starts an action potential
Lateral inhibition a process in which cells, when stimulated. inhibit the actvity of neighboring cells / sharpen boarder
Ganglion cells (front of layer) + Bipolar cells connect to optic nerve
Horizontal cell responsible for lateral inhibition / inhibit neighboring bipolar cells
Convergence is the pooling of info from cones/ rods onto ganglion cells --> provides detail at the level of the retina
Trichromacy basically states that color perception arises from the three diff types of cones that we have in the eye that process three diff wavelengths of light
Color mixing of RGB (red, green, blue) the mixing of diff colors, such as blue and red wavelengths
Dichromat two colors
Monochromat one color
Opponent process theory theory that states that color perception depends on receptors that make opposite responses to three pairs of colors --> one type of receptor will be stimulated vs. the other
Visual pathway left side of visual field enters the right side of brain → right visual field enters left side of brain
Optic nerve the projection from the retina (output of the eye)/ meet at the chaism
Optic chaism crossing point of the optic nerve
Optic radiations run from the chiasm to the LGN (laternal geniculate nucleus) → projection from left/ right visual field
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) the subdivision of the thalamus (outside of thalamus) responsible for processing visual info
Parvocellular small cells exist in LGN slow, colorful → Layer 3-6= process info abt color/ detail
Magnocellular large cells, fast, contrast/ edges → Layer 1 & 2 of LGN= receive input from cones/ movement
Receptive field (RF) of a cell corresponds to the region of visual space where changes in luminance influence the activity of a single neuron
On-center/ Off surround positive signals in middle/ outside negative signals
Off center/ On-surround negative signals in middle/ positive signals on outside
Center-surround cells light presented on the central region of the RF has one influence, while light presented to the surrounding RF has opposite influence
Orientation tuning cells cells in the visual system that only fore when the input contains a line segment of a specific orientation
Middle temporal lobe (MT)/ visual area 5 (V5) these cells are sensitive to the direction of motion
Bottom-up processing perception is entirely dependent on sensory inputs
Top-down processing high order cognitive factors influence perception
Binding problem how do all these visual features being represented/ coded come back together to perceive a coherent world
Gestalt Principles the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Similarity features which are similar/ grouped together as a part of the same object
Proximity features which are close to each other group together in reality that’s how it is viewed and that are close together are part of the same object
Good continuation figures w/ edges that are smooth/ continuous more likely to be part of the same object
Closure the perceptual system has a tendency to “fill in the blanks” to perceive a complete object when gaps are present
Constancies an unconscious process that preserves perception
Color constancy objects appear to remain the same color in diff lighting
Size constancy when the retinal image chnages, people unconsciously assume that size remains constant/ consider the distance an object is from them (we infer that this person moved further away)
Binocular disparity differences in the image location of an object seen by the left/ right eyes, resulting from the eyes’ horizontal separation
Interposition is a monocular cue that occurs when one object obscures another, which causes the object that is partially covered to appear more distant
Linear perspective parallel lines that recede into the distance appear to get closer or converge
Texture gradients gradual change in appearance of object from coarse to fine… with coarser objects appearing closer than fine
Motion parallax when we are moving, objects that are closer appear to be moving faster
Optic flow directional movement of objects create an appearance of a change in depth/ motion
Audition sensory modality that transforms pressure waves into sound (our sense of hearing)
Decibel (dB) unit of sound intensity 0-130 dB (anything below zero decibels can’t really hear) Frequency= lower pitch → lower frequency wave
Hertz (Hz) unit of sound frequency (cycles/ second) 20 Hz- 20,000 Hz 4 complete cycles in that range= 4 hertz
Compression when a sound wave is higher frequency= it is compressed
Refraction lower frequency expansion sound waves
Pinna (outer ear) is the visible part of the outer ear directs sound waves into middle ear involved in localizing sounds in vertical plane
Auditory canal tube connecting the center (opening) of the pinna w/ the eardrum channels sound into the middle ear sound waves resonate within middle ear
Tympanic membrane (eardrum) is a cone-shaped membrane that converts sound to mechanical vibration
Ossicles three serial bones that conduct sound vibration from the tympanic membrane to the cochlea, consist of the malleus, incus, stapes
Eustachian tube regulates pressure in the middle ear/ drain secretions EX: ear infections in young kids bc flat on middle ear/ not fully developed
Semicircular canals/ otolith organs (sit on top of cochlea) as part of the vestibular system, are involved in our sense or orientation/ balance
Oval window connection point of the stapes, vibrates structure of the inner ear
Round window part of cochela, when stapes push it in the round window comes out
Cochlea double-walled, fluid-filled tube, curled into a snail shape w/ 2.5 turns, contains hair cells where auditory transduction occurs High frequencies
Tectorial membrane (sits on top of basilar membrane) Vibration of the scala vestibuli (by sound) leads to movement
Basilar membrane (membrane in the center of the hair cells) Movement of the tectotiral membrane bends hair cells
Tonotopically organized where diff segments process the different frequencies of sound we can hear
Apex low frequencies
Sylvian fissure separates the frontal/ temporal lobes
Sound frequency in the cortex can be encoded by place code phase locking
Sound intensity in the cortex can be encoded by Population Rate
Superior olivary nuclei of the pons play special roles in process info abt left/ right location
Horizontal plane differences in timing/ intensity of sound when they hit the left vs. right ear can provide info
Interaural level difference level of amplitude of stimulus is louder in the ear it’s closest to
Interaural timing difference Sound localization is encoded w/ respect in timing/ hit that ear its closest to first
Deafness (complete loss in hearing) rarely caused by damage to the cortex/ instead caused by damage to the cochlea, auditory nerve or brainstem nuclei
Conduction deafness blockage in how sound waves are propagated
Nerve deafness damage to hair cells
Hearing loss can range from mild to profound/ can affect one or both ears/ be frequency specific
Amusia tone deafness impacts the ability to detect/ reproduce musical notes
Tinnitus ringing in the ears is thought to be caused by hyperactivity of the cochlear amplifier (due to external damage) but may also be central in nature
Vertical plane location of objects above/ below
Medial superior olive (MSO) important brain center that computes sound location by comparing small differences in arrival time at both ears Located in pons
Latereal superior olive (LSO) measuring the difference in sound intensity between the ears Located in pons
Vestibular system is the sensory system that helps maintain balance, posture, equilibrium
Semicircular canals placed at right angles to each other, represent 3 axes of rotation (vertical, anteroposterior, transverse)
Cupra organ that senses rotation
Otolith organs senses linear acceleration
Saccule up + down/ forward + backward
Utricel hortizontal
Somesthesis our sense of touch
Mechanoreceptors touch/ carried by Aβ (Group II) nerve fibers
Proprioceptors perception/ awareness of position movement of the body --> carried by Aα (Group I) fibers
Nociceptors pain/ carried by Aδ (Group III) and C (Group IV) fibers
Free nerve endings pain, heat, cold --> end in dendrites that pick up info/ transfer this info into pain, etc.
Merkel's disks sustained touch/pressure --> close to surface of skin/ ending in disks sensitive to pressure if apply pressure= it physically changes shape of disk that opens up ion channels to cause action potential (cutaneous info)
Meissner's corpuscles slow vibration/ texture --> more like rods close to surface of skin/ transfer info slow vibration (encodes info abt texture/ cutaneous info)
Pacinian corpuscles rapid vibration (deep receptors)
Krause corpuscles cold (temp)/ rapid vibration (deep receptors)
Root hair plexus hair movement (bending of hair cause bending of the plexus)
Tonic receptors are slowly adapting receptors that respond for the duration of a stimulus (tonically firing over a certain period of time)
Phasic receptors rapidly adapt to a constant stimulus/ turn off
Thermoreceptors free nerve endings w/ high thermal sensitivity temperature change activates family of ion channels (TRP) on receptor membrane
Parts of Thermoreceptors Heat pain= 45-60 C Warmth receptors= narrow temp range (30-50 C) Cold pain= 5-15 C Cold receptors= 5-45 C
Nociceptors (pain) sensory nervous system response to painful stimuli
Acute pain local damage- cut, burns, broken bones, incision, ischemia
Chronic pain long term damage associated w/ injury (inflammatory/ neuropathic pain)
Substance P peptide (11 amino acid chain) released when damage/ inflammation occur in the body
Receptor neurokinin type 1 (NK- 1R) found on many cells types in the body, including neurons --> works by altering cell signaling pathways to transmit pain
2 types of Fibers (picks up substance P) 1. A delta fibers: fast/ intense --> thin myleinated fibers/ transmit info abt acute pain 2. C fibers: slow --> unmylienated fibers/ transmit info abt chronic pain
Dermatome each dorsal root (dorsal horn) innervates a field of skin
Cervical (C1- C8) stimulate muscles movement in your neck, shoulder, arm, hand, provide sensation
Thoracic (T1- T12) lower parts of body no longer interface w/ somatic nervous system
Lumbar (L1-L5) region of the back usually cause symptoms that are felt in the hips, legs, feet
Sacral (S1- S5) S1= nerves affect the hips/ groin S5= nerves affect the perineal area
1st major Pathway of Somatosensory System 1. Dorsal column-medial lemniscal (subdivision of the medulla): receives info from sensory receptors --> carries to spinal cord to medulla --> medial lemniscus to thalamus --> transmit to somatosensory cortex - TOUCH - Large/ fast myelinated fibers
1st major Pathway of Somatosensory System (CONTINUED) Dorsal - high spatial (discrimination) - temporal resolution - large/ fast myelinated fibers - proprioception (sense movement, action, location)
2nd major Pathway of Somatosensory System Anterolateral/ Spinothalamic: comes through dorsal horn --> transmits info from skin to medulla/ thalamus --> primary somasentory cortex - THERMOCEPTION/ PAIN - Low spatial/ temporal resolution - small/ slow unmyelinated fibers
Somatotopic organization spatial orientation of signals from different parts of the body
Homunculus distorted representation of the human body based on neurological map of the areas/ proportions of human brain to process motor/ sensory functions
Gate control theory activation of A fibers sends inhibitory signals to C fibers/ block that sensation of pain in the C fibers
Referred pain painful percept in a part of the body other than its source due to damage of body, NOT in a part of body ur feeling the pain
Gustation (taste) important special sensation that affects diet/ human pleasure
Chemosensation includes both our sense of taste (flavor) (gustatory system)/ our sense of small (olfactory system)
Papillae small raised protrusions that contain taste buds/ NOT all of them are taste buds
1st cranial nerve in gustation pathway Vagus Nerve (X): longest cranial nerve in the body --> containing motor/ sensory functions in both afferent/ effernet glands
2nd cranial nerve in gustation pathway Glossophrayngeal Nerve (IX): provides motor innervation to the stylopharyngeus muscle (elevate pharynx)
3rd cranial nerve in gustation pathway Facial Nerve (VII): carries nerve fibers that control facial movement/ expression
Medulla (solitary nucleus) located lateral to the motor nucleus of the vagus nerve --> inner region of organ (kindey/ adrenal gland)
Thalamus (VPM) principle structure for conveying noncicpetive info from certain neurons to higher cortical regions
Cortex (insual) gustatory/ sensorimotor processing, risk-reward behavior, autonomic, pain pathways, vestibular functioning
Olfactory sensory neurons neurons that process the sense of smell
Olfactory epithelium lies on superior part of each nostril (abt 2.4 square cm) along nasal mucosa
Basil nerves make olfactory epithelium every 2 months
Olfactory neurons relay info to the olfactory bulb/ brain via olfactory tract
Olfactory pathway signals transduce in the olfactory bulb are than sent via the olfactory tract to olfactory cortex
Amygdala involved w/ experiencing emotions
Thalamus (MD) mediodorsal nucleus (MD) represents just one piece of a complex relay structure situated within the brain
Oribitofrontal cortex (OFC) involved in sensory irrigation/ decision-making expectation
Piriform/ entorhinal cortex using coding stratgies to represent odor identity/ intensity --> sensory input from the olfactory buld is transformed by intracortical circuitry
Anosmia a loss of sense of smell
Place code region of the auditory cortex stimulated indicates what frequency the sound is
Phase locking <4kHz, timing of auditory neuron locked to sound wave → phase of the waves for action potential lock to phase of waves in auditory system
Population louder sounds= more neurons firing
Rate auditory nerve firing fast
simple cells perfetential firing for not just orientation but LOCATION/ ones that only respond to specific orientation/ only respond to one thing in the receptive field
complex cells preferential firing for an ORIENTATION but NOT a location
V2/ V3 secondary/ tertiary visual cortex
Dorsal stream of visual processing Posterior material cortex/ goes up w/ the “where” pathway/ coordinating vision w/ movement
Ventral stream of visual processing Interior temporal cortex/ goes down w/ the “what” pathway
V4 color processing
Inferior temporal cortex (IT) object processing
Serial processing brain activity moves from point to point EX: A → B→ C
Paralell processing brain activity occuring at same point in time EX: A → B & C
Primary auditory cortex (A1) superior temporal cortex which cells respond best to tones of particular frequency
smooth muscle long thin muscle fibers that control the digestive system/ other systems
cardic muscles control heart beat
skeletal muscles long/ cylinder striated (striped) muscle fibers, control movement of the body in relation to enviroment (anything voluntary like working out)
fast twitch fiber fast contractions, easily fatigue (sprint), anaerobic (white/ paleish pink) --> not require O2
slow twitch fibers slow contractions, resistant to fatigue (long distance), aerobic (dark red) --> require O2
Neuromuscular junction termination of a motor neuron on skeletal muscle --> motor neuron will release acetlcholine in order for action potential to occur
proprioceptors cells that detect the position of a body part in space
muscle spindle receptor parallel to the muscle that respond to a stretch
golgi tendon organ propriocepters that respond to increased muscle tensions (more towards end of the muscle group)
reflexes consistent automatic responses to stimuli
patella reflex doctor hit knee w/ hammer/ knee moves up --> unconscious involuntary/ signal not make it up all way to brain --> stimulate sensory cells/ send motor command to motor nerve
Ballistic movement executed as a whole w/ little to no feedback correction
Central pattern generators are neutral mechanisms in the spinal cord that generate rhythmic patterns of motor output (walking/ after while stop thinking abt it)
Motor programs fixed sequences of movements (tying a shoe)
primary motor cortex (M1) in frontal lobe contains the alpha motor neurons responsible for sending motor commands to neuromuscular junctions
posterior parietal cortex (PPC) interfaces w/ somtosensory/ visual regions/ play a role in motor planning (intention)
premotor cortex (PMC) region that send commands to primary motor cortex for movement output/ involved in motor planning
supplementary motor area (SMA) involved in motor imagery/ movement sequencing
pre-frontal cortex (PFC) plans/ calculates outcomes of movements
M1 (and neighboring regions) topographically organized in the cerebral cortex clustered w/ respect to groups of movement
Cerebellum structure involved in motor control/ balance - enhances motor programs/ skills - process info abt guiding movements/ NOT movement itself
Efference copy copy of motor command/ also send to other parts of brain to process what's happening
basal ganglia deep brain structures that store sensory info to guide movements, learn rules, organize sequences of movement into a smooth automatic whole - active in selection or inhibiton of movements
Caudate/ putamen (dorsal striatum) in front- intergrates info/ motor state from cortex
Globus pallidus receives outputs from dorsal striatum/ relays to motor regions
Parkinson's disease (hypokinetic) neurodegenerative disorder that affect motor system of CNS - characterized by shaking (tremor)/ loose of dopaminergic cells
substantia nigra (hypokinetic) does NOT produce enough dopamine
levadopa (I-DOPA) (hypokinetic) a dopamine agonist, is most common/ effective medical treatment for PD
Huntington's disease (hyperkinetic) inherited (autosomal dominant) disorder that leads to the death of brain cells/ jerky, uncontrollable movements
Abnormal protein (mHTT) leads to cell death/ principally in the straitum
Essential tremor (ET) movement disorder, involving a tremor of the hands/ forearms ablations of the thalamus lead to remediated symptoms
Thalidotomy destruction of the functional part of the thalamus
retinex theory cortex compares info from various parts of retina to determine brightness/ color for each area
Created by: lils33
Popular Psychology sets




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