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Root Words-Unit 13
tri, quad/quar, penta/quint
Term | Definition |
triathlon | a long-distance race that has three parts; swimming, bicycling, and running |
trilogy | a series of three novels, movies, etc., that are closely related and involve the same characters or themes |
trimester | a period of three months; one of three periods into which a school year is sometimes divided |
trident | a fishing spear that has three points and that looks like a large fork |
quadrangle | a flat shape that has four sides and four angles |
quartet | a group of four singers or musicians who perform together |
quart | a US customary unit of measurement for liquids; 4 quarts equals a gallon |
pentagon | a flat shape that has five sides and five corners |
pentagram | a shape that is like a star with five points formed by five straight lines |
quintuplet | one of five babies that are born at the same time to the same mother |