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PSY 212

Chapter 13: Learning and Memory

learning experience-dependent changes in the brain (synaptic plasticity)
perceptual learning the ability to recognize and label a stimulus; this learning is carried out by integration of information in sensory association cortices
stimulus-response learning manipulation of or exposure to a particular stimulus in space produces a physiological response (two subtypes: classical and operant conditioning)
motor learning changes within the motor control systems; interaction between the body and its external environment (ex. Playing guitar, riding a bike)
relational learning understanding relationships and “feature integration.” Spatial learning requires us to navigate our way through space–imagine that you’re lost and trying to navigate through a new city
long-term depression (LTD) the weakening of a synapse when stimulation of presynaptic neurons is insufficient to activate the postsynaptic neurons
long-term potentiation (LTP) strengthening of a synapse when presynaptic neurons and postsynaptic neurons are active at the same time
hebbian learning Donald Hebb proposed the famous neuroscience mantra: “neurons that wire together fire together”
positive reinforcement adding a rewarding stimulus to make the preceding behavior occur more frequently
negative reinforcement removing an aversive stimulus to make the preceding behavior occur more frequently
positive punishment adding an aversive stimulus to make the preceding behavior less frequently
negative punishment removing a rewarding stimulus to make the preceding behavior occur less frequently
fixed ratio the reinforcement is provided after a set number of responses
fixed interval the reinforcement is provided for a certain amount of time
variable ratio the reinforcement is provided after an unpredictable number of responses
variable interval the reinforcement is presented after the amount of time has passed
mirror neurons neurons that respond when humans engage in a specific activity by observing something happening in their environment and performing the same action
classical conditioning learning through association (Ivan Pavlov and Eye Blink Conditioning)
operant conditioning response-consequence learning; shaping of behavior parallels shaping of the genome via evolution by natural selection
cam-kinases transcription factors are involved in the production of transcribed mRNA (gene expression)
early phase LTP (E-LTP) calcium is released to start with protein synthesis
late phase LTP (L-LTP) includes changes in protein synthesis (i.e., gene expression) that produce long lasting changes in the brain
anterograde amnesia inability to form new memories after traumatic brain injury
retrograde amnesia inability to remember events before traumatic brain injury
korsakoff syndrome alcohol/malnutrition-induced anterograde amnesia
Created by: senthis1
Popular Psychology sets




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