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Apologia Physical Science Module 7

What are the 3 main factors that affect earth's weather? Thermal energy, uneven distribution of thermal energy, and water vapor in the atmosphere
What is Weather? The condition of the earth's atmosphere (mostly the troposphere) at any particular time.
What is Climate? A steady condition that prevails day in and day out in a particular region of creation.
What are the 4 types of clouds? Cumulus, stratus, lenticular, and cirrus
What does the prefix "alto" mean when it is added to the beginning of one of the cloud names? It means that the cloud is found at a higher altitude than what is typical for that group of cloud.
What does the prefix "nimbo" and the suffix "nimbus mean when it is added to the beginning or end of one of the cloud names? It means that the cloud is darker than what is typical for that group of cloud.
What is Aphelion? The point at which the earth is farthest from the sun.
What is Perihelion? The point at which the earth is closest to the sun.
What are lines of longitude? Imaginary lines that run north and south across the earth
What are lines of latitude? Imaginary lines that run east and west across the earth
What is the Coriolis effect? The way in which the rotation of the earth bends the path of winds, sea currents, and objects that through different latitudes.
What is an air mass? A large body of air with relatively uniform pressure, temperature, and humidity.
What is a weather front? A boundary between two air masses.
If stratus clouds are dark, then what are they called? Nimbostratus
If you find lenticular clouds higher than normal, then what are they called? Altolenticular
What does "insolation" stand for? Incoming Solar Radiation
Is the Northern Hemisphere's summer during aphelion or perihelion? Aphelion
What are cumulus clouds? Fluffy piles of clouds that, when turned into cumulonimbus clouds, produce what many people call "thunderclouds".
Is the Southern Hemisphere's winter during aphelion or perihelion? Aphelion
What are stratus clouds? Layers of clouds that form at the lowest altitudes.
Is the Northern Hemisphere's winter during aphelion or perihelion? Perihelion
What are cirrus clouds? Wispy clouds that form at the highest altitudes.
Is the Southern Hemisphere's summer during aphelion or perihelion? Perihelion
What are lenticular clouds? Lens-shaped clouds that form in mountainous regions.
What are the 2 factors that affect how much sun a region gets? The earth's distance from the sun, and its axial tilt.
At the 2 equinoxes, the days are how many hours long in both hemispheres? 12 hours long
Even though we celebrate Jesus Christ's birthday in December, (Christmas) when was he really born? (Jesus Christ is the Savior of the whole world, and through science you can really see it. The way that the world is perfectly designed so that if the eart In April Jesus Christ is the Savior and Creator of the world, and through science you can see it. The earth is perfectly designed so that if it was a little bit closer or further to or from the sun we would either burn or freeze. Isn't He amazing?
Does hot air rise or sink? It rises.
Does cold air rise or sink? It sinks.
Prevailing winds in the polar regions are called what? Polar easterlies
Prevailing winds in the mid latitudes are called what? Westerlies
Prevailing winds near the equator are called what? Trade winds. (Why aren't they just called Northerlies or Southerlies?) :)
Created by: HLup2nogood
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