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Chapter 1 & 2 Vocab

Call of the wild

anthropomorphism the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object
aristocrat anything believed to be the best, elegant, or most noble of its kind
imperiously ruling in a snobby manner
insular protected, characteristic of an isolated people especially reflecting a limited and narrow viewpoint
besetting constantly present or attacking
progeny children or offspring
treachery extreme betrayal of trust
unwonted not customary or usual
calamity an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster
impending soon to appear or take place; about to happen
tormentor a person or thing who inflicts great bodily or mental suffering, pain
genial warmly, friendly, pleasantly cheerful
ruction a noisy fight or disturbance; an uproar
conciliate to win over; to gain something such as goodwill by pleasing acts
cunning sly and crafty in the use of special resources or attributes
docilely in a manner easily led or managed
latent present but not visible or apparent
primitive of or relating to the earliest age or time period; uncivilized, savage
uncowed without having courage destroyed; not intimidated
wheedling to influence or entice by flattery
weazened wrinkled and withered
swarthy dark skin color
primordial existing from the beginning of time; very ancient
vicarious performed or suffered by one person as substitute for another or to the benefit of another
draught (draft) animal an animal used for hauling heavy loads
reproof criticism for a fault
appeasement the act or action of making concessions to pacify or conciliate
introspective given to private thought
malignant actively evil in nature
gaunt haggard, excessively thin, emaciated
disconsolate hopelessly sad
ignominiously shamefully
arduous hard to accomplish or achieve
placatingly appeasingly; with soothing manner especially with use of concessions
toil hard continuous work, exhausting effort
fastidiousness carefulness in all details
malingerer one who pretends to be ill or incapacitated in order to escape work
retrogression the act of deteriorating; return to a less complex level of development or organization
cadence the beat or rhythm of movement
Created by: Phoebe1
Popular Library Media sets




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