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RHD Treatment

PSYC370C- RHD Treatment/Management/Intervention

Visual Scanning Treatment - involves training client to scan systematically from L to R - can involve cancellation tasks, reading test, & picture description - often incorporates external physical cues (ex. red line) - good impairment-level & functional gains, esp. if intensive
Visuo-Spatial-Motor Treatment - lighthouse strategy - incorporates imagery - involves training client to move head & eyes - pair movement & imagery w/ reading task - good outcomes of reduced semi-attention & better navigation
Virtual Reality - environment often reflect everyday activities - outcome measures often paper-pencil tasks - clients get better at its tasks - few get better at real-life tasks
Computer Training - general visual scanning training in isolation doesn't lead to reduction in hemi-inattention
Linguistic-Cognitive Approach - uses 6-step hierarchy - based on theory that RH contains features associated with emotional prosody - trains client to attend to, match, read aloud, & internalize descriptors of emotional prosody, facial expressions, & emotion labels
Imitative Approach - uses 6-step hierarchy - trains client to day target prosodic pattern in unison with SLP, then to imitate, then to produce with fewer cues, then more spontaneously (e.g., in response to question)
Linguistic-Cognitive & Imitative Approach - found to be effective for up to 3 months - resulted in better prosody production for trained & untrained sentences using trained emotions - neither resulted in better prosody production for untrained emotions - some Ps did better with one vs. other
Receptive Prosody Training - not empirically tested, based on expert opinion - researchers have proposed pitch & prosody discrimination tasks and compensatory strategies - might get client's family members to label their emotions explicitly prior to expressing them
Expressive Prosody Training - not empirically tested based on expert opinion - have clients state their emotions explicitly so that if prosody doesn't reflect that emotion, message has been conveyed - contrastive stress training can be used for expressing linguistic prosody
Metaphor Training Program - designed to improve metaphor comprehension RHD - compare semantic features of 2 component nouns in metaphors - all Ps showed improved metaphor comprehension after 10hrs of treatment - no generalization to real-life language comprehension
Strategic Memory & Reasoning Training - help client identify main idea & derive meaning from text - involves: inhibiting, organizing, inferencing, paraphrasing, synthesizing, integrating, generalizing - client showed improved verbal reasoning & maintained improves over 6 weeks
Attention Process Training - originally designed for TBI - hierarchy of difficulty -> lowest level to mastery - focus on auditory & visual attention - evidence for immediate gains in attention - little evidence for generalization to everyday activities
Metacognitive Strategies - thinking about one's own thinking - might involve self-instructions, such as 'focus of what she's saying' or 'ignore thoughts that around about the task'
Compensatory Strategies - might involve clients working within client's attention limits, taking breaks, breaking activities into small steps - might involve client writing down intrusive thoughts in key ideas log ('parking thoughts')
Environmental Strategies - teach client/family about attention deficits & how to modify environment to minimize effects - clients might need to learn when they are production, how to reduce visual distractions & how to reduce auditory distractions
Executive Function Treatment - have client generate own goals, monitor own performance, record performance, revise plan of action, & predict own performance - showed greater improvement in cognitive flexibility - effects minted at 3 & 6 months after (but still need more research)
Environmental Manipulation - involves organizing environment to make client more successful - ex. pad of paper near TV, white board to write reminders, setting alarms for medications
Created by: mariablv1999
Popular Psychology sets



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