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PTAS 203 Exam 3

PTAS 203 Review Guide Exam 3

Atria Receiving chambers of heart
Ventricules Distributing chambers of heart
Systole Contraction of both atria and then ventricules
Diastole Relaxation of atria and ventricules
Ischemia Oxygen deprivation to tissues
Angina Pectoris Insufficient oxygen to heart causing chest pain
MI Myocardial cell death following blood supply cessation to heart
Arrhythmia Loss of normal heart rhythm
Arteriosclerosis Artery walls that have begun to thicken and lose elasticity
Arthrosclerosis Most common form of arteriosclerosis where artery walls have deposits of fat
CABG Coronary artery bypass graft
CHF Congestive heart failure; heart can not pump enough blood to meet body's demand
Cor Pulmonale Right ventricular failure associated with pulmonary diagnosis
Myocardial stenosis Narrowing of heart valves
Tetralogy of Fallot Congenital heart defect where there is a septal defect
PVD Peripheral vascular disease where circulatory system outside of the heart is affected
Intermittent claudication Pain in LEs that occurs with activity
Thromboangiitis Obliterans Chronic form of occlusive arterial disease that occurs in young male smokers
Pallor Paleness or absence of color in skin
Arterial embolism Cardiac emboli that moves
Arterial thrombi Blood clot
Raynaud's phenomenon Arterial spasm caused by cold exposure secondary to scleroderma, thoracic outlet
Phlebitis Inflammation of veins
Thrombophlebitis Phlebitis with blood clot
Homan's disease Patient has pain when gastroc is squeezed with dorsiflexion
Lymphedema Excessive accumulation in tissues due to lymph channel disruption
Gangrene Necrosis or tissue death
Syme's amputation Ankle disarticulation amputation
Hemicorpectomy Amputation of both legs and pelvis
Unna boot Semirigid dressing
Anemia Reduction of red blood cells or hemoglobin
Hemophilia Hereditary bleeding disorder caused by lack of clotting factor
Raynaud's Disease Benign vasospastic condition of fingers, hands or feet caused by cold exposure or stress
CVA Cerebral Vascular Accident or stroke
Aneurysm Weakening of arterial vessel wall
Hemianopsia Loss of visual field on each half of eyes
Agnosia Loss of ability to understand or interpret auditory, visual or other forms of sensory information even though the respective sensory organs are functioning properly
Hypotonia Low tone
Hypertonia High tone
Synergy Stereotypical, primitive movement patterns with spasticity (flexion, extension); limbs tend to move mass movement patterns and movements are not isolated.)
Associated reactions Abnormal automatic responses of the involved limb resulting from action occurring from some other part of the body by reflex or voluntary stimulation (sneezing, stretching or yawning)
Souque's phenomenon Finger extension with UE elevation
Raimiste's phenomenon Affected side will abduct when abduction is resisted on unaffected side
Apraxia Loss or impairment of the ability to perform coordinated movements especially impairment of the ability to use common objects for their intended purpose
Dysphasia/aphasia Loss or impairment of the ability to communicate through speech, writing or signs due to dysfunction of brain centers
Fluent aphasia Wernicke's Aphasia or receptive aphasia in which oral and written comprehension is poor but speech production is somewhat fluent
Nonfluent aphasia Broca's Aphasia or expressive aphasia in which oral and written comprehension is good but speech is nonfluent or limited to a word or two at a time
Global aphasia severe aphasia characterized by marked impairments of both production and comprehension of language
Dysarthria Difficulty with articulation
Dysphagia Difficulty with swallowing
Confabulation Filling memory gaps with inappropriate words or fabricated stories
Pusher's syndrome patient leans his/her strong side to the hemiplegic side which interferes with mobility
Perservation continued repetition of words, thoughts or acts not related to current context
TIA Transischemic attack; temporary episode of impaired neurological activity that usually resolves in 24 hours
Tetra(quadri)plegia 4 limb involvement
Paraplegia LE involvement
Brown-sequard syndrome SCI with assymetrical symptoms caused by stab wound
Anerior cord syndrome Flexion injuries to cervical area with loss of motor function with pain, proprioception and kinesthesia intact
Central cord syndrome Hyperextension injury with more UE involvement than LE involvement
Posterior cord syndrome Very rare with loss of proprioception below level of injury
Sacral sparing Patient retains sensation in perianal area and has toe flexors
Cauda equina injury Incomplete SCI where there is some recovery
Spinal shock Loss of all sensation and reflex activity below the level of lesion that occurs about 24 hours after injury
Autonomic dysreflexia Pathological autonomic reflex seen in patients with lesions above T-6. It is precipitated by noxious stimuli below the level of injury and produces an acute onset of autonomic activity. It is an EMERGENCY!
Postural hypotension A decrease in blood pressure when moving supine to sit; this is more common in cervical and thoracic lesions.
Glasgow Coma Scale documents the level of consciousness and defines the severity of injury
Rancho Los Amigos Level of Cognitive functioning outlines a predictable sequence of cognitive and behavioral recovery
Concussion Temporary loss of consciousness
Carpal tunnel Compression of median nerve
Bell's palsy Injury of 7th or Facial nerve
Thoracic outlet Brachial plexus compression
Foot drop Compression of peronneal nerve
Saturday night palsy Compression of radial nerve
Wrist drop Compression of radial nerve
Ape hand Compression of ulnar nerve
Parkinson's disease Progressive muscle rigidity and involuntary tremors caused by degeneration of substantia nigra and cells of basal ganglia; there are low levels of dopamine
Cog-wheel rigidity jerky, rachet-like response to passive movement as muscles alternately tense and relax
Lead piple rigidity constant, uniform resistance to passive movement
Bradykinesia slowness and difficulty maintaining movement
Hypokinesia reduction in speed, range and amplitude of movement
Micrographia abnormally small handwriting that is difficult to read
AlS Disease of motor neurons that results in muscular atrophy and weakness
Guillain-Barre Acute rapidly ascending paralysis of spinal nerves
Huntington's chorea Hereditary degenerative disease of the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia characterized by uncontrolled involuntary movements
Alzheimer's disease • Alzheimer’s disease is a type of chronic organic brain syndrome characterized by the death of neurons in the cerebral cortex and their replacement of microscopic “plaques” resulting in progressive intellectual impairment
Epilepsy Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder characterized by recurring attacks of abnormal sensory, motor and psychological activity
Alcohol abuse Alcohol abuse is a disorder of physical and psychological dependence on daily or regular excessive intake of alcoholic beverages
Post-polio syndrome Poliomyelitis is a viral infection of the anterior horn cells of the gray matter of the spinal cord and a selective destruction of the motor neurons. Post-polio syndrome occurs later in life in persons who have previously experienced the disease
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy RSD is a sympathetic vasomotor disorder caused by prolonged immobilization of the shoulder or hand. RSD can also occur in the foot.
Anaplastic When tumor no longer resembles parent tissue
Dyplasia General category indicating cell changes in size, shape or organization
Metaplasia First level of dysplasia that is benign and reversible
Hyperplasia Increased cell numbers in tissue
TNM Method of staging tumors that looks at size of tumor, lymph node involvement and presence/absence of metastases
Leukemia Progressive, malignant disease of blood forming organs
Hodkin's Disease Malignant neoplasm of lymphatic system
Created by: woblevalenski
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