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psyc300 pt.1

Applied science Research aimed at solving a particular practical problem
Argument from authority Believing people who seem to be credible
Basic science Scientific efforts based on a scientist’s curiosity
Deductive reasoning "Top-down." Begins with theory and tests hypothesis to come to a conclusion
Inductive reasoning "Bottom-up." Begins with observations from which hypothesis and theories emerge
Empiricism Gaining knowledge through direct observation
Faith A way of knowing without proof or evidence.
Pseudoscience Information that does not follow the rules of science, but that is presented as if it does
Theory A set of facts and relationships among facts that explains and predicts natural phenomena
Reliability The ability to produce stable and consistent results
Validity The ability of research to produce results that represent the real world.
Internal validity The ability of a study to do what it's advertised to do
External validity How well a study applies to the population of interest
Accommodation Altering of existing ideas or beliefs in the presence of new and non-conforming information
Assimilation Process by which we take in new information without needing to change existing concepts
Confound An unstudied variable that affects the relationship being investigated
Construct An abstract attribute that cannot be measured directly
Covariation Two variables are systematically related, or correlated
Operationalization To define a concept in a way that allows it to be measured
Phenomena Problems, issues, or topics that are the focus of research
Population The complete set of people meeting a set of characteristics
Sample Small subset of a population consisting of research participants
Schema A pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them
Temporal relationship A relationship between variables in which the cause must precede the effect
Variability Some difference within the dataset
Social norming A theory suggesting our behaviour is influenced by perceptions of how others think and act
Conceptual definition provides an overview of the variable we will measure
Operational definition Defines the variable in a way it can be measured
Direct replication Repeats original study as closely as possible
Conceptual replication Methods are not the exactly the same as the original study, but the gist is the same
File-drawer problem Publication bias resulting from journals only publishing positive results
Meta-analysis Statistical technique of combining and analyzing the results from multiple studies
The curse of knowledge When writers are well informed on their subject matter, they find it difficult to take the less informed reader’s perspective
Hedging Nothing is ever absolute in science. Therefore, scientists use "softer" language to convey their findings
Effect size A measure of the strength of a particular finding
Confidence intervals Indicate the likelihood that a statistic will fall between a range of values around a variable's mean
Active consent "Opt-in." Does not assume consent. Requires perimission.
Passive consent "Opt-out." Assumes consent.
Adverse event A negative outcome of participating in research
Belmont Report Another name for the “Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research” issued in 1979; a foundational document for today’s research ethics guidelines
Beneficence The aspect of ethical principles put forward by the Belmont Report that maximizes benefits relative to risks for participants
Common Rule Federal policies outlining the protection of human research participants
Deception In research, providing false or incomplete information to a prospective research participant to hide the true purpose of the investigation
Debriefing Information provided about deception to participants after their participation has been completed
Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) An independent group of experts that advise funding agencies and researchers during studies with a high risk of serious side effects
Exempt status A category of research that does not fall under the Common Rule
Expedited review Review by an IRB of research that involves minimal risk or is specifically identified as suitable for expedited review by federal regulations
Full IRB review Review by an IRB of research that involves more than minimal risk and does not fall into one of the specific categories for expedited review identified in federal regulations
Group harm Harm resulting from research findings that affects all members of a group
Human subject As defined by the Common Rule, a living individual about whom a researcher obtains data either through interaction or through identifiable private information
Informed consent Provision of enough information to potential research participants to allow them to decide whether to volunteer for research
Institutional Review Board (IRB) A committee required to evaluate research at their institution for compliance with relevant federal codes
Justice The aspect of ethical principles put forward by the Belmont Report that requires the benefits and burdens of research to be distributed fairly
Limited review Type of IRB review for otherwise exempt studies before granting exempt status
Respect for persons The aspect of ethical principles put forward by the Belmont Report that views individuals as having the right to make their own decisions
Whistleblower A person who is willing to alert the IRB to unethical behaviour
Categorical variable Variable representing distinct, non-overlapping categories or groups of individuals, which are distinguished by a specific characteristic
Central tendency Most likely value
Dependent variable (DV) The outcome variable measured by the researcher
Independent variable (IV) A suspected causal variable manipulated by the researcher
Interval variable Variable measured by order with equal distances between each interval on the scale
Mean The mathematical average of a set of values
Median The middle value in a set of values
Mode The most frequent value in a dataset
Nominal variables Variables that classify characteristics
Ordinal variables Variables that rank characteristics
Primary data Data collected by the researchers themselves rather than obtained from others
Ratio variable A variable measured in a way that describes an amount of a given characteristic relative to the absence of that characteristic
Secondary data Data collected by another person for another purpose that is used in new research
Standard deviation A statistical measure of how closely scores cluster around a mean
Web scraping techniques Data collection techniques that download feeds from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter
Expectancies Perceptions of other people's behaviour
classical test theory A paradigm that aims to understand the reliability of tests
construct validity The degree of overlap between a theoretical construct and the measurement instrument
content bias Test items disadvantage certain groups of individuals over others
content validity Extent to which a measure represents all features of a given construct
convergent validity Refers to the degree to which two measures of a construct are related
criterion validity A relation between a measure intended to assess a certain construct and other measures that assess the same construct "gold star"
discriminant validity A relation between a measure intended to assess a certain construct and a measure that assesses an unrelated construct
criterion-referenced tests Measures that allow for comparing an individual’s performance to a specific skill
group-administered tests Measures that are simultaneously administered to a group of individuals
individually-administered tests Measures that are administered to one individual at a time
item A specific task a test-taker is asked to perform, such as answering a question or providing a rating
measurement error The difference between a test score and an individual’s actual ability
measurement reliability The consistency and reproducibility of a measurement
measurement validity The degree to which a measure assesses its prescribed content
norm-referenced test Measures that allow for comparing an individual’s performance to a norm
power tests Measures that do not possess time limits
speed tests Measures that possess time limits
test bias A test systematically disadvantages certain groups of individuals over others
testing situation bias Testing conditions disadvantage certain groups of individuals over others
true score An individual’s actual ability
response bias A tendency for a participant to respond falsely to a test item for a number of different reasons, such as the phrasing of a question or the desire to appear socially appropriate.
observed score a test score
confirmation bias Searching for data that support existing views and discounting data that conflict with existing views
comprehensive narrative Recording as much data as possible
demand characteristics Clues about the purpose of the research and what the researcher expects to see
disguised observer An observer whose role in a study is not known to participants
ecological validity The ability to generalize findings to “real world” situations; a type of external validity
event sampling Observing the antecedents, target behaviors, and the consequences of the target behaviors
field experiment Experiment conducted in a natural setting
field notes Abbreviated recordings of observations, often using predetermined codes
habituation A reduced response to a stimulus that is not followed by meaningful consequences
naturalistic observation Direct data collection without intervention in a natural setting
objective Lacking personal emotional responses or bias
observational research Non-experimental research in which behavior is observed and recorded
participant observation Disguised or undisguised observer interacts with a community of interest
population validity The extent we can generalize from a sample to a larger population; one aspect of external validity
random sampling Each person in the population of interest has an equal chance to be observed
reactivity Behaving differently due to an awareness of being watched
situation sampling Selection of situations to be observed
structured observations Participants respond to a situation framed by the researcher
systematic sampling Selecting every nth person, behavior, or situation to observe
time sampling The choice of times and durations of observations
undisguised observer An observer whose role in a study is understood by participants
closed-ended questions Questions with short or single-word answers
cluster sampling Uses "natural" but relatively heterogeneous groupings in a population
construct validity Focuses on whether our survey measures a construct that cannot be directly observed
convenience sampling Sample is composed of people who are easy to reach
criterion-related validity Involves comparing our survey results with other measures or outcomes (the criteria) already considered valid
cross-sectional data collection Used to examine a characteristic of interest in a population at any single point in time. (Studying people of different ages at the same time).
cumulative scale (Guttman scale) Measures to what degree a person has a positive or negative attitude toward something
dichotomous A fixed-alternative question that can only be answered in one of the two indicated ways
discrete scale Data that arise from observations that can only take certain numerical values
double-barrel questions Question that touches upon more than one issue, yet allows for only one answer
evaluation survey A survey used to make decisions
face validity The extent to which a survey is subjectively viewed as measuring the construct it intends to measure
filter (contingency) questions Questions that need to be answered only when the respondent provides a particular response
focus groups A form of qualitative research consisting of interviews in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a characteristic of interest
forced choice Questions which make survey respondents choose a response option that indicates a definitive opinion or attitude
group administration Respondents are brought together and asked to respond to a questionnaire
internal consistency The degree that the survey items are measuring the same construct
Likert-type items A question adheres to certain format requirements
longitudinal Observing and studying the same research population over time
mixed-mode surveys Collecting data using multiple methods
non-probability sampling Sample selection is biased because it is based on the subjective judgment of the researcher
nonresponse bias Results when respondents differ in meaningful ways from nonrespondents
open-ended questions Questions designed to encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subject's own knowledge and/or feelings
sampling bias Sample is collected in such a way that not all members of the intended population are equally likely to be included
probability sampling Sample selection utilizes a form of random selection which is less biased and has greater external validity
rank order A series of items the respondent ranks in a particular order
sampling error The discrepancy between the characteristics of a sample and the characteristics of the population
semantic differential A type of a rating scale designed to measure the meaning of objects, events, and concepts
simple random sampling A subset of a population in which each member has an equal probability of being chosen
snowball sampling Participants recruit other participants
stratified random sampling Population is divided into subgroups called strata
structured interview An interview of prearranged questions that are presented in the same order
unstructured interview An interview in which questions are not prearranged
standardized rating scale A rating scale that uses response categories that describe various levels of performance
Created by: janelle.gerich
Popular Psychology sets




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