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Psych Unit 7

Motivation, Emotion, Stress, and Health

What can influence eating habits? Hunger, socialization, comfort, boredom, cultural, stress
Anorexia Nervosa people who starve themselves to below 85% of their body weight and refuse to eat due to their obsession with their weight
Bulimia Nervosa people who eat large amounts of food in a short period of time and the purge, also obsessed with their weight
What are the effects of anorexia? Hair loss, kidney failure, dry skin, weak bones, period loss/infertility
What are the effects of bulimia? Dental problems , distorted body image, olw self-esteem, metabolic deficiencies
Obesity when people are severely overweight and it becomes threatening to their health, typically caused by unhealthy eating habits
James-Lange Emphasizes physiological determinants of emotion --> You feel your heart racing and then become fearful
Cannon Bard Thalamus sends signals to cortex and autonomic system -->Physiological determinants and emotion responses occur at the same time
Schachter's Two Factor Emotion depends on autonomic arousal and cognitive interpretation of that arousal
What factors CAN predict happiness? High self-esteem, outgoing personality, close relationships, goals, work, religion, good sleep, and exercise
What factors CAN'T predict happiness? Age, gender, education, parenthood, attractiveness, money** *Money can up to a certain threshold which allows people to meet their basic needs
Instinct a complex behavior that is rigidly patterned throughout a species and is unlearned
Motivation a need or desire that energizes and directs behavior
Drive-Reduction Theory the idea that a physiological need creates drive or aroused state that motivates an organism to satisfy the need
Yerson-Dodson Law the principle that performance increases with arousal only up to a point, beyond which performance decreases, moderate arousal leads to optimal performance
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs a pyramid of human needs, beginning at the with with physiological needs which must be satisfied before more complex needs
Arousal Theory focuses on finding the right level of stimulation
Instinct Theory focuses on genetically predisposed behaviors
Affiliation Need the need to belong and be part of a group
Grit passion and perseverance to pursue a goal
Facial Feedback Hypothesis the tendency of facial muscles to trigger corresponding feelings such as fear, anger, or happiness
General Adaptation Syndrome the way we typically react to stressors; includes alarm, resistance, and then exahaustion
Alarm activation of sympathetic nervous system
Resistance sudden outpouring of hormones
Exhaustion reserves are depleted and one becomes more susceptible to illness
Acute Stressors come from demands and pressures of the recent past and anticipated demands and pressures of the near future
Chronic Stressors when a person nevers sees a way out of a situation
Frustration a feeling of tension that occurs when our efforts to reach some goal are blocked
Pressures real or perceived serious demands imposed on one person by another individual
Approach-approach when you must choose between 2 desirable outcomes
Avoidance-avoidance when you must choose between 2 unattractive outcomes
Approach-avoidance when one event or goal has both attractive and unattractive features
Double approach-avoidance when confronted with 2 goals both with many attractive and unattractive features
Created by: MadisonFoleyReis
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