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Research Methods

Case Study Observation study technique in which there is in-depth investigation of the behavior and mental processes associated with a specific person or situation.
Surveys Observation study technique where researchers obtain large samples of abilities, beliefs, or behaviors of a group at a specific time and place.
Naturalistic Observation Observation study technique made up of careful observations of humans or animals in real-life situations without control or manipulation.
Experiment Research method that includes the manipulation of an independent variable under controlled conditions and measurements of its effects on a dependent variable.
Theories Component of an experiment in which organized sets of concepts are created to explain phenomena.
Hypothesis Component of an experiment that is the testable prediction of how two or more factors are likely to be related.
Independent Variable (IV) The factor, behavior, or mental process the researcher manipulates in a controlled experiment (the cause).
Dependent Variable (DV) The factor, behavior, or mental process that is measured in an experiment or quasi-experiment (the effect).
Confounding Variables Factors that cause differences between the experimental group and the control group other than the independent variable.
Experimenter Bias A phenomenon that occurs when a researcher's expectations or preferences about the outcome of a study influence the results obtained.
Single-Blind Study Research design in which participants don't know whether they are in the experimental or control group.
Double-Blind Study Research design in which neither the experimenter nor the participants know who is in the experimental group and who is in the control group.
Placebo A physical or psychological treatment given to the control group that resembles the treatment given to the experimental group, but that contains no active ingredient or the independent variable being experimented on.
Placebo Effect A response to the belief that the independent variable will have an effect, rather than the actual effect of the independent variable, which can be a confounding variable.
Control Group The comparison group; the subgroup of the sample that is similar to the experimental group in every way except for the presence of the independent variable.
Experimental Group The subgroup of the sample that receives the treatment or independent variable.
Random Assignment A method to divide the sample into separate groups so that every individual has an equal chance of being put in any group or condition.
Random Selection Choosing of members of a population so that every individual has an equal chance of being chosen to participate in a study.
Reliability Consistency or repeatability of results.
Validity The extent to which an instrument measures or predicts what to measure or predict.
Operational Definition A description of the presence of a variable.
Statistics A field that involves the analysis of numerical data about representative samples of populations.
Descriptive Statistics Numbers that summarize a set of research data obtained from a sample.
Measures of Central Tendency A single value that represents the middle or center of its distribution.
Range The difference between the largest score and the smallest score, the starting number to the final number.
Mean The arithmetic average of a set of scores or numbers.
Median The middle score or number when a set of data is ordered by size/smallest to biggest measurement
Mode The most common score or number in a set of data.
Standard Deviation Measures the average difference between each score and the mean of the data set; how much the score deviates from the average score.
Correlation Coefficient (r) A statistical measure of the degree of relatedness or association between two sets of data that ranges from -1 to +1; how strong the relationship between two variables is.
Inferential Statistics Statistics that are used to interpret data and draw conclusions--allow you to test a hypothesis or assess whether your data is generalizable to the broader population.
Unethical Experiments Experiments that do not follow society's morals-- Harry Harlow: maternal separation monkey, Phil Zimbardo: Stanford Prison Experiment, Stanley Milgram: electric shocks
Informed Consent Ensure that individuals are voluntarily participating in the research with full knowledge of relevant risks and benefits.
Sampling Error A statistical error that occurs when the sample selected does not represent the entire population of data.
Created by: PunkSkunk
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