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Unit One Psych

Important People and Ideas

John Locke (1632-1704) and Thomas Reid (1710-1796 They believed that knowledge comes from experiences.
Hermann Von Helmholtz Speed of neural impulse / studied hearing and vision / senses are fallible but still can be studied / physiology.
Gustav and Fechner Created methods for measuring physical stimuli and human perception (psychophysics)
Wilhelm and Wundt Father of psychology / established and promoted the field of experimental psychology / created academia textbooks / worked in Introspection.
Margaret Floy Washburn First woman in the US to earn his PH. D. in psychology
William James Seminal Book called “Principles of Psychology” asserted consciousness should be studied as continuous whole rather than isolated elements.
Mary Whiton Calkins First woman to serve as President of Phys in American / was a student of William James
G. Stanley Hall Founded the first American journal psychology and the first lab in US / Focus on child development and education
Cecil Sumner First African American to earn his PH.D. in psychology in the US / student to G. Stanley Hall
James McKeen Cattell Looking at differences and the idea that intelligence was inherited and could be measure / Many of his ideas were aligned with eugenics movement (selective breeding)
B.F. Skinner and John Watson Were behaviorist and expand this study
Alfred Binet Developed intelligence tests that helped identify children in need of education support / Involved reasoning and problem-solving tasks
Hugo Munsterberg Pioneer in Industrial and organizational psychology / employee selection / eyewitness testimony and psychotherapy
Lightner Witmer Clinical Psych / Created first clinical psych journal and first clinic in US / Founder of clinical and school psych / treating children with learning + behavioral problems.
Leta S. Hollingworth Proved women’s menstruation did not negatively impact women’s ability to do their jobs and their emotionality
Kenneth and Mamie Phipps Clark Segregation negatively impacts the self-esteem of African American Children / Brown vs Board of Education 1954
Evelyn Hooker Challenged the stereotype that homosexual men were more stupid than straighter men.
Features of Good Scientific Theories Accuracy / Consistency / Scope / Simplicity / Fruitfulness / Falsifiable (able to prove it to be incorrect)
Fact-Value Distinction Proved and knowns vs faith and beliefs.
Levels of Analysis Biological / Cognitive / Behavioral / Social + Cultural
What are the limitations to experimental research? Ethics / Practical (Logical ) / Realistic
How do you study daily behaviors? Time-lapse photography / observing personal and professional spaces / garage / looking at body language / online personal
What is "Smartphone" Psych. ? Store vast amount of real world data / track physical + social context
Correlation is not causation- Truth or False? Truth
What are some of the pros to Survey? Cost effective / Easy to distribute / Popularity of response / Large amount of data
What is the Quasi- Experiment Design? No random assignment , different independent variables (they are fixed)
What are some problems with the Quasi- Experiment Design? Pre-determined groups / Could be confounding variable
What are some benefits with Longitudinal Studies? Identifying risk factors for development of diseases / disorders
What are some challenges with Longitudinal studies? Costly / Difficult to keep track of participants + researchers
What are the aspects of culture? Versatile (location) / Shared / Cumulative (passing down recipes) / Patterns
What are some Individual countries? USA / Canada
What are some Collectivism countries? Japan / Taiwan
What are some parts of learned culture? Identity / Emotions / Etiquette / Values + morals
Created by: PlantKid80
Popular Psychology sets




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