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Barta - Respiratory

SJVC-Mrs Barta-Brand/Generic- Respiratory Agents

Levalbuterol Xopenex Bronchodilators-Sympathomimetics Bronchospasm
Salmeterol Serevent Bronchodilators-Sympathomimetics Asthma/BronchoSpasm
Albuterol Inh Proventil/Ventolin Bronchodilators-Sympathomimetics Bronchospasm
Bitolterol Tornalate Bronchodilators-Sympathomimetics Asthma/BronchoSpasm
Albuterol Tablets Volmax/Vospire Bronchodilators-Sympathomimetics Bronchospasm
Metaproterenol Alupent Bronchodilators-Sympathomimetics Asthma/BronchoSpasm
Pirbuterol Maxair Bronchodilators-Sympathomimetics Asthma/BronchoSpasm
Terbutaline Brethine Bronchodilators-Sympathomimetics Asthma/BronchoSpasm
Isoproterenol Isuprel Bronchodilators-Sympathomimetics Bronchospasm
Theophylline Theo-Dur, Theolair, Slo-Phylin, Uniphyl Bronchodilators-Xanthine Derivatives Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema
Oxtriphylline Choledyl SA Bronchodilators-Xanthine Derivatives Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema
Theophylline and Dextrose Theophylline and Dextrose Bronchodilators-Xanthine Derivatives Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema
Aminophyline Aminophyline Bronchodilators-Xanthine Derivatives Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema
Dyphylline Dilor Bronchodilators-Xanthine Derivatives Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema
Ipratropium Atrovent Bronchodilatos-Anticholinergics Bronchospasms, Rhinorrhea
Ipratropium and Albuterol Combivent Bronchodilatos-Anticholinergics Bronchospasms
Zafirlukast Accolate Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists Asthma
Montelukast Singulair Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists Asthma, Allergic rhinitis
Zileuton Zyflo Leukotriene Formation Inhibitors Asthma
Omalizumab Xolair Monoclonal Antibodies Asthma
Beclomethasone Qvar Corticosteroid Inhalant Asthma
Budesonide Pulmicort Corticosteroid Inhalant Asthma
Flunisolide AeroBid Corticosteroid Inhalant Asthma
Fluticasone Flovent Corticosteroid Inhalant Asthma
Triamcinolone Azmacort Corticosteroid Inhalant Asthma
Flunisolide Nasal Nasalide/Nasarel Corticosteroid Inhalant Rhinitis
Beclomethasone Nasal Beconase Corticosteroid Inhalant Rhinitis
Triamcinolone Nasal Nasacort Corticosteroid Inhalant Rhinitis
Budesonide Nasal Rhinocort Corticosteroid Inhalant Rhinitis
Fluticasone Nasal Flonase Corticosteroid Inhalant Allergic Rhinitis
Mometasone Nasonex Corticosteroid Inhalant Allergic Rhinitis
Acetylcysteine Mucomyst Mucolytic abnormal mucus secretions, antidote for apap overdose
Dornase Alfa Pulmozyme Mucolytic Cystic Fibrosis
Cromolyn Sodium Nasal Nasalcrom Mast Cell Stabilizers Bronchial Asthma
Nedocromil Tilade Mast Cell Stanilizers Asthma
Fluticasone Propionates/Salmeterol Advair Inhalent Combo Asthma
Pseudoephedrine Sudafed Nasal Decongestant-Arylalkylamines Nasal Congestion
Phenylephrine Afrin, Neo-Synephrine Nasal Decongestant-Imidazolines Nasal Congestion
Naphazoline Privine Nasal Decongestant-Imidazolines Nasal Congestion
Oxymetazoline Afrin, Neo-Synephrine Nasal Decongestant-Imidazolines Nasal Congestion
Tetrahydrozoline Tyzine Nasal Decongestant-Imidazolines Nasal Congestion
Beractant Survanta Lung Surfactants Rispiratory Distress Syndrome
Calfactant Inasurf Lung Surfactants Rispiratory Distress Syndrome
Poractant Alfa Curosurf Lung Surfactants Rispiratory Distress Syndrome
Chlorpheniramine Chlor-Trimeton Antihistamines Allergic Rhinitis
Carbinoxamine Histex Antihistamines Allergic Rhinitis
Clemastine Tavist Antihistamines Allergic Rhinitis
Diphenhydramine Benadryl Antihistamines Hypersensitivity Reactions
Promethazine Phenergan Antihistamines Hypersensitivity Reactions
Hydroxyzine HCL Atarax Antihistamines Pruritus,sedation
Hydroxyzine Pamoate Visteril Antihistamines Pruritus,sedation
Phenindamine Nolahist Antihistamines Allergic Rhinitis
Cyproheptadine Periactin Antihistamines Hypersensitivity Reactions
Azelastine Astelin Antihistamines Allergic Rhinitis
Cetirizine Zyrtec Antihistamines Allergic Rhinits
Desloratadine Clarinex Antihistamines Allergic Rhinits
Fexofenadine Allegra Antihistamines Allergic Rhinits
Loratadine Claritin Antihistamines Allergic Rhinitis
Benzonatate Tessalon Perles Antitussives Cough
Dextromethorphan DM, Benylin, Delsym Antitussives Cough
Guaifenesin Hytuss, Humabid, Duratuss, Robitussin Expectorants Cough
Created by: JuleB
Popular Pharmacology sets




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