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Clinicals ll Summer

Portable Abdomen

abnormal accumulation of serous fluid within the peritoneal cavity Ascites
Additive or Destructive → Ascites? Additive
Intestinal perforation or hole that can occur in the esophagus, stomach, small or large intestine, rectum, or gallbladder - causes air or obstruction to enter the GI Tract GI perforation
GI Perforation → additive or destructive? Air = destructive Obstruction = additive
Small Bowel Obstruction (Ileus) a partial or complete blockage of the flow of intestinal contents, usually occuring in the Jejunum
How is a Small Bowel Obstruction in the Jejunum of the small Bowel visualized? as a stack of coins lying on its side
Ileus (Small bowel obstruction) → additive or destructive? Destructive
Clinical indications for the exam? Possible bowel obstruction presence of gallstones or renal calculi in KUB foreign body localization Tumors/masses Tube placement
Sufficient exposure on an AP Abdomen is visualized by? Sufficient mAs and Long Scale Contrast (kV) visualizing Psoas Muscle outlines, Lumbar Transverse Processes and abdominal ribs
No motion on an AP Abdomen evident by? Sharp bony margins of the Ribs and all gas margins appear sharp
Largest solid organ in the body Liver
function of the Liver receives digested nutrients from the small intestine via the portal vein and detoxies for further use in the body
The Liver produces _______ which _______ breaks down fat bile; mechanically
what are the 4 lobes of the Liver and where are they located? Left lobe (left side), right lobe (right side), Caudate lobe (middle superior portion), Quadrate lobe (middle inferior portion)
What quadrant is the Liver located in? RUQ
Divides the Liver into right and left lobes and attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall Falciform Ligament
What does the Falciform Ligament do? Divides the Liver into right and left lobes and attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall
Pear shaped organ Gallbladder
What quadrant is the Gallbladder located in? RUQ
What does the Gallbladder consist of? Fundus, Body, Neck, Cystic Duct
What is the function of the Gallbladder? stores bile received from the liver via the Common Hepatic Ducts
Vessels of the Biliary Tree from distal to proximal: Right and Left Hepatic Ducts, Common Hepatic Duct, Cystic Duct, Common Bile Duct, Pancreatic Duct (Duct of Wirsung)
What mechanically breaks down fat? bile
Where the common bile duct enters the descending duodenum? Ampulla of Vater
Muscle that controls the flow of bile into the descending duodenum? Sphincter of Oddi
Lies within the C-Loop of the Duodenum? Head of the Pancreas
Where is the Pancreas located? Retroperitoneal
The pancreas consists of? Head, Neck, body, Tail
The Pancreas has both a _______ and ______. endocrine (ductless); exocrine (having a duct)
What is the Endocrine portion of the Pancreas responsible for? producing insulin through the islets of langerhorns to control glucose levels in the body
What is the Exocrine portion of the Pancreas responsible for? produces enzymes which chemically break down fats
Pancreatic enzymes travel to the descending duodenum via? Pancreatic Duct (duct of wirsung)
Most proximal portion of the small intestine? Duodenum
shortest segment of the small intestine? duodenum
Unique characteristic of the Duodenum? forms a c-shape loop that the head of the pancreas lies within called the romance of the abdomen
superior portion of the duodenum? duodenal bulb
what does the descending duodenum receive? the common bile duct and pancreatic duct
The duodenojejunal junction is suspended by what? Angle of Treitz
What forms the duodenojejunal junction of the Duodenum? Where the ascending duodenum joins with the Jejunum
where is the duodenum located? retroperitoneal
what are the 4 parts of the duodenum? Duodenal Bulb, descending duodenum, transverse or horizontal duodenum, and ascending duodenum
Xiphoid Process T9-T10
used to locate Midsagittal and Superior anterior portion of the Diaphragm - Superior most portion of the Abdomen Xiphoid Process
Iliac Crest L4-L5
CR is directed here for most AP Projections of the Abdomen Iliac Crest
Secondary positioning landmark for the abdomen ASIS
SID for a routine abdomen? 40 inches
The routine AP Abdomen Supine Recumbent is taken on what breathing instruction? Expiration
How is the IR placed for a routine Abdomen? 14x17 lengthwise (or crosswise for the Tshot if necessary to include all anatomy
What should be included superior and inferior on an AP Abdomen? From the diaphragm to Symphysis Pubis
chole refers to? Biliary System
Cysto refers to? Gallbladder
Angio refers to? Bile Ducts
3 projections performed for an abdomen series? AP Supine, AP - Upright to include Diaphragm, AP - Upright to include Symphysis Pubis
Purpose of the abdomen series? to evaluate air/fluid levels in the abdomen, rule out free air in the peritoneum caused by bowel perforation, and to rule out a small or large bowel obstruction
Highest point of the abdomen free air will rise? above the liver, below the right hemidiaphragm
What is an Adynamic bowel obstruction due to? lack of peristalsis or lack of voluntary movement which could be due to an obstruction (Ileus), surgery complications, medications or narcotics
What is a mechanical bowel obstruction due to? adhesions, crohns, colon cancer, volvulus, or intussusception
________ from the Pancreas _______ break down fat enzymes, chemically
Abdominal Cavity Structures: Snake in the Grass, Snake in the Grass, GASP, K Stomach, Large intestine, small intestine, Liver, Gallbladder, Adrenal Glands, Spleen, pancreas, kidney
Intraperitoneal structures (within the peritoneum) "Lets Get Super Soakers Just In Case They Squirt Cats IN the yard" Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen, Stomach, Jejunum, Ileum, Cecum, Transverse and Sigmoid Colon
Retroperitoneal Structures (behind the peritoneum) "PU KID your Ascending and Descending Colon Reeks, AAA" Pancreas, Ureters, Kidneys, Inferior Vena Cava, Duodenum, Ascending and Descending Colon, Proximal Rectum, Abdominal Aorta, Adrenal Glands
Infraperitoneal Structures "Just DUR" Distal Rectum, Urinary Bladder, Reproductive Organs
Structures of the Large Intestine from Proximal to Distal: Cecum - ascending colon, right colic hepatic flexure, transverse colon, left colic splenic flexure, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus
Longitudinal bands that pull the large intestine into pouches Tenia Coli
Pouches of the Large Intestine Haustra
Functions of the Large Intestine? Absorption of water and vitamin k, and the elimination of gas and fecal matter produced in the process of digestion
how much of the small intestine is occupied by the jejunum? 2/5ths
function of the Jejunum? the absorption of digested nutrients into the bloodstream
Quadrant location of the Jejunum of the small intestine? upper and lower quadrants
Finger like projections that line the Jejunum? Microvilli
function of the microvilli of the jejunum? absorb digested particles through blood capillaries which eventually lead to the portal vein
What brings nutrients from the jejunum of the small intestine to the liver for further detoxification before the blood enters the circulatory system for use in the body? Portal Vein
The distal or third portion of the small intestine? Ileum
Quadrant location of the Ileum? Right Lower Quadrant
Function of the Ileum? serves as a passageway for waste material into the large intestine
Where does the Ileum end? Terminal Ileum with its junction with the cecum of the large intestine
The muscular valve that controls the flow of intestinal contents between the Ileum and Cecum? Ileocecal Valve
three portions of the small intestine? duodenum, jejunum, ileum
The most expanded portion of the digestive system? Stomach
What shape is the stomach? J shaped
The internal lining of the stomach is thrown into numerous longitudinal folds called what? Rugae
Function of the stomach? serves as a mixing bowl that forms partially digested food into a liquid mass
partially digested food of the stomach forms into a liquid mass called what? chyme
three main portions of the stomach? Fundus, body, and pylorus
The body of the stomach is created by which two curvatures? Greater and lesser curvatures
The most distal portion of the stomach? pylorus
The portion of the stomach leading from the body to the pyloric canal? pyloric antrum
The pyloric canal of the stomach ends in a circular muscle called the what? pyloric sphincter
Quadrant location of the stomach? left upper quadrant
advantages of pa over ap abdomen pa abdomen reduces exposure to the gonads and thyroid gland
Popular Radiology sets




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