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Pesonality ch. 10


The neo-analytic movement some of freuds ideas have not stood the test of time, others have and have been incorporated into contemporary version of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysts no longer write much about id, superego, or repressed sexuality. They focus on childhood relationship
Drew Westen a contemporary psychoanalyst who argues that contemporary psychoanalysis is based on five postulates.
Drew westen's 5 postulates 1. unconscious plays a large role in life. 2. Behavior reflects compromises in conflict between mental processes 3.childhood plays an impt role in personality dev. 4.mental repr. of self & others guide interactions 5.immature socially to matured relat
Contemporary Views on the Unconscious Cognitive unconscious v. motivated unconscious Subliminal perception Priming Research on subliminal perception indicates that unconscious information does not influence people’s motivations
Ego psychology establishing secure identity, achieving goals, sense of self. Shift in focus from id to ego
Erik Erickson Emphasized ego as a powerful and independent part of personality, argued that personality dev. occurs throughout life & challenges at each stage were social not sexual
Erickson's eight stages of DEV. Trust v Mistrust:Hope Autonomy v Shame & Doubt:Will Initiative vGuilt:Purpose Industry v Infer.:Competence Ego Identity v Role Confusion:Fidelity Intimacy v Isolation: Love Generativity v Stagnation: Care Ego Integrity v Despair: Wisdom
Karen Horney Revised theory of penis envy: Penis is a symbol of social power rather than an organ that women actually desire to have. “Fear of success”: Accounts for gender difference in response to competition and achievement situations
Narcissism Inflated self-admiration and constant attempts to draw attention to self and keep others focused on self
Narcissistic paradox Although the narcissist appears high in self-esteem, he or she has doubts about his or her worth as a person
Assumptions of object relations theory Internal wishes, desires, urges of child not as important as developing relationships with significant others, especially parents. First social attachments that infant develops form prototypes for all future meaningful relationships
Object relation theory Emphasizes social relationships and their origins in childhood
Ainsworth & childhood attachment Strange situation procedure for studying attachment
Secure able to separate from parent, seeks comfort when frightened, return of parents is met with positive emotions, and prefers parents to strangers
ambivalent may be wary of strangers, becomes greatly distressed when parent leaves, and does not appear to be comforted by the parents return
Avoidant may avoid parents, does not seek much comfort or contact from parents, & shows little or no preference between parents and strangers
Bowlby and others Early attachment experiences and reactions of the infant to parents, especially the mother, form “working models” for later adult relationships Working models are internalized in the form of unconscious expectations about relationships
Adult relationships Investigation of whether the attachment style developed in childhood is related to adult romantic relationship style
adult avoidant may have intimacy problems, invest little emotions in relationships or social networks, and unable or unwilling to share thoughts and feelings to others
adult secure have trusting lasting relationships, good self-esteem, comfortable sharing feelings, and seek social support
adult ambivalent reluctant to become close to others, worries that their partner does not love them, and becomes distraught when a relationship ends
Repression and Contemporary Research on Memory Elizabeth Loftus: argues that we should not conclude that all recovered memories are false, we should not assume all are true, and we must be aware of processes that contribute to the construction of false memories
Use of hypnosis Research indicates that hypnosis does not improve memory & may increase memory distortions. Some therapists tell patients that getting better hinges on their ability to recover forgotten memory
Confirmatory bias Tendency to look only for evidence that confirms belief, and not to look for evidence that disconfirms
Spreading activation model of memory Mental elements are stored in memory along with associations to other elements in memory Most modern cognitive psychologists believe that false memories can occur
Created by: amac
Popular Psychology sets




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