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Miscellaneous Question for AICP
Item | Definition |
Variance | Planning Process to add a built addition |
Zoning Text Amendment | Changes the rules regarding the use and development of every property in a specified zoning district |
Zoning map amendment | Change the zoning from residential to commercial on the property |
Replat | Divide the lot into two or more parcels. |
Kelo v. City of New London (2005) | Affirmed the use of eminent domain for economic development |
Lingle v. Chevron (2005) | Jettisoned the "substantially advances" test for takings |
First Amendment | The first amendment covers freedom of speech, which includes the regulation of signage |
Highest population density according to the 2000 | New York has a population density of 10,292 people per kilometer. San Francisco has a density of 6,423 per kilometer. |
Americans with Disabilities Act | 1990 |
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) | Was adopted in 1972 to provides funding for coastal state programs designed to coordinate and regulate specific activities within defined coastal zones |
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 | Required both the private and public sectors to conform to certain environmental standards |
Enterprise fund | Established to manage the revenues and expenditures of a golf course |
UGB | Urban Growth Boundary is the most effective method for preventing development in specified geographic areas. |
Christopher Stone's 1972 book Should Trees Have Standing | The book discusses the Sierra Club v. Morton, Secretary of the Interior (1972) case where the Sierra Club attempted to block the development of a ski resort in the Mineral King Valley in the Sequoia National Forest. |
Indian Reorganization Act (1934) | Allowed Native Americans to adopt a constitution and organize for their common welfare |
City Beautiful Movement | Includes civic design as a primary principle. Cities such as DC and Chicago had large parks, statues, and well-designed public meetings. |
Fred French Investing Co. v. City of New York | Found that Transfer of Development Rights is an inappropriate method to compensate the landowner for a taking by the City of New York. |
Fiscal impact analysis | Best used for a single development project to determine the revenues and expenses of the project. |
New Urbanism | Peter Calthorpe |
Krumholz’s | Advocacy Planning in Cleveland |
Smart growth | romotes a variety of housing choices to allow people of all income and household types to have a place to live. |
Section 8 | This housing program provides funds to pay a portion of the rent for low-income households. The amount paid depends on the household income |
Concentric Circle Theory | By Ernest Burgess in 1925. He believed that cities grow in a series of outward rings. Land use is based on the distance from the downtown. There were five rings to his theory. The first is CBD, 2nd is Industrial then transition zone, 4th is zone of indepe |
Neotraditional development | Calls for nodes of activity that provide Mixed Use, Multimodal Use and Contains Public Spaces |
BART | Began in 1972 in San Francisco |