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QuizletTMC Questions

Notes from Quizlet TMC

A patient is receiving O2 from an E cylinder at 4 L/min through a nasal cannula. The cylinder pressure is 1900 psig. How long will the cylinder run until it is empty? E tank:0.28 H Tank 3.14 Equation: PSi x Tank factor/Liter Flow 1900 x 0.28/ 4
After the Respiratory Therapist sets up a nonrebreathing mask on a patient at a flow rate of 10 L/min, the reservoir bag collapses before the patient finishes inspiring Increase flow to 15 L/Min
A patient with carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning can best be treated with NRB
what is the patient's total arterial O2 content? pH: 7.41 PaCO2: 37 mmHg PaO2: 88 mmHg HCO3: 26 mEq/L SaO2: 95% Hb: 14 g/dL (Hb x 1.36 x SaO2) + (0.003 x PaO2) (14 x 1.36 x 0.95) + ( 0.003 x 88) 18
The respiratory therapist receives an order to set up a moderate level of O2 on a patient who arrives in the ED breathing at a rate of 35 breaths/min Moderate level would be most acceptable for a Air Entrainment 24-60% Severe Level would be most acceptable for a NRB 80% to 100% Mild Level would be more of a NC
A severe COPD patient arrives in the emergency department on a 2 L/min nasal cannula pH: 7.32 PaCO2: 67 mmHg PaO2: 62 mmHg HCO3: 38 mEq/L Maintain O2 Current Level Although their CO2 is Shit that is appropriate for COPDiers so no need for ventilation therapies
A patient breathing 50% oxygen has a PaO2 of 248 torr. Which of the following should the RT recommend? Titrate O2 to maintain Spo2 above 93%, If Titrate is not an option then it would be D/C O2
You notice that the patient's secretions have become thicker and more difficult to suction since the ventilator humidifier was replaced with an HME. The RT should recommend which of the following? Replace HME with a conventional heated humidifier
How to correct Auto-PEEP? Increase Expiratory time (Decrease RR)** Most common answer Decrease inspiratory time (increase flow rate) Decrease tidal volume Add PEEP
Adverse effects of PEEP Decreased CO Decreased urine output
Increasing PIP and plateau pressure is indicative of Decrease compliance
Patient is snoring during CPAP. How do you correct this? Increase CPAP or EPAP until there are no apnea periods or snoring. If CPAP is increased to 15 cmH2O initiate BIPAP
The RT is asked to recommend a humidifier that will be able to provide the highest water vapor content to the patient's airway Wick Humidifier
The respiratory therapist has been asked to measure Auto-PEEP on a patient receiving mechanical ventilation. In order to do this, the therapist should initiate an expiratory hold just prior to the next ventilator-delivered breath.
A patient in the ICU receiving mechanical ventilation has just undergone a fiberoptic bronchoscopy procedure in which a tissue biopsy was collected. Immediately peak inspiratory pressure on the ventilator has increased. This includes what? Pneumothorax Pulmonary hemorrhage Bronchospasm/laryngospasm. Except: Hypoxemia.
Created by: Fabian.559
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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