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Nature genes; traits inherited
Nurture environmental influences
What is the debate about nature and nurture? how many/ what characteristics come from chromosomes or the result from experiences
epigenetics the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work
differential susceptibility people vary in how sensitive they are to particular experiences
ecological-systems approach considers all influences from various contexts of development
cohort people born within the same historical period
what is similar about psychosexual and psychosocial development? both believe that adult problems stem from childhood
what does psychosexual development focus on? sexual ueges
what does psychosocial development focus on? family and culture
classical conditioning learning occurs through association
operant conditioning learning occurs through reinforcement and punishment
cross sectional research compares people who differ in age but not characteristics
genotype an organisms entire genetic inheritance (i.e. chromosomes)
phenotype observational characteristics of a person (i.e. appearance)
how is the sex of a girl determined sperm fertilizes egg with X chromosome
how is the sex of a boy determined sperm fertilizes egg with Y chromosome
autosomes control inheritance of all an organisms characteristics
homozygous identical alleles of genes
heterozygous two different alleles of genes
monozygotic twins are: identical
dizygotic twins are: fraternal
why is down syndrome a chromosomal condition? it is caused by an extra chromosome
recessive conditions that are X-linked hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and fragile X syndrome
behavioral teratogens harmful prenatal brain that affect the child's intellectual and emotional functioning
five things the Apgar scale measures color, heart beat, cry, muscle tone, breathing
pruning serves to help brain run more efficiently; removal of the synaptic connection
experience expectant brain functions require certain basic common experiences in order to develop normally
experience dependent brain functions depend on particular variable; may or may not function
when does hearing develop last trimester
when does seeing develop immature at birth but experience builds it
when does tasting/smelling develop adapts rapidly after birth
benefits of child directed speeech helps babies know a starting point when talking
two social fear most common in infants and toddlers separation anxiety and stranger wariness
synchrony coordinated, rapid, and smooth exchange of responces b/t a caregiver and child
secure attachment infant obtains comfort and confidence from parent
social referencing when you look around at other reaction to figure out how to react
working model assumptions used to organize perceptions
how does a child obtain a working model through emotionally loving and supportive parents
Created by: Chesney04
Popular Psychology sets




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