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Cognitive Final

T/F One of the lobes of the brain is called the parietal lobe. True
T/F One of the lobes of the brain is called the temporal lobe. True
T/F One of the lobes of the brain is called the frontal lobe. True
T/F One of the lobes of the brain is called the occipital lobe. True
Identify four components of Connell's expansion of Reitan and Wolfson's model of brain-behavior Language, Attention, Perception, Short-Term Memory
T/F Sodium and Potassium are NOT important to nerve impulse transmission. False, Na and K ARE important in nerve impulse trasmission.
Four of the seven important neurotransmitters mentioned are: Serotonin, GABA, Norepinephrine, and Dopamine
One approach to the study of cognition that emphasizes the importance of interaction between a person and the environment it: Embodied Cognition
T/F The invention of the computer was important in the history of Cognitive Psychology, providing an understanding of the brain through the information processing model. True
Accuracy is a factor of ten measured in research on cognition. True
T/F The first book titled, "Cognitive Psychology" was authored by Wilhelm Wundt False
T/F B.F. Skinner rejected Behaviorism's explanation for language development. False
T/F Noam Chomsky proposed language as developing from cognitive processes beyond simple reinforcement. True
A common factor used in research to measure cognitive process is: Speed
Metacognition is the term to describe learning new behaviors through classical and operant conditioning. False
The aspect of the scientific method that promotes acceptance of simple over complex explanations is known as: Parsimony
T/F Correlational studies help researchers understand the relationship between two or more variables. True
T/F In the typical flow of information into cognition, perception comes before sensation. False
In the visual system, cones are the sensory receptors responsible for color vision True
The receptor cells in the auditory system are: hair cells in the ears
The olfaction system uses this sensory organ: nose
T/F According to the Gestalt approach to perception, objects are generally perceived as a whole True
The type of processing used when we look at the name "Sean" and can correctly pronounce this word is referred to as: Top-down processing
T/F Object recognition involves two brain pathways: the dorsal and the ventral True
T/F In the Gestalt principle of proximity, objects are grouped together based on how different they are from each other False
The Gestalt principle to describe the process whereby we perceive objects as continuous even when we do not actually see some parts of the object is called: Continuity
A type of disorder involving impaired object recognition is known as: Agnosia
T/F William James, early American psychologist, reported that Attention was too complex for people to understand False
T/F The Stroop task is considered a "Gold Standard" measure of attention True
No longer noticing auditory stimuli still present can be referred to as: Habituation
T/F Broadbent's Information Filter Model introduced the concept of "Bottleneck" to explain attention True
T/F The capture of attention for one's own name is known as Working Memory False
Two functions of Visual Attention are orientation and ____ Integration
The _____ Effect explains why people respond more slowly to information presented on the opposite side of the body (e.g., the word "right" presented in the left ear Simon
T/F According to the lecture, it is debatable as to whether Divided Attention actually exists True
The two lobes most involved in attention processes are: Parietal, Frontal
T/F Information in long-term memory is stored in different areas of the brain, typically where similar types of information are stored (i.e., information about it Chevy truck would be stored near brain areas already storing information about Ford trucks) True
T/F Mnemonics are an effective way to help remember information True
T/F Implicit memory is from information acquired unintentionally True
Episodic and semantic memory are best categorized as: Explicit
T/F Based upon results shown in a serial position curve, information presented fist is information that is best remembered. This is known as the Recency Effect False
Research shows that asking participants to purposefully memorize information will result in better performance in Recall Tasks
Forgetting is a natural process that involves two primary processes Interference, lack of consolidation
T/F Being able to name a familiar face is an example of recognition True
T/F The levels of Processing Model proposes a distinction between deep encoding and shallow encoding True
T/F Multiple choice formats are an example of free-recall False
T/F As humans, we typically encode only pieces of events (rather than encoding entire events), then reconstruct the information in our minds to "connect the dots" True
T/F The case of Jennifer Thomson and Ronald Cotton demonstrates that eyewitness testimony is relatively error-free False
This memory error refers to how some unwanted memories continue to be repeated in our minds and can interfere with other cognitive processes Persistence
____ refers to a general knowledge structure, such as knowing what a typical professor's office looks like Schema
T/F The textbook indicated that neuronal plaques and tangles are two pathological features of Alzheimer's disease, contributing to the resulting memory problems seen in patients with this disease True
_____ refers to a mental ordered set of actions, such as how to do your laundry Script
T/F The "memory" error of Absentmindedness refers to lack of attention during encoding or retrieval True
T/F An example of the memory error of Source Misattribution is misremembering which professor announced that there would be a test next class True
The memory error of transience is caused by interference, interrupted consolidation
T/F Providing eye-witnesses with cues, such as repeated pictures of subjects or head-nodding by interviewers, is unlikely to affect the accuracy of the witness' memory recall, since memory for such events is stable over time False
T/F Communication is the primary function of language True
With regard to the structure of language, a "morpheme" is the smallest unit of language that conveys meaning True
Orthography refers to: letters
T/F The arcuate fasciculus is our system of grammatical rules False
T/F Language-related auditory stimuli is perceived in the exact same way as any other types of auditory stimuli False
Most people know this many words: 40,000 to 60,000
T/F Mental Lexicon is our collection of known words True
T/F In spoken language, words are perceived as distinct based upon slight pauses between each word by the speaker False
using a pronoun to refer back to something (or someone) in another sentence is called _________ _________. Anaphoric inference
T/F The primary visual cortex is located in the occipital lobes True
The process of visual sensation to perception, in which we infer meaning, happens at an unconscious level. True
Three principles of the Gestalt approach to visual perception are: Principle of proximity, principle of similarity, principle of good continuation
T/F Visual object recognition occurs in the dorsal pathway False
T/F The visual pathway responsible for identifying the "where" is the ventral pathway False
T/F Imagery contributes to problem solving, navigation, performance, and mind wandering True
Kosslyn (1973) predicted that participants would show longer response times in a task that involves moving longer distances across the scene or object; this model is referred to as the ___ ___ Model spatial representation
T/F Pictures are more easily remembered than words True
T/F Abstract words are remembered more easily than concrete words False
T/F Motor imagery can benefit performance in sports True
T/F Some researchers and clinicians consider Problem Solving to be one aspect of executive functioning True
T/F One framework for Problem Solving is represented by IDEAL True
T/F The first step in the problem solving model presented is Identify Possible Solutions False
T/F The second step in the problem solving model presented is to Describe the Solutions False
T/F The third step in the problem solving model is explore possible solutions True
T/F The fourth step in the problem solving model is Act on Solution. True
T/F The fifth step in the problem solving model is Listen False
This describes a problem solving strategy that does not guarantee a solution but works well enough Heuristic
This concept describes a mental representation of the initial and goal states, possible subgoals, constraints, and operators Problem Space
This concept describes the actions that can be performed to change a state Operators
T/F Errors in expressive language are typically the result of problems in the mouth, throat, and lungs. False
T/F The brain area known to be primarily responsible for expressive language is Broca's area. True
This describes a situation where one has access the semantic and syntactic representations of a word but not the phonological form of the word Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
T/F Processes involved for comprehension and production are similar but operate differently True
T/F As a general rule, anterior portions of the brain are more involved in receptive functions, and posterior portions of the brain are more involved in expressive functions False
The text describes a three-part model of language productions as conceptualization, ____, and articulation Formulation
T/F The word association model and the concept mediation model are two models to explain a bilingual person's mental lexicon True
T/F An animal's ability to mimic speech is one example of language False
The minimum distinguishing characteristic of human language is Recursive syntax
The actor, Bruce Willis, initially reported by media to have primary progressive aphasia, is now being reported as having frontotemporal dementia
T/F Deductive reasoning is one of the two primary types of reasoning presented in the text True
Methods to assess abstract reasoning include: Similarities, Proverbs, Matricies
This error refers to assuming that one event caused another, because the two events occurred close in time Illusory Correlation
This type of reasoning evaluates arguments Deductive
T/F This phrase represents Analogical Reasoning: a tree is to forest as a soldier is to army. True
T/F “Confirmation Bias” refers to using the falsification strategy. False
T/F A syllogism is two premises followed by a conclusion. True
T/F An argument is a set of premises without a conclusion. False
T/F One of the two primary types of reasoning per the text is inductive reasoning. True
This type of reasoning makes inferences based on observations. Inductive Reasoning
T/F A heuristic is a mental shortcut that we use to reduce the processing burden on our cognitive systems when we solve a problem or make a decision True
T/F The Availability Heuristics works through reliance on Stereotypes. False
The five phases of Galotti's (2002) Decision Making Model include: Setting Goals; Gathering Information; Structuring Decision; and what others? Making Final Choice and Evaluating Decision
T/F Anchoring effect occurs when the starting point given in a problem strongly influences our decision in estimating an answer to the problem. True
T/F Framing bias refers to the bias we have where “losses loom larger than gains.” False
This theory posits that we make decisions based on relative gain. Expected Utility Theory
T/F According to Prospect Theory, people tend to overweigh low-probability outcomes and underweight high-probability outcomes. True
T/F Research on cultural difference has found that Eastern populations have greater loss aversion. False
T/F The decoy effect occurs when a third option affects the choice between other equally valued options. True
When the goal of agreement within the group takes priority over the to-be-decided issue and therefore hinders decision-making, this process has occurred: Groupthink
T/F An example of a cross-sectional research design measures is measurement at one time of three different age groups: babies ages 1 month, 5 months, and 10 months of age, on cognitive functioning. True
T/F A longitudinal research design uses many different groups, observed over a long period of time. False
This type of research design allows for comparison of data both across groups and across different ages of the same individuals. Cohort Sequential
T/F Violation of Expectation procedure measures decrease in response after repeated exposure. False
T/F Eye tracking technique is more precise than preferential looking technique. True
Who proposed that language develops through reinforced imitation? Skinner
T/F Interactionalist approaches to language development integrate both nature and nurture into explanations of language development. True
T/F Explicit memory is the earliest to develop, starting in early infancy. False
His theory of language development posits that language is pre-programmed to develop. Chomsky
This developmental psychologist coined the term "schema" to refer to organized knowledge structures or representations. Piaget
Created by: shoughton19
Popular Psychology sets




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