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SS africa


Africa is the world’s second largest continent.
GEOGRAPHY Label the 3 main geographical areas Desert Savanna rainforest
sahara desert is hot and dry
Savanna is open grassland with scattered trees
Rain Forest is moist, densely wooded areas near the equator
Mountains the atlas mountains in northwest africa
River niger river artery of trade
RESOURCES Crops dates, grains
Metals a large surplus of gold and iron
Transportation Camels for the desert Donkeys and cattle for the savanna
BUT, the people of West Africa needed salt
Salt was important because salt was not found where they lived
Silent barter means traders would leave salt on the banks of the Niger and the gold miners would leave what they thoughts was a fair amount of gold in return.
Three West African Empires (in order of the time period they existed) 1.ghana 2.mali 3.songhai
Arose along the Niger River
Used________ iron weapons to conquer other tribes iron
Dates of empire 750 - 1076 CE
Land location between the the and the rainforests; Niger River and Atlantic Ocean
Why was the location so important? This geographic location allowed for trading between the people of Ghana and northern Africa. Ghana was located exactly between salt and gold mines.
Who did they trade with? Muslim traders
How did they profit from being the center for trade? Explain 2 ways: ◦ 1. By 800 CE, Ghana controlled the trade routes between northern and southern Africa. ◦ 2. Ghana’s rulers looked for ways to profit even more from traders traveling through their empire, so they taxed the goods the traders carried back and forth.
How much bigger was Mali than Ghana? twice the size
what did King Sundiata achieve conquered Ghana and established the Kingdom of Mali
Sundiata took power away from the local leaders. He named himself ________ of his kingdom Mansas means emperor
Agriculture was very important with such crops as rice, onions, beans, cotton.
Another____________ was found making them even wealthier. gold mine
Another important ruler in Mali was mansa musa
mansa musa was probably the richest man ever
What religion was Mansa Musa? muslim
What is a hajj? religious journey to a holy city
What were some big accomplishments of Mansa Musa? (at least 3) Made an impressive pilgrimage to Mecca with 50,000 people. Slaves carrying gold staffs, 80 to 100 camels carrying 100 pounds of gold.In Cairo, Egypt he gave out so much gold that the local gold coin depressed for a decade
After the death of Mansa Musa _ Mali was weak and allowed Songhai to come in and take over.
becomes the emperor of Songhai. Sunni Ali
How does he unify Songhai? (2 ways)  He unified Songhai by encouraging people to work together,  and he participated in both Muslim and local polytheistic religions.
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