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Psych Ch 4. Life

Parenting, lifespan

Nature vs Nurture Does genetics or environment affect a person? (both)
Piaget stages of cognitive development Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
Assimilation Seeks to relate new info to old cognitive structures
Accomodation Alter existing ideas to response to new info/experiences
Critical period Attachment formed after birth
What did Vygotsky believe? Child's mind grows through interaction with social environment
Theory of mind Ppl's ideas about their own/others mental states (feeling, perceptions, thoughts, behaviors)
Who supported theory of mind? Vygotsky
Who supported assimilation? Piaget
Who supported accomodation? Piaget
What are the parenting styles? 4 Authoritarian, permissive, neglectful, authoritative
Authoritarian Rules, objective
Permissive Unrestraining, few punishments
Neglectful Uninvolved, inattentive
Authoritative Confrontative, demanding/responsive
What are the attachment styles? 4 Secure, anxious, avoidant, disorganized
Secure Caring, trusting, honest, responsive
Anxious Relationship insecurities, fear of abandonment, lack boundaries, sensitive
Disorganized Unable to self regulate, find intimacy difficult, lack empathy, dissociate
What happens to teens regarding cognitive development? Wonders what others think of them, think things don't apply to them
What are Kohlberg's levels of moral thinking in order? Preconventional, early adolescence, adolescence beyond
Preconventional Self interest, obey ideas for reward
Conventional Uphold laws and rules for social approval
Post conventional Actions reflect belief in basic rights
Erik Erikson Believed each stage of life has its own psychosocial task
Infancy Trust vs mistrust
Toddlerhood Autonomy vs shame/guilt (do things self or doubt)
Preschool Initiative vs guilt
Elementary Competence vs inferiority
Adolescence Identity vs role confusion
Young adulthood Intimacy vs isolation
Middle adulthood Generativity vs stagnation
Late adulthood Integrity vs despair
What are the changes in adulthood? Strength/stamina, health, aging brain, exercise
What is involved in successful aging? Biologica, social-cultural, psychological influences
Biological influences No early cognitive/physical decline
Social cultural influences Support, safe living, respect for aging
Psychological Optimistic, physically, mentally active
Alzheimer's Type of dementia, mild memory loss, dysfunction of proteins
Dementia Loss of cognitive functioning
Created by: MikalahQuillen
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