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AP 2 Book

Lecture 3 Exam Study - Anatomy of Digestive System

The word "Aliment" comes from the latin word meaning? Food or nutrients
Functions of the Digestive System: 1 2 3 1. Intake of Water, Vitamins, Minerals, and Food 2. Digestion of food to be absorbed used in the body 3. Indigestible substances and cellulose in food passes entire distance of large intestine to be expelled from the body
The major components of the Digestive System: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Oral Cavity 2. Pharynx 3. Esophagus 4. Stomach 5. Small Intestine 6. Large Intestine
The Accessory Organs of the Digestive System: 1 2 3 4 1. Salivary Glands 2. Liver 3. Gallbladder 4. Pancreas
The first division of the Digestive System - an oval shaped structure in which mastication of food takes place Mouth
The mechanical break-down of food by large muscles of the mouth called Buccinators Mastication
The two portions of the Mouth: Oral Vestibule and Oral Cavity
The space between the teeth and cheeks Oral Vestibule
The space between the dental arches Oral Cavity
The Oral Cavity includes the: 1 2 1. Roof of the Mouth 2. Floor of the Mouth
Formed by the Hard and Soft Palate Roof of the Mouth
Formed by the Tongue Floor of the Mouth
The roof of the Mouth consists of the _____ _____ anteriorly and _____ _____ posteriorly Hard palate; soft palate
Formed by the Palatine processes of Maxillae and Horizontal Plates of the Palatine bones Hard Palate
The Hard Palate helps form a portion of he floor of the ____ ____ Nasal Cavity
The Hard Palate is bound laterally by the ______ ______ of the Maxillae and ______ Alveolar Processes; Mandible
A moveable fold of tissue, which is suspended from the posterior portion of Hard Palate Soft Palate
it extends backward and downward between the oral and nasal portions of the Pharynx Soft Palate
Arch way to the pharynx, with a conical process hanging downward is called the what? Uvula
Between the arches of the Soft Palate are the? Palatine Tonsils
During the _____ ___ ______, the soft palate draws up to close off the Nasal Cavity. Act of Swallowing
A freely moveable organ, covered with mucus membrane and numerous taste buds over its surface, situated on the floor of the Oral Cavity. Tongue
The base of the Tongue is situated _____ and its apex is _______ posterior; anterior
Tongue function? Mix food with saliva, keeping it pressed against the teeth for chewing
The tongue is held in place by a vertical band or fold called? Frenulum Linguae
The Salivary Glands secrete approximately _____-_____ milliliters of saliva a day 1000 - 2000
Saliva facilitates swallowing by: 1 2 1. Coats food with mucus to allow for easier swallowing 2. Forms food into a bolus
Saliva is composed of? 97% water, salts, and enzymes
An enzyme which initiates digestion and changes starches into simple sugars Ptyalin
Largest Salivary Gland Parotid
Duct associated with the Parotid Gland that carries saliva to the vestibule of the Mouth Stenson's Duct
Glands located on the floor of the Mouth? Submandibular Glands or Submaxillary
Duct associated with the Submandibular Gland that carries saliva to the base of the tongue Wharton's Duct
Glands located on the floor of the Mouth in the Sublingual Space lateral to the tongue Sublingual Glands
Duct associated with the Sublingual Gland that carries saliva Bartholin's Duct or Sublingual Duct
Serves as both a passageway for food and air - common to both the Digestive and Respiratory Systems Pharynx
The Pharynx is ___-inches in length and extends from the base of the skull to ____-____ where it becomes continuous with the Esophagus 5; C5-C6
Three divisions of the Pharynx: 1 2 3 1. Nasopharynx 2. Oropharynx 3. Hypopharynx
Connects the Nasopharynx with the Middle Ear - serves to equalisze air pressure between outside nasal passages and the middle ear Eustachian Tube
A mass of lymphoid tissue on the roof and posterior wall of the nasopharynx - enlargment of this tissue interferes with breathing which is common in children Pharyngeal Tonsils or Adenoids
The Oropharynx extends from the _____ _____ to the level of the _____ _____ Soft Palate; Hyoid Bone
When food enters the Oropharynx, this moves down to cover the opening of the Larynx during swallowing which prevents food and fluid from entering the Trachea Epiglottis
The Laryngopharynx or Hypopharynx extends from the _____ _____ to the level of _____-_____ where it becomes continuous with the esophagus Hyoid Bone; C5-C6
3 phases of swallowing: 1. Buccal Phase 2. Pharyngeal Phase 3. Esophageal Phase
What occurs in the Buccal Phase of Swallowing? Food is broken down and forms a bolus
What occurs in the Pharyngeal Phase of Swallowing? The Epiglottis closes over the top of the Larynx to prevent food and fluid from entering the Trachea
What occurs in the Esophageal Phase of Swallowing? The bolus of food enters the Esophagus, which initiates peristalsis, permitting food and fluid to enter the stomach
The Esophagus is a _____ inch long tube located in the posterior mediastinum, behind the _____, _____, and _____. 10; Larynx, Trachea, and Heart
The Esophagus extends from the _____ _____ of the Larynx _____ to the ______-___ Vertebrae. Cricoid Cartilage; C6;T10-T11
The Esophagus only opens when? Swallowing
The linings of the Esophagus are composed of: 1. Upper 1/3rd - ________ Muscle 2. Middle 1/3rd - _______ Muscle 3. Lower 1/3rd - ______ Muscle 1. Skeletal 2. Longitudinal 3. Smooth
Fluids pass through the Esophagus by? Gravity
Solids pass through the Esophagus by? Peristalsis
2 Indentations along the path of the Esophagus? 1. At the Aortic Arch 2. Where it crosses the Left Main Stem Bronchus
2 constrictions along the path of the Esophagus? 1. Where it enters the Thorax at level C6 2. Where it pierces the Diaphragm to join with the Stomach at level T11
The opening in the diaphragm where it is pierced is called the? Esophageal Hiatus
The abdominal Esophagus is often called the _____ _____ because of it's close relationship to the Heart Cardiac Antrum
The Cardiac Antrum measures? 1-2 cm
The opening between the distal Esophagus and the Fundus of the Stomach Cardiac Orifice or Esophagogastric Junction
Superior to the Cardiac Orifice is a notch termed the? Cardiac Notch or Incisura Cardiaca
Controls how food and liquids enter the Stomach by circular muscles which open and close called? Cardiac Sphincter
The most expanded, dilated portion of the Digestive System, the principle organ of digestion? The Stomach
Location of the Stomach LUQ
When the Stomach is empty, it collapses on upon itself into numerous longitudinal folds called? Rugae
What is the Function of the Stomach? Serves as a large mixing bowl that forms partially digested food into a liquid mass called Chyme
A liquid mass of formed partially digested food Chyme
Another name for the Body of the Stomach Corpus
What are the two curvatures of the Stomach? 1. Greater Curvature: lateral border 2. Lesser Curvature: medial border
The three subdivisions of the Stomach: 1 2 3 1. Fundus 2. Body 3. Pylorus
Located at the convex Lateral Border of the Stomach Notch at its distal end, extending from the Cardiac Orifice to the Pylorus Greater Curvature or Sulcus Intermedius
A notch at the distal end which curves from the Cardiac Orifice to the medial border of the body of the Stomach Lesser Curvature or Incisura Angularis
The most distal portion of the Stomach at L1 Pylorus
The portion of the Stomach leading from the body of the Stomach to the Pyloric Canal Pyloric Antrum
Expanded ballooned portion of the Stomach which lies lateral and superior to the Cardiac Orifice Fundus
The Fundus of the Stomach lies ______ to the body of the Stomach? Posterior
The Pyloric Canal ends in a circular muscle which controls the flow of gastric contents from the Stomach into the Duodenum of the Small Intestine Pyloric Sphincter
The four layers of the lining of the Stomach: 1. Serosa: outer protective covering 2. Muscularis: Contrast through Peristalsis 3. Submucosal: Connective tissue 4. Mucosal: Thick inner layer thrown into folds
A gastric secretion that kills bacteria that may enter the digestive tract along with food and fluid, a back flow irritates the esophageal lining and leads to symptoms of heartburn. Hydrochloric Acid
A backflow of Hydrochloric Acid irritates the Esophageal lining and leads to symptoms of Heartburn Gastric Esophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD)
An enzyme that initiates digestion of Proteins by chemical means Pepsin
A hormone which stimulates production of Hydrochloric Acid Gastrin
A hormone released into the bloodstream to inhibit movement of the Stomach, allowing for slower rate of emptying when digesting fats Endogastrin
Patient who has a Stomach located high in the Abdomen, is wide and lies in a transverse plane Hypersthenic
Patient with a Gallbladder that is high and located laterally in RUQ, round shaped Hypersthenic
Patient with a Colon that is high in the abdomen and extends around the periphery Hypersthenic
Patient with increased Motility; empties faster Hypersthenic
Patient with a Stomach tubular in shape, as wide above as below Sthenic
Patient with a Gallbladder that lies to the right, at the level of the elbow, pear shaped Sthenic
Patient with a colon that extends around the periphery Sthenic
Patient with normal motility Sthenic
Patient with a Stomach that sags below the Umbilicus into the pelvic cavity, collapsed above and expanded below Hyposthenic
Patient with a Gallbladder lower in the abdomen and closer to the spine Hyposthenic
Patient with a colon that extends around the periphery, lower in the abdomen with more in the pelvic cavity Hyposthenic
Patient with Moderate decreased motility, slow emptying Hyposthenic
Patient with a Stomach that is long and narrow and sags near umbilicus; lies lower in the abdomen than hyposthenic patient Asthenic
Patient with a Gallbladder that is low at the level of Iliac Crest, vertical in shape and frequently lies over spine Asthenic
Patient with a colon that folds on itself, occupying a low and medium position in the pelvic cavity Asthenic
Patient with decreased motility, very slow Asthenic
The Small Intestine extends from the _______ _____ to the _______ _____ where it joins the Large Intestine Duodenal Bulb; Ileocecal Valve
Major function of the Small Intestine The absorption of nutrients and completion of the digestive process
The Small Intestine consists of what three portions: 1 2 3 1. Duodenum 2. Jejunum 3. Ileum
The shortest and widest portion of the Small Intestine Duodenum
Where is the Duodenum located? Retroperitoneal where it forms a "C Loop" from its connection with the Jejunum
What lies within the C-Loop of the Duodenum? Head of the Pancreas
What are the four parts to the Duodenum: 1 2 3 4 1. Duodenal Bulb or Cap 2. Descending Duodenum 3. Transverse or Horizontal portion of the Duodenum 4. Ascending duodenum
Superior portion of the Duodenum, connected to the pylorus of the stomach? Duodenal Bulb
Released from the Duodenal Bulb into the bloodstream, which causes the Gallbladder to contract and release bile. Cholecystokinen
The largest segment of the Duodenum, the descending portion, receives the _____ ____ ____ and ______ _____ at an opening called the ______ of _____ to bring bile and pancreatic enzymes to the duodenum to aid in the digestion of fats. Common Bile Duct; Pancreatic Duct; Ampulla of Vater
Circular muscle fibers that control the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes into the descending duodenum Circular muscle fibers that control the flow of bile and Pancreatic enzymes into the descending Duodenum Sphincter of Oddi
The ascending duodenum curves superiorly to join with the jejunum junction at a flexure called what? What is it held in place by? Angle of Treitz; Ligament of Treitz
Location of the Jejunum? Left Upper and Lower Quadrants
How much of the Small Intestine does the Jejunum occupy? 2/5ths
What is the primary responsibility of the Jejunum? The absorption of digested nutrients into the bloodstream
In the mucosal lining of the Jejunum, are finger-like projections (where the absorption of nutrients takes place) called? Microvilli
Nutrient filled blood from the capillary network of the Jejunum lining travels through the ______ _____ in which what takes place? Portal Vein; regulates glucose levels and further detoxifies for use in the body
Once blood is further detoxified by the liver, the blood containing nutrients enters the ______ _____, in which it brings blood from the Liver to the ______ ______ _____ and back to the Heart. Hepatic Vein; Inferior Vena Cava
Distal Third Portion of the Small Intestine, the longest segment. Ileum
What is the main function of the Ileum? Serves as a passageway for waste products into the Large Intestine
Where does the Ileum end with its junction with the Cecum of the Large Intestine? Terminal Ileum
Small muscular valve that controls the flow of intestinal contents between the Ileum and Cecum? Ileocecal Valve
How much of the Small Intestine is the Ileum comprised of? Remaining 3/5ths
Two mechanisms of digestion: 1. Mechanical Breakdown 2. Chemical Breakdown
food substances are broken down into smaller particles by? Mechanical breakdown
The process of food substances being broken down mechanically by teeth into smaller particles is called? Mastication
Important radiographically to ensure the entire small intestine has been examined The Ileocecal Valve
Mechanical breakdown of the bolus via the Pharynx and Esophagus through a process called? Deglutition
Moves the contents along the Digestive Tract Peristalsis
Mechanical breakdown of food when what happens with the gastric secretions producing chyme? Churning of the Stomach
Bile mechanically breaks down fat into what? Smaller Globules
Waste products are eliminated by _______ for elimination by the Large Intestine. Peristalsis
After Mechanical digestion occurs, Chemical Breakdown occurs to do what? Chemically forming new substances or nutrients that the body can use
Digested in the mouth, Stomach and Small Intestine, the end products are ______ and ______ (simple sugars) which serve as the body's fuel. Carbohydrates; Glucose and Glucagon
Digested in the Stomach and Small Intestine, the end products are ______ ______, which form new proteins in blood plasma. Proteins; Amino Acids
Digested in the Small Intestine only, the end products are _____ _____ and ______ which are absorbed into the Lymphatic System. Fats; Fatty Acids and Glycerol
What mechanisms are needed to break down fats in the small intestine? Mechanical and Chemical Mechanisms
The _______ releases enzymes which chemically breakdown fats Pancreas
The ______ Liver releases bile that mechanically breaks down fats Liver
The entire surface of the Large Intestine is pulled into pouches called? Haustra
Haustra is formed by three longitudinal bands of muscles called? Taenia Coli
Functions of the Large Intestine: 1 2 3 4 1. Elimination of gas and fecal material produced in digestion 2. Absorption of water 3. Absorption of vitamins K, B, and Amino Acids 4. Absorption of Inorganic Salts
The largest expanded portion of the Large Intestine? Cecum
Where does the Cecum join the Ileum? At the Ileocecal Valve
A blind pouch with only one opening which means it cannot empty itself, attached at the Cecum's posterior medial portion, if infectious agents enter, it can become inflamed resulting in Appendicitis. Vermiform Appendix
List the portions of the Large Intestine in order: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Cecum 2. Ascending Colon 3. Right Colic Hepatic Flexure 4. Transverse Colon 5. Left Colic Splenic Flexure 6. Descending Colon 7. Sigmoid Colon 8. Rectum 9. Anus
The Anus is surrounded by? Internal and External sphincter muscles
Double-walled membranous sac lining the abdominal cavity Peritoneum
Potential space which separates the linings of the Peritoneum Peritoneal Cavity
Internal lining which adheres to the organs Visceral Peritoneum
Double fold of Peritoneum extending anteriorly from the posterior abdominal wall, to hold the loops of the Small Intestine in place, to enclose organs and provide protection and support Mesentery
A specific type of double-fold Peritoneum extending from the Stomach to other organs Omentum
Peritoneum that attaches the transverse colon to the posterior abdominal wall Transverse mesocolon
Outer lining which adheres to the abdominal and pelvic walls and underside of diaphragm Parietal Peritoneum
Intraperitoneal Structures which lie within the peritoneum: "Lets Get Super Soakers Just In Case They Squirt Cats" Liver Gallbladder Spleen Stomach Jejunum Ileum Case Transverse and Sigmoid Colon
Retroperitoneal Structures which lie behind the Peritoneum: "PU KID, your Ascending and Descending Colon Reeks, AAA" Pancreas Ureters Kidneys Inferior Vena Cava Duodenum Ascending and Descending Colon Proximal Rectum Abdominal Aorta Adrenal Glands
Infraperitoneal Structures which lie within the true pelvis: "Just DUR" Distal Rectum Urinary Bladder Reproductive Organs
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